
Home Forums Suggestions Exploration Travel

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    • #1908

      I think that there should be different ways to travel. Boats, Gliders, Spaceships. Ok maybe not spaceships.

    • #1911

      I agree, this would be nice. I know warps have been mentioned alongside world portals, but I think mountable animals/creatures would be awesome as well. Lack of transportation in other games makes it a little less fun after awhile, especially if you have a long distance to travel.

    • #1916

      Maybe let us tame a friendly creature in the world and allow us to traverse the land while riding on it?

    • #1942

      I like the mountable creatures idea. Being able to tame something as a pet. Craft a saddle, then slap it on them.

    • #1988

      All nice ideas (well maybe not the spaceships just yet ;). Once we have the core features in there’s lots of things we could try for travel so thanks for the ideas.

      Mounts and boats etc all sound like they would be pretty cool, as long as they don’t go too fast. The faster the transportation the more strain gets put on the world meshing. So, no racing cars! 😉

      One thing that we really love is GRAPPLING HOOKS. So, you might see some local travel via hook and line.

      Rob – Wonderstruck Designer

    • #2058

      Mounts are good idea someone in other topic said someting about crafting a bag for yourself why wont make bags for Mount 🙂

    • #2061

      I think bags for a mount isn’t really necessary, cause what if a player or creature kills your mount?

    • #2062

      I also like the idea of traveling by pets, boats, gliders etc. But you should make sure that there aren’t only Hang gliders and boats since it seems copied from Cube World!

    • #2066

      But its same with Player what happens when you died? There is so many problems to solve 😉 and thats not even alpha its a prototype haha 🙂 any way I think thats something nice to have in game or a caravan?

    • #2068

      And what about grapling hooks ? how its going to work ? someting like in terraria or may be you will be an spiderman xD or just like batman shoot thing where you want and get there or may be like in middle ages warriors throw them at walls and then climbing 😀 sorry form my english but i try my best 🙂

    • #2094

      Your English is great Afro. We love grappling hooks and have played with them a lot in Terraria and Batman. When we start implementing them we’ll probably prototype a few things and just get them in game for you to try and give feedback on right away. That way we’ll be able to get them just right.

      Rob – Wonderstruck Designer

    • #2155

      Grappling hooks sound awesome. Speaking of cool gadgets.

      I like the idea of gliders. Not flight, but just gliders. Sort of like how they have in that game firefall that just came out.

      Either gliders or ziplines.

      Skyrails anyone?

    • #2158

      It could be cool if you could make Zeppelins too, They should be quite expensive though

    • #2212

      Zepplelins!?! Do you guys not know what happened to the Hindenburg!


      Rob – Wonderstruck Designer

      • #2216

        Doesn’t matter they are the most epic way to travel with friends in games 🙂

    • #2214

      It’d be cool if we can build an elevator! ^^

      • #2217

        They’ll be working on mechanics eventually. Maybe you could make a make shift elevator. Pull the lever and you get launched up by a bouncey block or something.

    • #2218

      Or jump on magical bouncy mushrooms? Lol

    • #2250

      I think a good idea for travelling would be using magic. If a player had a certain spell that could let them launch towards a building or some terrain and latch on it would make it easier to travel. There could also be spells for double jumping or walking on walls. Another spell idea could be making objects out of magic that disappear overtime. Imagine a bridge made with magic that someone builds over a river using a spell. After a certain amount of time the bridge disappears. This could be used for travelling or for evading enemies. I hope you like my idea :p

    • #2328

      Why bother with elevators when you (will) have warps!?

    • #2331

      Aesthetic reasons. And I don’t expect ports to be everywhere lol

    • #2353

      I would think it’d be interesting if airships were a possibility, especially ones that could be customizeable and designed using blocks of course.

    • #2358

      Airships! I love airships! Still, that’s an awful lot to render. They may be lighter than air, but it sounds performance heavy 😮

      I like the idea of grappling hooks to, I just hope the devs don’t make them so OP that you can’t build walls high enough to counter them if you need to.

