World/Friend Chat Function

Home Forums Suggestions Multiplayer World/Friend Chat Function

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    • #7004

      Realizing this has been hit on in other threads, I would still like to say it would be wonderful to have a true world chat as well as a friend list/chat function. The friend function should be cross-world in addition to any guild/alliance chat functions. Of course, until I see more than myself on the world I play the world chat won’t matter much. Lol

      • This topic was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by Quantum73.
    • #7114

      I’d like to see a universal chat for O.O. until the servers start to fill-up. I never run into anyone in game.

    • #7565

      Agreed – i think if OO were to take a true MMORPG approach, there could be /World /Zone /Say and /Whisper , also /Group /guild channels. These are fairly standard on all other MMO’s – (imho)

      • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by Darkstar-IE.
    • #7578

      I think a world chat would ruin the sense of exploration in this game. People will just be spamming it constantly with vulgarity/coordinates/spam like in many other MMO’s. They have already stated there would be a bulletin board system as well as a player token system, why not utilize those features for large scale communication? Players would craft a communication device and gather other players tokens to be able to be able to communicate and track each other across all worlds. Players would post their resources (and possibly shop location) for sale on bulletin boards in towns that other players would read and either collect or deposit a token to contact each other and meet for a trade (or go to that other players store location). I think it would encourage much more cooperation in the game and give the game a sense of tangibility. All forms of communication could be “in-game”.

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