What race will you be?

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    • #5583

      Here’s my question to all of yu: what Oort Online race do you want to be when they’re fully implemented?

      For me, I want to play as the ram/goat race. It just seems like it would be really fun; live as, like, a goat-monk in stone huts on mountains. Or maybe be, like, a planar nomad with other goats.

    • #5586

      I really don’t know what I’ll be until I see the race perks. I like to base my race on pvp advantage, then play as an aggressive character.

      • #5884

        Looks like me and you aren’t going to get along very well. i’m more of a territorial player who needs to be provoked but normally if i get attacked i win cause i know my tactics and surroundings.

        At the moment im building the port town of Araba

    • #5588

      Whatever is the fastest. Depending of course.
      I tend to be fairly deadly when it comes to speed builds.

      • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Sorrow.
    • #5597

      It depends, firstly I have to see them. Then there’s the question: go about asthetics or attributes? If my wishes come true then they’ll make every race have fairly similiar stats with just some special abilitys like under water breathing, faster movement, flying. So you can take the character that looks the most fun to you, without having to think which one will fit the best for your playstyle because of the attributes.
      To the question, I’ll probably take the flying one or, if this is not possible, the fast one. But who knows how the whole character thing will play out…

    • #5610

      As i said in the survey, Avain , with the ability to flap my wings, hovering slightly and the wind gusts knockback and do damage to enemies. Channeled ability.

    • #5618

      Can’t we all just get along?

      Seriously though – I for one can’t wait to see the races implemented – but I gotta 🙁

    • #5620

      I hope there is room for pacifists and knowledge based characters 🙂
      oh and if that is the case please let them fly!

    • #5662

      The races are one of the things that really pique my interest in Oort. I love the concept art I’ve seen of them and I really hope the char models live up to that amazing artwork.

      I can’t really vote on a race yet, cuz I don’t know much about any of them. ; o;

    • #5775

      Were do i find this survey Druka?

    • #5779

      I’ll be the race with the Horns. For now I’ll refer to them as Goat People. Tough. Intimidating. Hardened for spelunking the depths of the worlds

    • #5780

      I’ll have to wait to see the perks as well, but I’m likely gonna go with monkey, their awesome, and if I could have one of my own, I would.

      I loved the breath of fire series mainly because of Sten lol

    • #5901

      I’ll probably want to pick a crafter/merchant like race.

      • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Stratus.
    • #5906

      Im most likely going to be something similar to a dark elf, and has sneak and stealth, watch out guys. Going to be dealing with a hitman! 😛

    • #5965

      one word
      That is all

    • #5966

      I really like the tailed races. I’m hoping the feline-like race and insect race aren’t the only ones that can have long tails. I’d like my character to have a long bushy tail of some sort. Overall I can’t pick any one race just yet, partially due to how little we know about them. Also because I’m hoping there will be a decent amount of customization and certain skills/traits that are race specific that will help influence which we choose.

    • #6027

      When it comes to purely difference in aesthetics I would look for these things: Size, horns, tails, wings. I would want him to be large if there are any size differences, but not to be encumbered by his size (like requiring larger doors. This would be impractical and I highly doubt it will be a problem with any race). I would want something with horns, maybe like a bull, maybe like a rhino, maybe something alien. A tail would look really nice, not something slinky, but rather thick like an alligator, or maybe something with nice scales. Also if any models come with wings that would be a big plus. Not that I expect the ability to fly to come with wings, and I would dislike any race starting with the ability to fly, it could look great depending on the wings.

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