      Boats would be fun, they could make a water world with islands scattered about. Hawaii, anybody?

    • #2394

      A giant immobilized airship. Sky pirates anyone?

    • #2829

      Any kind of vehicles would be a great addition to the game, make them fair(as in they aren’t perfect), and make them a challenge to obtain.

    • #2835

      I don’t really think we need vehicles. With the terrian and whatnot animals and portals/boats seem fine.

      • #2836

        Just have options is all, the more choice, the more expansive.

      • #2845

        Very true. All we can do now really is be supportive and wait.

    • #2981

      Personally, I think travelling with a mount would be great. I’ve been waiting for this for a long time. Someone mentioned that it could form a problem however, once they’re killed, so that’s why I came up with the solution for protecting them through a way of quests for players. I wrote the big picture on this part of the forum already:

      As for the air-travel in general: I don’t see why we wouldn’t have spaceships in the end? You can maybe have a specific world of just techy, futuristic stuff and another world with just mounts? This way, everyone wins. I can easily imagine a giant zeppelin holding up a small piece of land by means of a lotta of grappling hooks. Sure, I haven’t build that yet. So why not?

      As long as it would actually work though, and not like as what happened in Minecraft, where you see these things floating in the air, for no reason at all. Never to move, never to serve a purpose other than the esthetic ones.

      • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Master_Chill.
    • #2983

      +1 for grappling hooks and tameable mounts

    • #3631

      Currently i get lost and stuck all the time while exploring (not to mention falling down user created on block holes all the time).

      Any system that gets me on this next ridge easier would be very nice.

      Floating vehicles appeals the most to me. But not something that looks the same for everyone. A base structure where you can add blocks (smaller blocks than the world ones) to build your unique vehicle.

    • #3848

      With dev level access to a game Airships can be done with out breaking server performance. It all has to do with the coding solution used. If you played The Skyland Pirates server, or any of the airship plugin servers you know that the blocks moving causing problems, but that is only because the way they achieved movement was moving all the blocks in the server one space at a time. A more elegant solution can be seen with the airship single player mod. Essentially you can lock the blocks in place and make them a single entity that moves, and turns smoothly like a player does. Then you release control and the ship becomes blocks that are part of the world again so you can make changes.

      In a game like this sight seeing is a big draw, but to be fair. If we do airships this will take away from the experience of walking and traversing the terrain, I know from experience on servers. You don’t see the same level of terrain construction, and development. Settlements become islands that you just fly to. One could argue that you limit airship travel by resources but that undermines the travel purpose unless the airship had some other goal such as combat.

      • #3849

        If something like an airship gets implemented I’d say it’s just for guilds or bigger groups of people. It’s more something to show how rich or famous a guild is and to transport many members at the same time for example to a Boss fight or to conquer another guild. Maybe even with the ship as a weapon but that could be too op.

    • #3854

      Well i might be old school in that way but i think we should just have normal mounts that can be tamed, one thing i would like to see if that they talked about different types of randomized animals, so maybe it can have different stats like a dragon in dragons prophet where it can help with mat gathering or maybe have a focus on speed or combat abilites, and then grappling hook like everquest landmark where you can use it to mine things in the ceiling. we might need real ships though since they are talking about making island worlds, but i think a zeppelin is kinda meh though its a nice vehicle.

      • #3856

        Well I’m also a fan of the oldschool mounts but an Airship for a guild in the endgame would be a really nice addition. But it should definitely expensive.

    • #3883

      Hmm. What if rather than a big guild airship, you had matching guild mounts?

    • #5464

      Hey devs.

      PLEASE READ THIS: I know this is a long text and you probably are busy, but the number of players in your game could be raised a bit with the ideas in this text.

      The ability to fly, actually would make me buy and play this game. That is what makes the difference for me! I have played a lot of early access games, and when you are done with what you do normally, like building harvesting, or taking care of your animals, you get pretty bored. I am speaking of playing a game over 300 hours.

