Rukio's suggestion plethora

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    • #2527

      + Half blocks.
      + Glass should be connected if next to each other that way you can see through it properly. The giant white panel inside it should be removed.
      + Placing a block ontop of lootable blocks should move the lootables away instead of not being able to place something until it’s picked up or despawns.
      + Have falling blocks? Sand comes to mind.
      + Leaves of trees should decay or drop to the ground to be looted when the trunk is harvested.
      + Tree should fall over/have everything else crumble and become lootable once a lower level block has been harvested.
      + Have trees respawn outside of a certain range of player build structures/blocks
      + For sloped blocks. Instead of moving the blocks through the inventory. Maybe hit a out of way key such as Tilde ` to bring up a menu for the block you were hovering over and it display all the variations of block you can use. Using the number keys to select the variant it’ll begin placing the variant you select until prompted otherwise.
      + A tool to swap a block with another type. Here is an example.

      Here is a wooden block. I think it’d look nicer as a glass block. So I’d hover over it, hold say.. Q since it doesn’t do anything at the moment.

      Hold Q and right click and BAM! The wooden block is now a glass block! And somehow the wood would be returned into your inventory.

      + Allow blocks to be turned.
      – PLANKS_ACACIA for instance, Instead of going left to right, turning it makes it go up and down.
      + A system where there are three block sizes. Big medium and small. Or just regular small and tiny.
      – Regular is the current blocks.
      – Small would be four blocks to make up one side of regular
      – Tiny would be four to make up a small
      ~ This would allow us to sculpt and mark artificial things such as:
      ~ Rails, stairs, better sculptures,
      + Better visual queues to distinguish white blocks
      + Appropriate sloped blocks for Loopty loops!

      + A hunting system
      – Sneaking system to hunt animals, let players hide in bushes/trees. Sneaking up behind a hostile mob won’t aggro unless you get too close
      – Skinning for leather armor. Skinning would require a crafted skinning knife to skin. A Tanning rack to craft armor.
      – Animal traps
      + Shields
      Via it using a shield, a giant 2H or magic barriers!
      + Special weapons destroy terrain blocks. Durability reduced significantly though depending on the block

      It would make an interesting concept.
      A shield blocking mostly physical damage and ranged projectiles while being weaker too magic.
      A 2H for those everything berserk! Don’t make them just a vulnerable power house, give them a block! Thing is it’s nothing like a shield or magic barrier. It reduces incoming damage very slightly.
      Magic barriers are good against.. you guessed it! Magic based attacks and possibly projectiles. Melee physical only reduced slightly.

      ======Combat II + Progression System
      + Tied with the progression system, using a 1H sword for X amount of time in combat or generating so much pseudo (incase there are no levels) experience, you gain a skill while that weapon type is equipped. Say a charge or gap closer (like a little jump) to balance out ranged in pvp.
      + Wearing a certain armor type (If there is any!) for awhile grants you a short dodge. Heavy a hop in direction being held. Medium a roll. Light could also be a roll
      + Abilities tied to each weapon, kind of like Guild Wars 2
      + Tie the progression system HEAVILY in this

