World Builder Questions

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    • #7962

      I am really enjoying the power of the World Builder. Even added another 16gb of ram to smooth out rendering. System is still brought to tears with only 3 biomes so far.
      Perhaps this page could become an open forum for questions related to this tool.

      “Seriously powerful tech!”

      If you are new to World Builder, you must view these!
      Here is how professionals do it:

      If your frustrated, SquidgyG has been there:

      Currently wondering if there is an easy explanation on how to keep caves just below the surface?
      I tried to solve with noise. If you speak Oortian:(At this point I have tried to remap and clamp a low frequency perlin and simplex noise from a group sum.)
      Are my issues simply steming doing caves from the biome pane vs the world, or will it still boil down to a better noise selection. It seems as though I am just missing a slider.
      In the World Builder suggestions page, a Cave heights option has been requested, seems as other are encountering this or similar issues.
      Seems as though with enough “fiddling”, noise selection can also fix this…

      Thanks for the help!

      • This topic was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by Bootlegger.
      • This topic was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by Bootlegger. Reason: clarification
      • This topic was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by Bootlegger.
      • This topic was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by Bootlegger.
      • This topic was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by Bootlegger.
      • This topic was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by Bootlegger.
    • #7968

      Hmmm… I didn’t have that issue, I’ll have a look at Vekil and see what noises I used. Is it possible your minimum height map for that biome is set too high?

      • #7971

        Definitely possible. I am trying to separate biomes by heights, as well as vegetation etc as I learned from your videos..

        Further questions
        all this noise!!
        What does Fractal do? How do I use Lerp? Whats the difference in Absolutes and what is their ideal use? Why aren’t my Deciduous trees popping up in Final world view?
        Good thing it is color coded, or I would really be confused! 😉

    • #7999

      How do I utilize the paste option? I would like to copy completed biome strata and substrates to new biomes.

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