      So for me speacially what really makes the difference for me, making me buy a game, is the ability to fly with a good fly engine. Again, it doesn’t have to be fast. I know you have trouble with getting your meshing up and I know the problems, too since I am coding by myself. But you can easily set the average flying speed to the speed of getting around in other ways. It is still flying. It is the way of looking different on your voxel creation world, and letting your mind wander.

      Beeing close to the ground for too long only makes a game boring on long term.

      The glider engine in Cube World was not bad, but you still could enhance it, so this suggestion is how you could to it.

      You could add two Jetpack launchers that can be applied to the glider, beeing able to thrust yourself forward for a short distance, which makes you also able to rise without loosing height too fast, becouse it gives you a velocity boost.
      The Jet pack launchers would refuel over time, if you have fuel left. The fuel and the jet pack could be crafted seperately of the glider, but be equipped at the same time.

      It is also suggested you add the feature to air pressure is actually so high, that you can fly infinitely if you use the thruster sometimes.

      This is what makes a game worth of playing for me. I have seen a lot in games and played a lot of games including world of warcraft, and what really is still existent after you got everything together you want, is to fly. You can see that in the way people get crazy about flying mounts. Also they are always in the air, and not on the ground. Speaking of they like the flying and not only the mounts.

      I just wanted to tell you I am a big fan of flying, and I know, a lot of people are, too.

      greetings, Vishiax

      • #5466

        I know that gliders have been suggested. I’d like to think that they could be implemented.

    • #5484

      I really like what I’ve seen of the grappling hook thus far, the spiderman feel. Anything that gives a sense of skill accuracy and flow is always great imo, with gliders, I say go with a kind of stiff slow tilt. Like old pilotwings 64 or batman’s gliding. That sense of only having partial control really adds to the “Oshtoshtoshtosht” kind of thrill, and that feeling of reward when you pull out of a high speed dive barely avoiding deadly collision.

      Also I’d like to make a note of character customization..There is something to be said about presenting the players with equally viable choices… There’s a consideration to be made between uniforming everyone to spiderman style movement (Attack on Titan flashbacks…perhaps this is not a bad idea) vs giving them ways of expressing their unique character and personality. I think of DC Universe Online’s choice of superpowered movement customizations where you had to select whether you ran super fast like the flash or flew with powers or wings or technology, or they had a selection for gymnastics based movements with a grapple zip line etc. I can think of other options such as Corvo’s blink, or wall and ceiling running like natural selection..Dragon’s dogma (excellent combat engine) let you summon an ice platform as a wizard, blablabla. Which powers are exclusive? Which can be used in tandem etc? These are important considerations. Terraria had a neat idea of letting you craft useful movement gear together in a dota-shop kind of utility tree. Tribes 3 I think it was had a neat dynamic between skiing, grappling, and jetpacking.

      Consider also how this is to tie in with combat. DC Universe handled heroic movement by essentially disabling it in combat and giving players rooting type skills, the EQ Next/Landmark community seems mostly upset over the extent that heroic movement has been demonstrated and exaggerated. They feel it detracts from the old EQ immersive RPG feel. I personally believe this may not have been the case if it were not so floaty and arbitrary. Think risk/reward and skill curve. Those are pretty much nonexistant in what we’ve seen there. Tribes didn’t isolate movement from combat at all. You’d diskjump off of players faces while swinging around their base on a grapplehook without restraint.

      With regards to full flight, WOW had specific zeppelin stations, these followed specific scenic routes to move players between key points. With more procedural worlds, I could see something like this being done well as a kind of slow fast travel arranged by minimap.. WOW meets GTA in a sense…hopefully with some occupational tasks like pocket inventory management aboard the zeppelin for those players who don’t want to stop and stare at the scenery for 5 minutes as it goes by (But why wouldn’t you want to, seriously?) This gives the player eye candy, a bit of a break, or time to clean up his inventory, check the wiki or hit up his kitchen for snacks. You could set the destination by explored minimap only, so friends could take each other to familiar terrain otherwise inaccessible alone etc.. This encourages the more perilous on foot/by mount exploration.

