Forum Replies Created
MemberI can imagine that. “Here a screenshot of what i made… Oops that was from Oort online check it out here ……”
MemberBut the biggest problem with the discourse model is it is quite hard to keep op when the community grows too big
MemberYeah i would really love to shift to It seems nice and a lot smoother.
MemberI really love the discourse model but it doesn’t work with huge communities and i think that is what Oort is going to become quite quickly.
MemberAnd i am already giving a little bit up on the community. Sigh
MemberWhat i meant with empty was if a small guild of lets say of 6 people decided to make an EPIC town and after that when they look at it it really needs some inhabitants that doesn’t go on adventure all the time then they could get a few NPC’s to move in 🙂
MemberYep this way you won’t just get epic items if you are lucky to get some valuebles. That was one of the things ruining minecraft a bid for me too. ^.^
MemberI really like the idea of hire able npc’s for tasks that way you could make a lot of life in the cities and farms. 🙂
MemberI would love to explore these worlds. I can already imagine an adventure group running through a thunderstorm with lighting strikes besides them and the rain falls. 🙂 It would be epic.
MemberYup i am from denmark… I think i am gonna make a thread for this in general discussions 🙂
MemberI really like this idea 🙂 Thorbjorn approves
MemberYup this sounds just fantastic. 🙂
Memberthere doesn’t exist that idea that doesn’t need to be polished ^-^
MemberIf it should work it should only be for blocks you or other players build inside your beacon. Else it could be used for supper faster mining.
MemberWell the tough was to make a mechanism to let it make more sense normally if you need to fx. pay to get through a door (or something else) there is a mecanism that you put the money into.
Also the block for renting out plots of you beacon space is more so people can rent it without it is necessary for you to be nearby 🙂