things that make building a lot easier

Home Forums Suggestions Building things that make building a lot easier

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    • #3139

      -pick block key: if you press the pick block key it will swap your current selected hotbar slot with the block you are viewing if it is in your inventory

      -something to stick to ceilings/walls: i heard something about grappling hooks, it would be handy if you can use that to build in high places.

      -the ability to rotate slopes if you already placed them: i hate it when blocks that can rotate are rotated wrong, so instead of breaking and placing them the ability to rotate the would be handy.

      -keep rotation mode: if you place a slope and switch to this mode all slopes you place will have the same rotation as the last placed slope, very handy if you build a roof or something like that

      -safety ropes: a rope that you can attach to a hook and you. if you build something in a really high spot and you fall the rope will catch you and you will not die

      -special building blocks: this is a block that is not expensive, breaks instant and if you use a special tool it will break all the blocks that are connected to that block. this block will be used to make temporary floors and is handy if you build high. the instant break all connected block feature is to remove it fast. i suggest making it very ugly so people don’t use it for building

      -use non hotbar items first: if you have a block or item in your hotbar and in you inventory, and you try to place it consume the inventory blocks first. this can be disabled

      -layout blocks: these blocks you can use to layout a shape. then right click to replace the block with the block you’re holding, or double right click to replace all layout blocks that are connected to the block you click on. the layout block will go back in your inventory and has a 1/10 chance of breaking. destroying a layout block will give it a 1/4 chance of breaking.

    • #4104

      -the ability to rotate slopes if you already placed them: i hate it when blocks that can rotate are rotated wrong, so instead of breaking and placing them the ability to rotate the would be handy.

      If we get to play with even more block shapes (inverted slopes or similar) the rotation & placement system maybe needs to be altered to some extend. Imho Space Engineers does a good job about this. They have premade shapes, but maybe in OO we could (1) select the inventory slot/block, then (2)cycle through its available shapes by a hotkey and then (3)change the orientation via arrows keys.

      2+3 would be optional. If not used a standard block or a blockshape with the pos zero orientation will be placed

      • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by Hummel.
      • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by Hummel.
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