If a post similar to this already exists delete this or tell me how to delete this.
I’ve seen a Robocraft forum that had an idea list and I thought that was much easier than scrolling through the potential millions of posts.
This is not where you put new ideas, but if you see an idea a lot, like everywhere bring it up here, along with whether the feature is being worked on, exists, if the Devs say no we aren’t doing this then add that it’s not happening, or add news of things that have been confirmed for future develpoment.
I’ll try to keep an eye on this forum, I am busy.
Format example:(This is an example, seriously)
Feature: Exploding Ponies- In some worlds it should randomly rain Ponies that explode on impact damaging players and animals/monsters alike and destroy certain block types. (Explain the idea thoroughly/ give full details of the news)
Stage: Idea/News (Is this news from devs or ideas from players)
Progress: Unconfirmed/Planned/In Progress/Complete/Not Happening (Unconfirmed for all player ideas, Planned/In Progress/Complete for positive news from devs, Not Happening for negative news from devs.)
Let the listing begin.
This topic was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by