      These are just some ideas I’ve had, and they are very open ended. We know nothing about our combat engine and therefor nothing about how movement will and should tie into it. We could go for minecraft but it wasn’t boasting anything special there. Less can be more, or we may rather like to see innovation. Wildstar’s prompts bored many players to death, though if it weren’t for the excessive telegraph it may have been okay. I haven’t played it so I do not know.. WOW’s combat is antiquated and I imagine many would not find it welcome in a game like this. I don’t even feel high animation and sound quality saves its drawn out rooted autoattack snorefests, but MMOs are traditionally not so great at handling masses of dynamic combat data either. Planetside 1, 2, and to some extent MAG on PS3 I think were attempts at remedying this, but SOE has access to some serious resources. I won’t even pretend to begin to understand the logistics of such projects or whether that is feasible… On an unrelated note Guild Wars 2 and others abandoned the tank dps healer trinity (+ controllers) with questionable results. Everyone was kind of an everything, which is okay for solo I guess but it disincentivizes partying up and strategizing to begin with. Personally I like the old trinity for pve multiplay but I like the idea to make it more flexible than a punishing respec. Maybe changing an armor set or equipment between runs.

      I’ve gotten a bit off topic I realize, so I’ll conclude. This is still a baby project and we have yet to really decide what it’s going to be, what we as players, gamers, backers and developers want. The public often doesn’t know what it wants til its given to them, and if you give them what they say they want they may hate you for it. The key thing to remember is whatever the dream is, for you developers personally, collectively, and your backers as a disagreeable collective, there is a relationship between the avatar and his abilities, the allies he’ll meet, and the world and its challenges they’ll face.. These should be developed mutually held in mind, for one picture, one taste of zen gaming perfection. Whatever that may be.

      PS: In contrast to all my MMO references, in this case less may be more. I’d like to reference a game called King Arthur’s Gold for a potential combat model. Though 2d it’d translate well to 3d, very very simple yet effective with ability to charge sword or bow for double slash/triple shot with guard break properties. This works well with fast and dynamic movement in combat scenarios. Where weak shots will not do, charged shots will. Its the same reason the old megamans were fun. I just want to artfully/skillfully grapple swing/wall jump (double taps! Unreal 2k4 style!) my way through bullet hell nonsense to land my charged shots on otherwise resilient or dangerous foes. Much work to do. Much work indeed ^^

      TLDR: Create movement systems with combat in mind and combat with movement in mind and team play dynamics with all of that and skill/challenge curves in mind. Say no to mindless easy mode. WOW style zeppelin slow fast travels by minimap markers ala GTA. Play Batman Arkham City (for the gliding mechanic), DisHonored, Unreal 2k4, Chivalry, Serious Sam 3, and King Arthurs Gold, Megaman x4, DC Universe Online, and Terraria, or even a good role based hoard game like Killing Floor or Alien Swarm and ask yourself what makes these fun as you do this, write down your best answers, then put all of whatever that is…in this. 😀 I want this game to be excellent.

      • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Konx.
    • #6834
      Erik Steiner

      Why shouldn’t it be possible to build your own ship/airship/air balloon out of blocks?

      It is possible with a mod in Minecraft: Archimedes’ Ships

      An example

      So like the mod in Minecraft you could build your vehicle in Oort. You could need magic gems for example to build the instruments (because Oort is full of magic) and for the engine you could need coal for instance. Air blocks for airships or air balloons could be crafted with wool and magic gems to make them “fly”. I don’t mean that they will fly away, I mean for the lore. How huge you could build your ship could be limited by the amount of engines (airscrews, material, etc.) or the amount of air-blocks (for flying things).

      On my server it was never a real performance hit, everything flew or sailed smoothly and the Minecraft engine was never intended to do such things..

    • #7801

      mine cart with magnetic rails that you can go any upside down up a vertcal wall you could defy the laws of the world you guys with this idea could top mine craft in a lot of ways

    • #7832

      Elevators, lifts, (Tenser’s) floating discs, assambly lines, portable holes … Yeah, my hopes with Crafting II may be a bit to high ;D

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