Unstable Wormhole

Home Forums Suggestions Worlds Unstable Wormhole

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    • #5810

      These can be opened by activating a gate with out a keystone (see my other idea of dungeon worlds) and/or they will spawn on there own from time to time popping up openings randomly through out several worlds. Gated portals will have holes in them, static, and flicker about. While non-gated ones will do much the same and have frayed edges that send out flecks of portal stuff in various directions.

      Inside is one of the most dangerous places to be in the game. But there should be grate rewards there like unstable particles, dark matter, rare crystal formations, and the like.

      It will look similar to a vast system of underground caverns in tunnels full of unstable portals to other worlds. However the “walls” of these “caverns” are made of the same unstable energies of the portals (could look like looking at a galaxy through an old TV with bad reception) and touching them will cause you to be randomly (yes RANDOMLY) sent to another world that’s open… including other instances and private worlds so long as they do not have a white list, or you are not on the black list of that world.

      Should look like this only with chucks of land intersecting with it:

      Inside are large chunks of other worlds, any kind of world type or biome can show up here. Every so often though the “earth” shakes and rumbles and parts of the ‘cavern’ collapse. This is first heralded by the parts of the world along the walls and ceiling crumbling away and falling (watch that they don’t hit you!!!). Then the chuck of the world there will brake to pieces and they will sink into the unstable energies. When this happens the portals there close on both ends.

      Every so often in a chunk of the space, where there is nothing, parts of some world will rise up from the void. Then parts will lower from the clinging and push out from the walls. Finally an unstable portal to another world or two will open up.

      There should only be one of just a few of these, and likely all or mostly PvP. Due to the nature though any fortifications you would try and set up would not last to long.

      • This topic was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Azraile.
    • #5812

      bro, what are you doin lol, based on all the suggestions I’ve seen from you, and some are very well thought out, you have enough to get your own game goin that will be unique in it’s own ways.

      Great suggestions 😀

    • #5813

      Thank you. As I said I belong in some think tank somewhere.

      I may not be all that skilled but I am a grate thinker. To bad they stopped apriseating that after the fall of Greece and the end of the remiss uncle era. Lol

      You can’t make a job thinking, unless you have walls of degrees or one hell of a recrimination, of wich I have nether. U.u

      Though I am skilled at game testing I just live in the wrong place for that. I’ve found ways to brake console games so bad they almost brickedu system. (Morrowind and xbox) just because I don’t think like other people do and do really odd things lol.

      Like that game I had a sword that I made that when ever I hit something it rained down lightning bolts on everything in the area four times.(stacked the same affect four times) It was a LONG sword so it hit a lot at once if things clumped up. Each hit created it’s own AoE blast. I was flying backwards fighting of hords of monsters I had tried running from, but one broke my boots of blinding speed and all the monsters I had ran past all dog piled me. So I swung my sword hitting a good 9 mobs prompting 37 AoEs to hit a good 20 targets each, and I tried to openy Invitory to fix my boots.

      614 damage calculations and loading a good 200 items later and the screen was black and pushing the power button wouldn’t even turn the x box off and it could be reset or the disk ejected. I had to unplug it and leave it unplugged for a few hours.

    • #5814

      That’s like me, I have several ideas I’ve been working on over the past several years and sort of tying them together, but no artistic or programming skills to put forth, unfortunately for people like us, ideas are a dime a dozen, the skills to see an idea to fruition is what’s uncommon.

    • #5815

      GOOD ideas though are not a dime a dozen.

    • #5816

      had a really good reply, but for some reason the site logged me out and I lost it.

      anyway, to the point of the topic I was making before the website so rudely interrupted me.

      I think this would be an extremely good method of introducing the travel between worlds. For example, player from their native world kill titans on their home planet, and acquire shards, unstable wormholes could be an event, allowing players to go to a random new world, because the wormhole is unstable, it could dissipate at any time, so players may or may not have the ability to get back home, unless they bring along a shard from their home planet, fight a titan, get a shard from the foreign world, and make a gate between the 2 worlds. Gates would require a shard from each world to be opened and remain stable.

      Imagine being a lone tradesmen, travelling the worlds trading and selling shards, this would be a market too, because unstable gates would be an uncommon event, and lie I said, players may or may not be able to get back home, or make it to the gate on time.

      If the devs look at this thread and consider implementing it, I’ll be in my glory, this will add several thousand hours of game play in and of itself.

    • #5817

      I was thinking of something some what different for using gates to connect worlds. There will be portals connecting worlds just showing up randomly through worlds but there rare, unstable portals are far more common, there will only be maybe 2~3 stable ones naturally forming in any world.

      Adapting your idea, titans can drop world keystones. These can be placed in a gateway to link back to the world the titan was killed in, or they can be broken for fragments so you can forge the one use keystones.

      Being that you can control who can use a gate, then it will make the keystones valuable, particularly for hard to reach or dangerous worlds.

      Could even have it so guilds/clans can set up tool gates that charge people to use them.

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