      + Signs
      + Hedge trimmers for the dang leaves. Fast harvest speed and instant drop the leaves. Little to no damage on anything else.
      + Somewhere along the progression line, allow the player to craft a wearable item that grants flight in his beacon.
      + Different colored glass, stained glasses
      + Retractable grappling hook
      + Consumable item that’s crafted warps you back to your home/beacon.
      + Effect block. Add the effect to a block, like smoke to make chimneys all smokey and a house all cozy, or fire to wood for a chimney also
      + Camp fires for warmth, light and cooking
      + Forges should require multiple different blocks to craft.
      + Alchemy, Potions that make you run faster, glow in the dark, swim faster, breathe underwater, health boosts.
      + Crafting system requires more than just a crafting table. ex. Armor smithing needs a forge, anvil, and hammer. This would differentiate player housing as a leather wearer would have a tanning rack and table where a cloth wearer would have a loom.
      + Shelving item. Able to place items ontop
      + Rope. Rope Bridges.
      + Way to make a bridge thats not blocks
      + Upgrade system, upgrade your pickaxe instead of just throwing away the old one.
      + A grappling hook would be awesome that allows us to use the momentum we use to swing instead of dragging directly to said location you aimed at.
      + A boat that two could sit in would be great! One person rows. One tags along. Everyone needs a companion.
      + Possible guild boats that carry four?
      + Real time lighting, holding a torch to produce light instead of placing it. Maybe a flashlight?
      – Player only light is fine. I don’t need realtime lighting from other people.
      + Make torches expire so there is not an abundance of them throughout the world
      + Craftable backpacks, headgear and or armor that give off variant lights. Be it dim, bright or in a cone.
      + Grapple onto creatures/Protectors! Bring smaller mobs to you. Would make a great herding tool! Have the ability to grapple onto the Protectors. Attack on Titan community servers anyone?
      + Give the player the ability to lengthen or shorten the rope/elastic/whatever to a minimum and maximum. This way the player can only negate so much fall damage.
      + Give the grappling hook a cooldown. A short one. Something believable. Consider the time it takes for the hook to fully retract.
      + By giving it a cooldown, you could look into DOUBLE GRAPPLING HOOKS. OH YEAH!
      + Exclusive weapons/armor could be Oort themed.
      + Inventory system to swap out bags and or have multiple bags equipped
      + A bag system to increase inventory space
      + Inventory tabs for view of content in other bags
      + Special bags that carry more for specific things. Ores/food/potions
      + Snorkel that lets you breathe two blocks down from the surface
      + Armor tiers.
      – Heavy gives more hp but more slightly slower
      – Medium moves faster but reduced damage is not as much as heavy
      – Light generates whatever resource magic needs if there is a cost and takes full damage.

      ======Progression & Crafting
      + Make progression in crafting significant. To craft higher tiers, use pseudo experience or a set amount of ‘upgrades to current armor’
      + Upgrade or enhancing system of armor and weapons
      – Up the stats, refine weapons for increased damage
      – It’ll make it so trading is needed even more.
      + Pulley system to transport materials to the surface.
      + Cart system to send back up the way you came. Could also transport players
      + Colored lamps
      + Rope
      – Allow us to tag rope from one side of one block to another side of a block
      + A tool that when used on a natural block, it turned it perfectly square
      + Cloth
      + Furniture
      – Shelves, beds, tables, chairs, chests, cupboard, books, weapon racks, armor stands, miscellaneous weapons to put on environment, prop currency, signs
      ~ Smaller voxel system would remedy this, just not have the interaction component.
      + Tape measure, holding left with this item and dragging it counts the total blocks in the area selected.

      + Titan/Protector respawn. Make them emerge from a random location (away from a set beacon) and break all block around him/her as he goes through his animation
      + Top 3 on the guild leaderboards get a protector to defend their beacon.
      + Passive protectors
      + Make some animals scared of players and run off. Like Deer and chicken like animals
      + Neutral world monsters that have benefits. Bees. Let us be bee farmers that can export honey.
      + Bonus to having pets. Pets/animals like sheep you can sheer wool, cows you can milk.
      + Animals eat the terrain/floral/crops, would give players the incentive to prevent over population
      + Neutral water creatures
      – From ambient/Neutral such as fish. Maybe a school of flying fish that glide across the ocean/lake every now and then? Dolphins? Frogs/Turtles. …. Frurtles?
      Hostile ones such as sharks that inflict bleed, octopuses that pull you underwater if within range. Poisonous snakes that inflict status effects.
      + Water titan
      + Bacon from pigs

      +Ability to grapple onto a surface, pull out my pick and mine.
      + Dungeons that have debuffs when you enter them. Like a fog that reduces vision and light. Or doors having reduced damage when inside.
      + Thunder & Lightning. Chance for insta death?
      + Hail. Make it do small amounts of damage, promoting players need to build/find shelters
      + Make a system to where they need to eat and drink.
      – Promotes interaction with creatures and players. Keeps them from wandering around aimlessly.
      + Predator system, predators attack and kill each other and others
      + Herbivores, eating the floral and player/wild crops
      + Visual queues for when near a dungeon.
      – Abandoned mine shafts. Special blocks. etc.

