Server Lagging

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    • #6446

      I know that there is already a complaint about server lag on here but I wanted to clarify it a bit. In my situation, my friends and I bought the game and we have issues when we are building together. While we are building, we can’t see what the other is building. We can only see what ourselves are building. The only way we are able to see what each other have built is to log off and then back on. The issue starts immideately after logging back in though. We do have issues like the other guy however who sometimes has blocks that don’t show up.

      My friends and I play on US West and we have completely different computer specs (top end to bottom tier) that I don’t think really have anything to do with the issue.

    • #6467

      Thanks for the report. That sounds like a different issue – the ‘delta’ changes not showing up for some reason.

      • #6501

        It’s been happening on Agabab for almost a week. Building too quickly, placing blocks underneath and placing blocks above you have done this for me. Going to fast can make the blocks vanish and prevent you from placing anymore unless you rejoin the server. Something I noticed was that after I built underneath myself too quickly and I got stuck in the blocks that had vanished…”{Lerping}” popped up in the dev code and kept flickering while I was inside the vanished blocks.(menu after pressing . twice).

    • #6472

      I have the same problem on lepker :/

    • #6524

      A friend and I were experiencing this problem as well, yesterday on saptu.

    • #6567

      I have tested the webbrowser version from Oort and there i don’t have this problem.

      • #6569

        Thanks for this information.

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