Water creatures

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    • #1962

      From ambient/Neutral such as fish. Maybe a school of flying fish that glide across the ocean/lake every now and then? Dolphins? Frogs/Turtles. …. Frurtles?
      Hostile ones such as sharks that inflict bleed, octopuses that pull you underwater if within range. Poisonous snakes that inflict status effects.

    • #2113

      I’d like to see water dwelling creatures myself, I’m deathly afraid of water myself. (But do include scary things like sharks and stuff so that people don’t think the water is safe to swim in.)

      I’d like to see maybe like crocs in the water in rivers and sharks in oceans, also jellyfish, starfish on the bottom and clams and oysters, fish randomly swimming everywhere and swim away when a player gets near. That sort of thing. ^^

      • #3118

        I have a same sort of phobia. Meaning, I don’t feel really safe in a small boat when I’m traversing a deep, deep lake. Anything can be down there, you never know what lies sleeping at the bottom, waiting to devour you..

        • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Master_Chill.
    • #2572

      I think it’s a great idea to fill the water with living things. The seas in Minecraft feel completely lifeless.

      But I do think that the sea creatures in Oort should have a whimsical twist to them, not just be ordinary animals. Why not have things like whale-sized catfish, giant sea serpents, or giant enemy crabs?

    • #2680

      Include a few mythical creatures that are hard to find, like the monster of loch ness. You can create some sort of side-quest to hunt those for loot.

    • #2683

      Tweekzor, Don’t you be hunting my beastie!

      In all seriousness though, I’d love to see this game have some cool sea life. Many games don’t include enough. They make a river, a lake, an ocean, and then let it lie barren and empty for adventurers.

      I feel like the water could also be a great place to farm and add a different variety from land. Maybe there could be some sort of clam creature that you could either tame and farm for pearls or have larger enemy versions that are underwater bosses of sorts and the valuable treasure they guard is actually inside of them. Also, sea cows ;D which could give you a special version of milk when tamed and farmed.

      I love the other ideas thought of thus far also. Really hope water is an added area for fun, be it farming, exploration, or combat.

    • #2719

      I personally would like to implement a mini fishing game in the game but I am the only fishing fan among our development team so it is less likely that it will happen 🙁

    • #2728

      yeah i think you should do something about underwater, maybe make underwater combat. but most important there need to be some kind of fishing XD

    • #2729

      No Yota, don’t say that! You’ve gotta fight for that fishing mini-game!

      There are plenty of examples of well implemented fishing mini-games in MMO’s and other games. My two personal favorites – Final Fantasy XI and Legend of Zelda: The Phantom Hourglass. Catching a fish shouldn’t just be like pulling a cabbage out of the ground, you should have to fight to land that fish. The bigger the fish, the harder the fight!

    • #2756

      Or fishing be random and can have the chance of fishing up a dangerous mob. Lol

      • #2758

        “One day little James did go out fishing he was enjoying fishing quite much so he walked down to the lake. As James sat there looking at the water a giant land shark came out of the water, Snap it said and James was dead.”

    • #2777

      Perhaps a water dwelling titan or large guardian?

    • #2861

      Fishing should be defiantly used. I agree 100% that water needs some life and fishing for food is a must!

    • #3047

      If they add titans there should definitely be a water version. Maybe like the big Water Monster from Monster Hunter Tri. That would be so cool.
      And when you come to a new world you’d have to ask around which creatures are deadly and which not. (or try it out) because nothing in Oort looks like on Earth I hope^^

    • #3120

      Fishing. I remember two versions;

      the version in Fable 1, where you could gather all sorts of stuff from the water and not just fish. I personally loved this idea, of gathering random junk. It also didn’t take much time to come up with something.

      Because that’s what you wanna avoid. Boredom. In Minecraft, this was a very tedious job that I really didn’t enjoy. They solved it only partially by adding random items and junk, but in the end it took you just as much time as before, unless you enchanted your rod, which seemed a lot like cheating to me.

      TLDR: Don’t make fishing boring please.

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