Stand Alone Client?

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    • #2404


      Just curious if the eventual intention is for OO to have a stand alone client rather than to be run through a web browser?


    • #2411

      it is. they are working on it atm.

    • #2563

      I was going to ask the same question 🙂
      Haven’t buy the game yet (planning to do it soon), but this kind of game deserve a PC standalone executable 🙂

      I saw that you were using Turbulenz Engine, which is a HTML5 engine, how are you going to make a standalone version?

    • #4384

      After realising, that Turbulenz Engine is a HTML5 engine, the “standlone game” could be a HTML5 interpreter only 😀
      Maybe the engineers could tell us, which type of client the software will be 🙂

    • #4386

      Afaik the browser plugin/ tie in is only a mid-term solution to have a possibility to get us into the game…

    • #4388

      1. Oort Online is made with the Turbulenz Engine.

      2. We’re working on a desktop version for Windows, OSX, and Linux.

      3. We plan to continue supporting the desktop and browser based versions. (So you can play when away from home in the browser.)

      4. When the game runs as a desktop app, we switch out lots of the JavaScript code and replace it with C++. So we get the flexibility of JS in the browser and the performance of C++ on the desktop.

      • #4391

        That’s what I like about the Oort Team. This extra effort for the players and not the moneys sake

      • #4451

        Just want to mention that before reading your reply, I was disappointed to discover that this whole beautiful game with so much potential was to be run exclusively in java -and in a web browser, no less. I had resigned myself to spending a mere $15 entrance fee just to check it out, but after reading this post, and seeing that you guys are aware of the major benefits that a C++/# based client would offer, my confidence boosted to the point of dropping as much money as would merit my current title 🙂

        Can’t wait for the C-based dedicated client; it should give my i7 + GTX 780 something more to do.

      • #4452

        JavaScript is not the same language as Java. They just share 4 letters of their name that’s all.

        C++ and C# are also two complete different technologies.

        And what your GPU does is more linked to the graphical engine than the language used. It’s just that with C++ they will be able to use OpenGL and DirectX to make rendering better with less resources (so actually your GTX780 will have something less to do)

        What they have done for now with JS+WebGL is just amazing so i think we can trust them on quality of the work. That said i also can’t wait to see the native desktop client.

    • #4453

      Let me also add that there are many games that use a combination of a compiled language (often C++) and a scripting language (say Lua, or UnrealScript).

      The compiled parts often do the heavy lifting (physics, animation, simulation, rendering, world generation, etc.)

      The scripted parts often do the more design and entity focused tasks (crafting, weapons, gameplay, etc.)

      Even when we release the standalone apps we will still use a combination of C++ and JavaScript. This combination allows us to get the most out of a computer and allow our team to work productively + flexibly.

      The game will also make full use of your i7 cores and your GTX780 pipelines. With all the graphics settings turned up to max, you’ll think your machine is about to take off. 😉

      • #4454

        groovyness! 🙂

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