      + No global chat unless you own the server
      + Ability to lock the door
      + To prevent people from keeping beacons forever. Make it so they are charged a fee daily. And allow them to pay up to 2 weeks in advance.
      + Beacon requires a mineral to power it daily. Allow the ability to pay 2 weeks in advance.
      + To gain loot, you have to interact with the body.
      + If a player/guild makes a town, make shops and hire npcs but you have to pay for them.
      + Option to turn off other players names in a set distance
      + Players/guilds that build giant cities having the ability to sell land in your beacon
      + Tax players who live in your beacon
      + Proximity text chat.

      + Occulus Rift support
      + Goat looking race in concept should be able to climb better. Think cube world climbing system. IE. Holding ctrl when against a wall and you shimmy up, using stamina.
      + Reptile racial trait – Stick to walls and gain health when out in the sun. Reptiles like to sun bathe
      + Insects characters harvest/mine blocks faster, like ants would.
      + Centuarish race that can run faster across land.
      + Aquatic race that swims faster, breathes underwater. Promotes aquatic world servers.
      + Fishing. Professions.
      – Bait. Better bait. Better fish.
      + Vertical lighting
      + Things should be powered by magic.
      + Random spawn points unless world owner designates certain spawn point
      + Dedicated server software
      + Ability to climb on protectors/titans via grappling hook or other items. Goat race.
      + Option to set pay to enter doors. Make it a progression feature so it’s not spammed or abused.
      + Biggest of the races could have an increased inventory due to being so strong
      + Shift click items in your inventory to mass select and delete all at once.
      + Swimming animation
      + Mail suggestions
      + Bulletin board system, promotes internal guild applications
      – Interacting with the board pops up a board image on the screen with papers to cycle through
      + Third person, pan it back. Character takes too much of the screen.
      + Screenshot button that preserves the 1920×1080 ratio
      + Random spawn points. This’ll keep players builds from being close to each other and congesting servers. Two servers are already congested
      + If spawn points remain static, make it so people cannot build within a range of the spawn point
      + The ability to turn light blocks on and off
      + FOV slider/adjustment
      + Make headbob an option
      + Propulsion blocks, would let us make our own boats!

      + Weather 2.0 Torandos that destroy terrain
      – Volcanoes that erupt, let lava harden into a block
      – Wind that alters snow/rain course.
      – Floods, block slides
      + Interactable trees for farming, picking fruit.
      + Interactable items with animations. Chairs, beds, ladders
      + Bombs that break away at blocks/resources. Clears blocks around higher tier resources.
      + Random buffs on creature dropped armor/chest loot
      + Waterfall generation, streams, a current in rivers.
      + Make towns important. Let guilds/people add buffs to their buildings.
      – Stay overnight/drink a beverage that can only be crafted and stored in a tavern. Gain a temp health regen buff.
      – NPCs/Shopkeeps are out and about during day time
      – Logging off in a bed gives you a buff when you return after a certain set perio of time.
      + Give some blocks shine in the rain, obsidian blocks, ice.
      + Let ice blocks/slabs cover some of the water in cold/snowing biomes.
      + Give water more pressure. (Make it push out more before winding down.) It’s kinda disappointing trying to make rivers currently.
      – ^ I know buckets will eventually be a thing and this won’t be needed. But still :<
      + Moon phases

      I want this:

      Sources of threads:
      Viewers have spoken
      Grappling hooks, boats
      Glass should be clear
      Make building easier
      Hunting system, climbing titans
      A blocking option
      Weather 2.0, interactable trees for farming
      Make worlds matter
      Titan mechanic, pet system
      Water creatures
      Privacy systems, make towns matter
      Name toggle, renting out land in beacon, taxing, proximity chat
      Occulus rift support, racial skill ideas, professions, looting system

      I will add more as I think of them with the community

      • This topic was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Rukio.
      • This topic was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Rukio.
    • #2614

      For the exploration it was a typo. I didnt mean doors, I meant rooms or the dungeon as a whole.

