World Builder demonstrated

Home Forums Suggestions Worlds World Builder demonstrated

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    • #3223

      @Ian and @Fooks have put together a video where they try and create a new world. (Let us stress the try part again.)

      Check it out:

      Are there any other world building features that you want to be able to create?

      We want to make sure that you can build your dream world to play in – no matter how crazy or original it is. So we need your ideas now to make sure everything can be done.

      Let us know.

      • This topic was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by James.
    • #3231

      Are floating Islands or like a ruptured World possible? (Dragon Hunters anyone?^^) Or like mentioned in another topic change the physic properties of the world like gravity? (when gravity and stuff is added of course^^)
      And is it possible to have a snowstorm on top of a mountain while the beach further down has rain or maybe even sun? In the video it seemed like there could only be one state of weather in a world. (maybe they just didn’t know how to add it in^^)

    • #3243

      I am absolutely floored at the power and flexibility of your world generation software. I always though that the biomes in minecraft were bland. So I got into Terrain Control, but this absolutely blows that away. The depth of customization was astounding, combined with the ability to see changes in real time in the development environment. Wow. The possible worlds that can be produced will be so much more diverse than I imagined. I had not given much serious though to master, but this is making me reconsider.

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