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ParticipantYeah that would be nice if they were very large, and you could place them across several worlds. I’m jealous of your master package, with your largely increased beacon size. ;P I’m under the impression that worlds would be infinitely large though, is that wrong? If they were I would at some point want beacons in several locations across a world: 1 At my town I’d make (I like building towns even though I never have anyone to play with) 2: At my best mines 3: At any portals I find so I can build a base there, or at portals I make (if, for whatever reason, I decided not to build the portal within one of my beacons I’ve already placed). I think beacons could be balanced without limiting the amount you could make.
ParticipantI would never support option 2, and I am against option 1 because making a town becomes impossible for someone who solos. There are many players who would enjoy building a town and protecting it but don’t have a large enough group to do this. It would make more sense in lore terms if you had to collect the Oort material to make beacons. In a game like this it would be hard to amass the resources necessary to build beacons just to grief with them, if you lost all your items on death.
ParticipantI would like a very wide variety for every tier of material. Each world has a different pallet of said materials, some going from tier 3 then not having tiers 4-5 and jumping straight to tier 6 for example. Each tier would have different kinds of material within itself that accomplish different goals. Say for tier 1 being wood, there would be different kinds of wood on different worlds. One would would have a higher durability than average, but a lower mining speed. One would have a higher damage which would make it a good melee weapon, but a low mining speed making it a poor choice for a pickaxe. Not only should there be this sort of variety within the tiers, but there should also be over a dozen different tiers, hopefully many more than this to allow for constant progression within the game, possibly for a long time.
This is great for an MMO, and great for RPGs; it would give the players something to strive for while creating a stronger community and sense of immersion.
ParticipantOr maybe higher tier lighting would have a larger range of light emitted. What if you can even customize the color emitted at higher tiers, sounds interesting.
ParticipantWhen it comes to purely difference in aesthetics I would look for these things: Size, horns, tails, wings. I would want him to be large if there are any size differences, but not to be encumbered by his size (like requiring larger doors. This would be impractical and I highly doubt it will be a problem with any race). I would want something with horns, maybe like a bull, maybe like a rhino, maybe something alien. A tail would look really nice, not something slinky, but rather thick like an alligator, or maybe something with nice scales. Also if any models come with wings that would be a big plus. Not that I expect the ability to fly to come with wings, and I would dislike any race starting with the ability to fly, it could look great depending on the wings.
ParticipantVery true. It would make sense if beacons were expensive to craft, therefore reducing exploitation. Possibly each beacon would cost more than the last, or they could need maintenance, or in someway can be destroyed (this should be very difficult). Maybe beacons run on Oort stone like portals do, so you would have to consider long and hard whether you should make a beacon or not.
I made a comment that talked about this and several other things in another thread: You may have to copy and paste that, the link coding wouldn’t work.
ParticipantI really don’t like the idea of NPC guards or any AI players at all, like traders, companions, or any kind of guard. How do you even spawn these things? I prefer player to player interaction, where if you want to buy something, you get it from another human being, same if you want someone to travel with, or if your town needs guarding. I’m sure you can find wildlife in a world somewhere that can meet your needs, be it a travel companion, a source of protection, or use as a traveling caravan.
As for creating towns, just place some beacons, now you have a town/city. However much you control is your town, or you can say your town is some land that doesn’t even have one beacon, but that’s going to take much more protecting. There shouldn’t be any UI for naming or creating towns, just player to player interaction and beacons if you choose. Tell people the name of your owned land as say “Rock Haven, City of Stone” and now that’s the name of your town, known by whoever you tell. Maybe you can make a sign. 🙂
I hope this makes sense, it can be hard to properly convey an idea through text.
ParticipantI like the idea of a backpack slot, where you place your bag instead of on your hotbar. With no bag equipped, you would still have a decent sized inventory, but with it equipped, your inventory will be expanded, depending on the tier bag, or backpack. The backpack wouldn’t necessarily open, it would just expand your inventory ex. from 40 slots naturally to 60. You wouldn’t have to fiddle around your hotbar for several bags causing clutter and confusion. Players would strive to have the best backpack if they plan to carry a lot. Also, this way you could see your backpack worn on your character if there is a special armor slot for it.
Instead of a cart that follows you, maybe tamed animals can have inventories, too. I’m sure it would be hard to program armors for each one, but maybe some, or hopefully all animals can be equipped with armor. Some animals could naturally have a much larger inventory, and they could be equipped with backpacks, too. It would be interesting if there was also a stat on these animals that was a backpack multiplier.. By this I mean a backpack that would increase your inventory by 10 slots could potentially increase an animal’s inventory by 50, or 2. Like a squirrel sized pet would have a backpack size multiplier of 0.2, while a large horse sized animal could have a backpack size multiplier of 5.
I would love for these ideas to be implemented regarding bags and traveling inventories.
ParticipantThere are so many things you have to consider for this.