      Also needing certain parameters met to open doors. Like a door that requires you to activate it with fire, could be a spell, a torch, or a weapon with fire damage.

      Another example would be needing to activate a switch someone to open that door.

    • #2746

      I want this:

    • #2749

      i dont think you should pay a fee. i think that should solely playerbased, that way if a guild claims a giant piece of land they can sell the acces and force people to pay if they want to live there, say if they dont pay you can stop them from entering and if they dont pay for a week more you can tear it down, because who would you pay? the great oort gods demand money for owning land or what? XD

      • #2833

        If there is no fee. Beacons will be everywhere. They will never disappear. Some worlds will become scarred and horrifying. Ugly abandoned buildings everywhere. Say they leave their beacon on ‘charge per entry’. Now it’s just a giant gold sink and an inconvenience for everyone to have to walk around.

        Landmark did a decent job with their claim system. Just not the giant spacing around in every direction. It should be here too so people don’t wall you in unless you allow your friends to place one nearby or players in your guild.

    • #2834

      + Inventory system to swap out bags and or have multiple bags equipped
      + A bag system to increase inventory space
      + Inventory tabs for view of content in other bags
      + Special bags that carry more for specific things. Ores/food/potions
      + Snorkel that lets you breathe two blocks down from the surface

      + Bacon from pigs

      + Thunder & Lightning. Chance for insta death?
      + Hail. Make it do small amounts of damage, promoting players need to build/find shelters

      + Option to set pay to enter doors. Make it a progression feature so it’s not spammed or abused.
      + Biggest of the races could have an increased inventory due to being so strong
      + Shift click items in your inventory to mass select and delete all at once.

      + Give some blocks shine in the rain, obsidian blocks, ice.
      + Let ice blocks/slabs cover some of the water in cold/snowing biomes.
      + Give water more pressure. (Make it push out more before winding down.) It’s kinda disappointing trying to make rivers currently.
      – ^ I know buckets will eventually be a thing and this won’t be needed. But still :<

    • #2840

      ======Combat II + Progression System
      + Tied with the progression system, using a 1H sword for X amount of time in combat or generating so much pseudo (incase there are no levels) experience, you gain a skill while that weapon type is equipped. Say a charge or gap closer (like a little jump) to balance out ranged in pvp.
      + Wearing a certain armor type (If there is any!) for awhile grants you a short dodge. Heavy a hop in direction being held. Medium a roll. Light could also be a roll
      + Abilities tied to each weapon, kind of like Guild Wars 2
      + Tie the progression system HEAVILY in this

      + Armor tiers.
      – Heavy gives more hp but more slightly slower
      – Medium moves faster but reduced damage is not as much as heavy
      – Light generates whatever resource magic needs if there is a cost and takes full damage.

      ======Progression & Crafting
      + Make progression in crafting significant. To craft higher tiers, use pseudo experience or a set amount of ‘upgrades to current armor’
      + Upgrade or enhancing system of armor and weapons
      – Up the stats, refine weapons for increased damage
      – It’ll make it so trading is needed even more.

    • #3236

      + Allow blocks to be turned.
      – PLANKS_ACACIA for instance, Instead of going left to right, turning it makes it go up and down.
      + A system where there are three block sizes. Big medium and small. Or just regular small and tiny.
      – Regular is the current blocks.
      – Small would be four blocks to make up one side of regular
      – Tiny would be four to make up a small
      ~ This would allow us to sculpt and mark artificial things such as:
      ~ Rails, stairs, better sculptures,
      + Better visual queues to distinguish white blocks

      + Special weapons destroy terrain blocks. Durability reduced significantly though depending on the block

      + Pulley system to transport materials to the surface.
      + Cart system to send back up the way you came. Could also transport players
      + Colored lamps
      + Rope
      – Allow us to tag rope from one side of one block to another side of a block
      + A tool that when used on a natural block, it turned it perfectly square
      + Cloth
      + Furniture
      – Shelves, beds, tables, chairs, chests, cupboard, books, weapon racks, armor stands, miscellaneous weapons to put on environment, prop currency, signs
      ~ Smaller voxel system would remedy this, just not have the interaction component.
      + Tape measure, holding left with this item and dragging it counts the total blocks in the area selected.

