Smart Moving: Slide, Crawl, Climb

Home Forums Suggestions Exploration Smart Moving: Slide, Crawl, Climb

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    • #6829
      Erik Steiner

      Hi guys,

      I played Minecraft for a long time and I also managed my own Server for my friends. Because of the special server version I ran, I was able to install single player mods which could be then used by the players. So when I compare Oort with the possibilities of my server, I see a lot of potential what could be done in Oort.

        Lets come to my suggestion!

      So as you know in Minecraft and in Oort you are only able to jump one block high. When you are at a point where you have to pass a two blocks height you feel like someone in a wheelchair (No offense intended!), either by building a pile of dirt, or by harvesting the specific block, you were able to pass this situation.

      Ok one would say now, that you already have the grappling hook, so use them. I would then say yes, but for a tiny hill?

        So my suggestion would be a new feature: Climbing!

      In Minecraft the mod was called Smart Moving. It added some features to have a more fluid and immersive movement. When you stood in front of a two blocks high wall, you were able to jump and then to press Shift to grab with your hands at the top of the wall and you were then be able to pull yourself up.
      When there was a three blocks high wall you could press Shift first then hold Space to charge you jump and release both keys afterwards. While jumping you pressed Shift to grab the edge of the wall.

      Another nice feature was the Crawl-Feature. Imagine you have to pass a hole which is one by one block. You can’t. In Smart Moving you were able to pass this hole: By pressing Shift you sneaked, then Ctrl and you laid down.

      I recommend to watch the video of the link to get an idea of what I mean 😉

        What you could get from such features:

      So I liked the mod in Minecraft really much for exploring and for building. Sometimes while you are building your own house or your project you come to a point where you wish you do not have to place a pile of dirt to reach your place where you are fallen down, because you didn’t pressed Shift for sneaking. In addition to that for reaching such tiny range it would be much more comfortable than the grappling hook. In addition to that some features like Crawling or sliding could be already a feature you have missed in Oort.

      So what do you think?

      • This topic was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by Erik Steiner.
      • This topic was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by Erik Steiner.
      • This topic was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by Erik Steiner.
      • This topic was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by Erik Steiner. Reason: formatting
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