Where do you spawn after you die? Do you spawn at a random location, your initial spawn, or a set spawn point? With option number three, you have to worry about changing your spawn. Is it only at beacons, can you change it any time, or is there some item you use? I would like for there to be some item.. I would say a bed, but on a server you can’t control the day/night cycle for all the players with just your item. Maybe you can set your spawn anywhere but there’s a cool down. Again, so many, many things to consider.
I would want it so you can choose a spawn, but not just any spawn. You have a few options listed under “You have died.” Option 1: Spawn at a random location. This would be great if you spawned at a world you didn’t like. (There could be a problem with how random the location is, like should this option be able to spawn you on a world with other players, on an uninhabited world, or should it make an entirely new world for you to spawn on? I like option 1 with the added ability to make an entirely new world.) Option 2: Spawn at your current spawn point. This way if you had never set your spawn, but you liked the world you were on, you can spawn there again. You can also change your spawn point (somehow, I would want a place-able item for this. You would have to use resources to place the item, and it couldn’t be used in the heat of a battle. Even if you did use it in battle, your opponent could break the spawn item, resetting your spawn location to your original.). Say you found a nice new world and you made yourself a productive mine. You can set your spawn there so if you die, you wouldn’t have to travel however far you did to find it. Option 3: spawn at your/your clan beacon. If you have several beacons, you can choose from them. Beacons shouldn’t be cheap and should take time to erect. This is useful, but could be exploited if not balanced well. One would be if an opposing guild was attacking you at your beacon, and your whole clan continuously respawned there. Maybe there should be a cooldown. Would the cooldown be across spawning in any beacon, any beacon in that world, or all beacon spawn points? I like a cooldown for specific beacons, if beacons were costly enough to make. Also, people could travel across worlds between their beacons without the use of portals just by killing themselves. However, death could be costly and that is the point of this discussion.
Now when you die, you might take into consideration the circumstances of your death. Did you die from a fall, from a monster, or from a player? What about where you died, was it in your beacon, out in unclaimed territory, or in an enemy beacon? Would you lose nothing, some things, or everything? What does it mean to “lose” something, does it just fall out of your body, does it render a chest, or is it deleted from the game?
I think regardless of where or how you die, you should lose all of your items. I think they should just spill out on the floor like your guts, and stay there for 20-30 minutes before disappearing. This way if you fall a bit away from home, you can run there and still get your stuff. This also adds incentive for 1: not dying, and 2: making spawn points. If you kill someone, you can immediately loot their still warm lifeless body.
Now what about currency? Say there is a money that’s set aside from your items, what happens to it when you die? Here I just want to say that if there is a currency, it shouldn’t occupy your inventory. I think it should have absolutely no in-game use, and that the only thing you can do with it is trade it. Also, there should definitely not be any NPCs you can trade with, all trade should be purely player to player. I think when you die, none of your money should drop.
Hmm… Say we do drop all our items, is there any way to store it? Should there be storage items (like chests), private ownership, and expansions to inventory? If there are storage items and you can set ownership, can’t they then just be broken and looted that way? If they are invincible then you can end up with some ugly messes and annoyances. If you can expand your inventory, is it permanent, until death, or through a wearable item?
I say there should be storage items, with higher tiers having a larger inventory and the ability to set ownership. They should be breakable even without ownership, unless under the influence of a beacon. If a storage item is within a beacon it can only be destroyed by an owner of the storage item or the beacon owner. I think in addition to armor slots, there should be a backpack slot. Without any backpack equipped, you should still be able to carry a considerable amount. However, there are those who wish to be their own pack mule, and their cries should be answered. Backpacks should be craftable, or found, and with different tiers. There shouldn’t be a separate backpack inventory, just an expansion of the already existing one.
Too many things to consider… Like player skills. If there are player skills/leveling, on death this could result in two things. 1: If player skills are obtained by performing a specific action, no levels or experience should be lost. 2: If player skills are like attributes (such as strength and dexterity, where you simply gain experience towards one level then spend skill points on attributes), you should only lose experience towards the next level, you shouldn’t lose any spent/unspent skill points or levels.
Last thing that crosses my mind is permanent death. On death you would lose your money, items, spawn, and even your character. I think this game shouldn’t have perma death. Maybe you can delete your character if you’re a fan of this idea. If a character is deleted/banned, ownership of their beacons and storage items would either go to the first person they shared it with, or no one.
Well, now that we’ve mentioned perma death, I may as well go ahead and talk about having several characters. Can you have an unlimited amount, a set number, or one per account? I like having more than one character, but I wouldn’t want an infinite amount because then other people could exploit that. Maybe just 5 character slots. Whichever way, you should be able to delete your character(s). Nothing should be shared between characters, not money, items, ownership, or spawns. This would make it hard for people to exploit the ability to make several characters.
TL;DR: Yeah, this is a lot to read, sorry. These are all of the issues I could think of and my ideas on them. I hope that you’ll like my ideas, and even if you hate them all, I think that if you take the time to read this you will have a wider view of the subject. If you did read this, thank you, and please comment on any ideas you had 🙂