      + Make a system to where they need to eat and drink.
      – Promotes interaction with creatures and players. Keeps them from wandering around aimlessly.
      + Predator system, predators attack and kill each other and others
      + Herbivores, eating the floral and player/wild crops

      + Visual queues for when near a dungeon.
      – Abandoned mine shafts. Special blocks. etc.

      + Swimming animation
      + Mail suggestions
      + Bulletin board system, promotes internal guild applications
      – Interacting with the board pops up a board image on the screen with papers to cycle through
      + Third person, pan it back. Character takes too much of the screen.
      + Screenshot button that preserves the 1920×1080 ratio
      + Random spawn points. This’ll keep players builds from being close to each other and congesting servers. Two servers are already congested
      + If spawn points remain static, make it so people cannot build within a range of the spawn point
      + The ability to turn light blocks on and off
      + FOV slider/adjustment
      + Make headbob an option
      + Propulsion blocks, would let us make our own boats!

      + Moon phases

    • #3238

      + Appropriate sloped blocks for Loopty loops!

    • #3257

      Seeing as I can edit everything again. I’ll go ahead and tidy things up when I wake up.

      EDIT: Updated the main post

      • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Rukio.
    • #3352

      I request falconry. That would just make my entire life. Or at least my Oort Online life.

      • #3497

        Just kidding. I mean, it’d be cool, but jeebus that could probably be a game by itself.

      • #3515

        Flying AI I imagine would be a bit odd in pet form. Your bird flies underwater or clipping through all the caverns. Especially if it’s a hallway your character JUST fits through.

        Would be cool though!

    • #5974

      Bumping this so I can keep everything together again. More suggestions!

      + Functional gear. Example: A snorkle for the head slot.
      Snorkle lets you breathe underwater as long as you’re 2-3
      blocks from the top.

      + Allow the use of caps lock in the chat.
      + Let holding backspace continue deleting text.

      + Make it so the character can walk through the leaves of a tree.
      + Give trees branches for characters to land on.
      (Block or item based)
      + Hold shift to lower on the grappling hook.
      + (Remove space to climb the grappling and disregard above)
      Allow the mouse wheel to control the height of the grappling
      hook. Scroll up to go higher. Scroll down to lower.
      + Hold shift to sink in water faster?
      + A two handed system. (Toggle with a key?) Allows the player
      to have two different blocks on left click and right click.
      Lets player build faster? (Could be used to soft introduce
      double grappling hooks or combat.)

    • #6035

      + Fun items/armor. Example A duck floatie (or Oort monster reference
      floatie) that when worn/equipped, your character floats above
      the water. Spring boots. Higher jump or it could soften the
      landing of a fall of ### height.

      + Ability to restrict items inside beacons such as grappling
      hooks or jet packs. This is to limit what players have access
      too instead of them climbing all over the place in restricted

      + Make mining stone blocks faster with pick axe for pre alpha/alpha
      + A drill or sorts for speed mining that is crafted. Requires
      a lot of materials to craft to be balanced.
      + (If Micro voxels make it in) Mining the main block micro
      voxels are on destroys the micro voxels.
      + Ore could be microvoxels on main parts.
      Example: One full block of iron gives 3 iron. 1 microvoxel
      gives 1.
      + More Keyboard options. User requested Danish keyboard style.

      • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Rukio.
    • #6042

      + Air indicator should blink red when before 20% air.

      • #6044

        Have died way too many times due to not checking that meter.

    • #6055

      Another idea

      +Destinction between lakes river and sea biomes
      -lakes have still water
      -rivers have currents and/or whirlpools
      -seas have waves (depending on weather ect)

      +creature built nests
      -birds have birdsnests
      -bear type of creatures have cave like nests

      +tool to shape hard block into sloped blocks
      -oortstone (the blue shiny one)
      +A key to see the players on your world
      +A key to see the players on different servers
      -maybe whne selecting a word show worldname, ping, and # players online.

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