Hi new here and I loved the concept of Oort and got me thinking about some stuff that would be cool. I have many but this is just one of them, im sure everyone is acquainted about the concpet of multi block structures. multiple building blocks put together in a certain configuration to give that structure a job or role.
my idea was totems I hate compairing games to minecraft but im going to in this instance but it is the easyist way, these totems once constructed act like beacon blocks giving buffs and debuff auras in the vacinity, they would be constructed from a special Oort totem block which could be found in dungeons as loot ect, and are very magical.
once constructed correctly it would notify you by lighting up with magical effects like the night version of the images whilst the totem block on its own would emit no light or particles.

It would be a shame to not take adavantage of the HDR and bloom for night effects

ps if they are too small right click (view image)
This topic was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by