Some ideas

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    • #4559

      I have read many great ideas in here and I really hope some of them get implemented in the game very soon.

      First of all 🙂 I love power how to be able to use electricity and machines as well as paying attention to your power level, some people like magic and other magical stuff so it’s like a challenge between both, I mean those two should be equally treated and when someone can automate something using machines others should be able to do the same thing using magic at the same efficiency level, I can see much potentials if someone combined both of them 🙂

      Players should be able to advance in their journey (for example) smelting ores start with a furnace then advanced furnace (which require more materials to be created and smelt faster) then other ones that can give you double bars or something like that, it’s like moving from stone age to a much advanced age, however it should be a bit hard to advance, I mean it’s not good nor fun to reach the end-game just one week after playing it.

      Pipes and magical waves for transporting items from one place to another is a good idea, water/lava and other liquids should be used in some crafting, you can add liquids to provide power (oil or mana pool) something like that, and add special pipes just for transport liquids, as well as power (electricity or magical power)

      Lights– hmmmm I think player should be able (later in the game) to craft lights with different colors and brightness, some people want to make their room very bright and others want it to be moody 🙂

      mining carts and rails, this is very important as it have sooooo many potentials, rails can be used from transfer materials from underground to a base as well as players, and ya there are many other things people can do with rails.

      I still have many ideas but I’ll post them later, give me your opinions guys do you agree with my list/disagree? and why.

    • #4562

      I want to be able to craft a magical device which attracts particles/voxels (maybe treeleafs in different colors) which can be released and sent to the sky and they burst into a confetti-shower.

      Or butterflies. Soak up butterflies with a magical vacuum cleaner and release them after a while and they fly away the like doves at the Olympic games 🙂

      • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by Bokke.
      • #4564

        That’s really a good idea, however, it might be hard to get it done this way, hmmm the best thing i can come up with is a block you place it on the ceiling and it gives particles in an area around it, the color of the particles depend on the color of the block you’ve placed, and it can also be placed on the ground to give the same effect. the same can be done for butterflies and leafs.

        and there is another idea which I think is even better than the first one, A MAGICAL WAND, you can create one for particles, butterflies, or leafs and then use it on a block that you want the effect come from and boom the magic happen 🙂

        I would go with the second option honestly, what do you think.

    • #4565

      Wow! Like, putting a spell on a block is a super idea 😀

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