Writable Books

Home Forums Suggestions Crafting Writable Books


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    • #2080

      I really like the idea of writable books they can be used so much fun.
      They can be used for in-game journals and diaries, AND they can be used as a trade ware because most of the other things people makes in-game can be acquired from other sources and worlds, but who doesn’t want to have a bookshelf full of good books written by other players?

      • This topic was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Thorbjorn.
    • #2098

      Thanks Thorbjorn. Do lots of you players write in in-game books or papers in any other games?

      Rob – Wonderstruck Designer

    • #2108

      I personally only do it in minecraft but in some of the servers there we have used it to write out treaties and lore which made all of it much more fun 🙂

      • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Thorbjorn.
    • #2141

      Well if i’d personally love the idea too, i think it would be cool to be able to keep a journal, and if you make all the worlds randomly generated and make enough for people not to be able to just google it, while having a realistic map that doesnt show everything, you might have people who will focus on exploring and figuring out where to find gatherings of different materials and write down the coordinates, i personally think not everybody should be able to write it think it should be a limited crafting class for people who wants to do it 😀

    • #2165

      Zouls that wouldn’t fit very well with the only one crafting skill per player. What about as a skill or something? you can acquire it by leveling up (or however the progression system works) 🙂

    • #3033

      I loved this idea back in Minecraft and was so stoked the first time I made my very first book. Though I was only playing in single player maps in Minecraft, I had an entire library full with ‘m. Diaries, archival books of every town, manuals on how to make items, manuals on how to brew potions & what ingredients they need, general notebooks, books with prices of every town I went to, books with local lore and legends in it… You name it, I had it in my library. And that’s just out the top of my head.

      Another idea I already wrote down in this other section on the forum builds further on the use of books, you can read it here:


      TLDR, I love books and would very much like to see this happen.

      • #3086

        I really like how you put links to other topics where you posted ideas which have some of the same aspected. It makes the forum much easier to navigate Please continue doing that 🙂

    • #3041

      I would almost certainly write one if I had the chance to do so^^ I mean not only for my personal use but if people like the stories you could even sell the books. I love the idea.
      You could even make kind of a bonus branch for the tanner (if this skill will exist) so he could also be a bookbinder who can bind books noble and with all sorts of fancy stuff.
      And maybe there would be a player who does the publishing and the advertising of good books. The possibilities are endless again^^

      • #3242

        Something I think could be interesting for a book binder would be the ability to customise the appearance of the book in-game. For example the binder might be able to make the book look like old worn books

        old books
        or modern tidy ones
        modern books for flavour!

        Additionally what if a crafting profession allowed you to tweak the appearance of the book reading UI. Perhaps the old books look like this:

        old book reader ui
        and modern books look more like this

        more modern book ui
        which still looks like a book, but not as “old”.

        Perhaps as you level up book binidng or via some kind of discovery mechanism you get access to new spine designs and colours. Maybe the selection of paper type changes the appearance and good publishers look far and wide for different types of paper. Maybe the profession that chops down trees can make paper and maybe there’s some tweaking they can do in the process that the publisher crafter can use. Get me started, I dare you 😀

      • #3397

        I say the possibilities and the way the skill trees could link to eachother are endless^^

    • #3045

      Ooh my, hadn’t even thought of that. Though I’d add a preview mode of the books when you wanna sell ‘m though. This way, nobody can cheat upon eachother and you actually know what you’re gonna buy before you buy the book.

      • #3063

        Yea you could have a summary of the story on the back of the book and maybe show how many pages the book counts. And even if you would cheat another person with a book, you’d get a negativ reputation and nobody would buy books from you anymore.

      • #3068

        Hmmm, not big on the whole negative reputation there, people could give you a negative review even if they bought a good book from you. People can be very annoying when they wanna. A random preview of your book can easily prevent this. Though I do think that a short summary on the back of the book would be lovely. Hadn’t thought of that one, actually ^^

    • #3085

      An important thing if you wan’t to earn your living by selling books is that other people can’t copy them.
      My idea i that when you written a book it is the “master book”. What this means is that it can be copied but all the books made from this one can’t.

      Any other ideas?

      • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Thorbjorn.
      • #3098

        Oooh, good idea! I like it.

    • #3244

      I like the idea of books. I have tried a journal in other games but I feel for Oort I would use a book to write coordinates of things, if no map, and possibly notes on villages, where to buy certain items.

      I also feel books would be great for guilds. Using them for rules/laws and allow all members to see who is an alliance and who is the enemy.

    • #3373

      Something came to mind the other day – what if Oort Online had books of it’s own (so, non-player made books) as well? Like as in Oblivion, where we could learn a certain skills by hunting down a specific book and read it? I personally would love to go to every town’s bookshop just to do this one thing. It gives a certain depth to the whole world of books in a game, I think.

      • #3380

        They could make some competitions for making stories and logbooks fitting the lore 🙂

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