Specialized Floating Blocks

Home Forums Suggestions Building Specialized Floating Blocks

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    • #4752

      There seems to be floating blocks in this game, not unlike Minecraft. But occasionally, (mostly with trees), these can be a nuisance, or break the realism/immersion. It can’t be hard to implement collapsing structures like in Ace of Spades, so that anything not somehow attached to solid ground will fall. (I imagine some things, such as trees, would become collectable items when you cut them down and others might remain solid blocks after falling).

      However, I know some people like building floating islands.

      What about a special type of material that remains floating, and holds up blocks attached to it, which you could use specifically for this purpose?

      • This topic was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by Connorses.
      • This topic was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by Connorses. Reason: grammar
    • #4761

      Think we’ll go for a mixture. Some blocks that fall, some blocks don’t.

      To make the world really realistic would take quite a bit of processing – and I don’t think it adds much to the gameplay.

      We’ll experiment with a few things when we get to simulating more features in the world, such as crops and trees.

      We also plan to have a solution for regressing the world for regions outside of beacons. This would help “fix” floating left overs.

      Keen to hear other opinions.

    • #5344

      I just think it would be neat to find a world with floating islands which are intentionally programmed in, and contain some of the special floating material(s).

    • #5566

      Magnetic ore would be one such resource that could make such a thing, so I would be entirely OK with floating magnetic structures.

    • #6069

      Hey Ace of Spades simulates enourmous collapses and it will run on your grandma’s old Windows XP computer, surely something could be done that wouldn’t slow down the game too much.

      • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Connorses.
    • #6071

      I agree with Connorses…having blocks float around without any reason, kind of breaks the immersion. Magnetic blocks are an excellent solution to this. Or even adding magic properties to the blocks that spawn in the sky would be cool. One example of this threads concept – http://http://oortonline.com/forums/topic/touched-by-magic/

      • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Atreark.
      • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Atreark.
      • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Atreark.
    • #6152

      At the very least add Trees into the line of, will fall when broken.

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