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KeymasterYou can’t turn off fog in the settings, the volumetric fog option mostly only effects the fog in the first 56 metres where it is ray traced to get more accurate results for things like caves or to get local effects like block lights lighting up the fog
KeymasterNote that some things may still be broken as we were forced to roll-back the native-c++ side of the steam client to the previous version as some people were getting serious (game breaking) graphical issues that we won’t be able to resolve till monday.
KeymasterOh okay, that’s interesting then. Nothing to do with the world configs, the shaders for the 3d rendering are failing to compile on your computer. Could you send a full log of those errors printed please along with gpu/os information?
KeymasterAs far as I was aware we did ship a few worlds with the editor, someone else will have to confirm if/where they are stored.
If you could link to your config file we can check it out and see if there’s something wrong with it or not. One feature lacking in the editor is error dialogs when the configs ‘are’ incorrect.
KeymasterNot a bug, just ‘not implemented yet’ 🙂
KeymasterThe drop/shrink stuff is especcialy effective in opening up cave systems both to the surface, and within the cave systems themselves. Eg if two caverns are carved out such that there is only a thin layer of rock between them, the dropping of terrain will allow them to be opened onto eachother (with the associated pile of ground/gravel below the opening).
KeymasterThe drop function (and the per-biome parameters) control how terrain drops to the ground below (usually as gravel). with the drop function itself providing a scaling of the required depth (so if drop function is a constant -1, then terrain will ‘always’ drop when below the required depth).
The shrink function provides a little bit of noise onto how the height of the dropped terrain is shrunk down towards 0 (so if you had a constant plateau of thickness 10 which all dropped to the ground, the actual height of the columns of terrain resulting from the drop would vary based on the shrink noise).
Keymaster</humble> volumetric fog being lit up yellow by the lamps makes the chapel one even more atmospheric
KeymasterActually, you do still only need 2 blocks clearance, but it’s a bit finicky to get your jump timing right so that you don’t just hit your head off the roof before you’ve got on top of the step.
We changed the player height slightly (10cm taller) which is certainly going to be the culprit here (This was because the camera height used to be at the ‘top of the head’ which screwed a few other things up graphically, and we opted to keep the camera height the same, and make player taller instead to move the camera to a normal eye-level. We’ll likely do the reverse now to shrink the player back again, and reduce camera height instead)
This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by
KeymasterLikely you were somewhere near an area with a huge amount of block-lights (eg rukios lighthouse). The black outline invisible cube shows that the blocks have in fact been placed, and we’re simply waiting for the meshing to complete on the second thread.
KeymasterSo each of the noise functions outputs a value -1 to 1:
The absolute noise combinator takes the input noise, and maps its output x into 1 – 2abs(x), you effectively end up with sharp peaks at 1, wherever the original function passes through 0.
The absolute2 noise combinator, is equivalent to chaining the absolute combinator twice, the effective result being you get sharp peaks at 1 and also sharp peaks at -1.
The fractal noise combinator, takes a single noise input, and you sample it at various frequencies, getting a weighted sum. You would generally use this one something like: octave 1 having scale=1, multiplier=0.65. octave 2 having scale=2, multiplier=0.25, octave 3 having scale=4, multiplier=0.1. So that you take the same noise function, at higher and higher frequencies, with small and smaller multipliers. The effective result being to turn a smooth function into one that is more textured. Eg: it takes and turns it into
The interpolate noise combinator, takes a single noise input, and will sample it only at discrete grid points (set on the node), perfoming a linear interpolation for inbetween values. This is mostly an ‘optimization’ node, so that if part of the generation is particularly expensive because of having crazy complex noise functions, you can stick an interpolation node at the head to reduce the quality of the noise for better performance. But you can also use it to get some nice looking features as well by using particular large grid size and using something like fractal on the output.
The lerp noise combinator, takes 2 noise functions, and does a linear interpolation between them based on the output of the 3rd noise function. Eg you could have a noise function that gives nice smooth features, and one which gives really crazy high frequency spikes, and with the lerp noise, end up with a noise function that in some areas is nice and smooth, and in some areas is high frequency crazy based on the third noise function.
KeymasterIf you could provide us with some more information:
The second image seems to imply it has something to do with the sun, does it help if you turn to face away from the sun?
If not, does turning off god-rays in the options menu (press O) help?
If not, does turning off the render buffer option help?
If not, does turning weather effects off help?
This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by