World size

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    • #7776

      How big are the World ?

      I am now at -5 10 -26000 and still no end.

      is it endless ?

      World Builder ending at ~4100 but at the compass i have still a world

      • This topic was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by Saint.
    • #7780

      well Minecraft is 66,000,000 blocks across
      though that doesn’t mean anything about Oort
      It cannot be endless, though it may be very VERY VERY big

      I can’t help it!
      How big IS the World?

      • #7786

        big. they can make insanely huge worlds, but no they are not endless. the ”middle” / ”standard” world size will be 16 x 16 km (where 1 block is 1 meter) and also they have or is going to add an option that makes the world connect, so you can run in 1 direction and you will eventually come back to your starting area. like the real world.

    • #7790

      the world is large in any case^^

      Maybe any developer can say how big the world is XD

      in any case the world is bigger as 60k fields (-30k till 30k = 60k fields)

    • #7791

      I really hope the worlds wont be endless, or too big.

      Big enough to expand but not big enough so you are completely secluded from everyone.

      Its a social online game afterall.

      • #7792

        the different worlds will very in size but again, that worlds will be something like 16 x 16 km +/- a few kilometers, also you also need to view it from the game site if they had for example a million players at launch, then there need to be enough space for everyone 🙂 so far they have ”603 billion square meters of land mass, and more to come” or that was stated by ben atleast. so the worlds are prob going to be big enough so you can explore and stuff, but if you want to always intereact with people you can build around capital, since i imagine that is where all the players will be huddled up at first.

    • #7812

      Most of the current worlds are 8km x 8km.

      The worlds can be any size as they’re procedurally generated. (There will be a point where the game would start hitting floating point issues – but I’m not sure exactly when that would be.)

      When you go outside of the generated region, the game will generate a flat plain. The game can generate more of the world, instead of the flat plain, but this is currently disabled to keep the worlds stable for players.

      We have also considered and explored a little making the worlds wrap around. This would give them a much better feeling of being planetoids.

      Would you prefer flat worlds? Or wrapped worlds – looping around?

      Let us know.

      • #7815

        yep round worlds, actual planets so you can explore it all without having to backtrack (say if you walk 5 km hit an edge and you have to walk 5 km back)

      • #7820

        Im not sure what you mean by “flat plain”.

        Do you mean if you go far enough you will just come into big flat fields of endless nothing?

        If that is the case, wrapped worlds by far the better choice.

      • #7823

        yeah atm there is an end to the worlds when you get too far out and you hit an invisible wall that you cant move through. thats what he is referring to.

      • #7828

        Wrapped worlds definitely get my vote.

    • #7814

      I would love wrapped worlds.

    • #7821

      I love the idea of having wrap-arounds, great idea.

    • #7827

      wrapped world i found better

    • #7829

      I would love a world like a ring, where you can build inside and look up to the other half of the world, like in Sigil, City of Doors (Planescape Campaign Setting of AD&D/D&D) … or Halo, for all the non RPG’ers out there ;D

      • #7850

        Why not have many different shapes?^^ Maybe not know because difficult and stuff, but I’d love to have eventually many different shapes like ellipsoids, cubes, rings or even something like a möbius strip.

    • #8054

      Maybe both world types would be a cool option? I do prefer wrapped worlds though 🙂

    • #8198

      Gravity would be really weird on flat worlds. The farther away you were from the center, the more it would feel like you were walking uphill.

      I’ve been to the SW corner of Vaisier and left a torch there.

      Meanwhile–wrapped worlds. Not necessarily spherical–cylindrical or toroidal topologies would be fine (and easier).

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