You were killed by ___

Home Forums Suggestions Crafting You were killed by ___

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    • #7068

      If you were able to name your weapon after you crafted them. Then display to other players you were killed by Someplayers Named weapon. For example if I maned my axe “grandma” and killed you with it, a message will flash saying you were killed by LigerZero’s grandma.

      I am sure you all can be more creative than that lol

      It would also be cool if the weapon kept track of how many players it killed and how many monsters it’s defeated. Armor could display total number of damage the player has taken while wearing it and how many times you’ve died.

    • #7089

      to both ideas : meh

      i want weapon naming and flavor text ingame and already made a post for it, but i dont think you should get a killed by weapon, not even player if it can be avoided, i wouldnt mind something like ”killed by sword” or ”killed by poison arrow” but it would be way more interesting to be able to play an unknown assassin if you dont get your name revealed whenever you pvp kill

      and the kill stat count is also kinda meh, you should have a stat page for kills in general but i dont think they should show on weapon since that would feel not lore friendly at all…

      but just a matter of taste.

    • #7106

      True… I was just thinking because my friend and I want to see who kills more during raids or guild wars.

    • #7108

      it is a pretty cool feature though, i wouldnt mind it if i could turn it off or have it in another stat screen.

      and the first option, go read ”Assassin” on community hub, that is why i dont want people to get a notification on who killed them

    • #7146

      I’ll look it up, assassin is something I’m interested in as well

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