
Home Forums Suggestions Exploration Torches/Lamps

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    • #5177

      Is it possible to increase the range at which the torches/lights disperse their light?

      I was in a huge cavern the other day and I noticed that an awful lot of torches are going to be required just to see properly underground. I’m talking about 3-4 blocks per lamp just to see/explore properly.

      Anyone else having a problem in this area?


    • #5571

      Lighting is being played with in each patch lately, let the devs know, though, if it continues to be an issue.

    • #5773

      I want to see torches and lamps that only stay light for a while…. and need to be re-light

      or have oil added…..

      give them a good reason for a city to switch to magic/electric lights lol

      • #6031

        Or maybe higher tier lighting would have a larger range of light emitted. What if you can even customize the color emitted at higher tiers, sounds interesting.

      • #6245

        I think it would be interesting to see a really in-depth skill system for building/engineering where a player would have to put skill points into energy systems to be able to build more advanced lighting systems.

        A player that specializes in energy creation and distribution would have to sacrifice putting points into things like masonry or woodworking. It would force people into having to work effectively as a team to create a project.

        Non-infinite energy is a great idea. Mining oil to process into fuel to fill lamps. Some cities might go into a coal power grid. Some could go nuclear or solar power.

        Especially if every world had a finite amount of non-renewable resources – it could create the possibility that one world could effectively ‘die’ if they didn’t use resources to build more sustainable systems – or they would have to purchase resources from other worlds.

        I think the concept of players providing energy and materials to run communities opens up a lot of potential for individual play styles.

        EVE Online has an excellent player driven economy – you can make a corporation devoted solely to mining rare resources that other corporations need to build their space stations and power/build their ships. That also creates the business of pirates trying to steal those resources. An effective mining team needs multiple players – cargo carriers, miners themselves, security. And at the end of it, you need players that have devoted a lot of time building their corporation management skills and manufacturing skills. The entire skill system is very straightforward but way more advanced that most games…and it’s not one that’s really been emulated or improved upon yet.

        • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Voltron.
      • #6252

        A huge problem with having to renew torches and such is how tedious it would be. I always shoot out hundreds of torches out in one cave. If I had to renew each and ever single torch, I would rather just place new ones or find a different mine.

    • #6309

      the skill to produce orbital lights that shine, giving better area cover depending on what skill level you have.

      a better alternative to the coal/mining would be insects that you breed/collect that you place in lamps/clear blocks that require you to feed to keep them glowing,and or dieing, higher levels of producing plant skills can yield better food to keep the bugs glowing for longer periods of time, simply creating a farm and avaialbe plants around the worlds would ensure that even if you didint have food available, grass, a couple common berries mixed would feed the bugs.

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