Armor, weapons visual personalisation

Home Forums Suggestions Combat Armor, weapons visual personalisation

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    • #2548

      Hi all
      This post will tell you about some ideas for weapons, armor, upgrades, enchantment’s and chancing and personalising the looks of your weapons / armor.

      And yes it’s alot of text. I would appreciate some constructive feedback. 🙂

      There are 2 types of weapons; Combat and hunting.
      The reason behind splitting them up had to do with an other off topic idea
      about professions.

      The different combat weapons and their possible skills/bonuses/ stats

      Sword: critical strikes, fast, can wield shield
      blade:debuff (bleeds, cripple,…), fast, can wield shield
      Long bow:knock back, arrow rain, long range
      short bow: short range, fast, rapid arrow
      Crossbow: mid range, stun, high powered (but slow)
      Spear: armor piercing, aoe attacks
      Glaive/halberd: aoe attacks, aoe knockbacks, 2 handed
      Battle axe: critical strikes, rage(each attack vs same opponent = more damage(capped)), slow
      war hammer: denting blows(armored oponents take more damage), knockdown
      Staff:power of the elements, high power, slow(wind up for spells)
      Rod: healing capabilites, buffs, can wield shield
      shield:decreases damage,more chance to parry an attack,

      The different hunting weapons with bonuses
      Huntersbow: cripples
      boomerang: chance of knock out
      javelin: high damage
      bowie knife: critical hits
      rapier: bleeds

      Here are some ideas for armor types and armor pieces

      The idea is to have a 5 piece set that can each be individually be upgraded and be changed visually.


      There are 3 types, each with their own bonusses / weaknesses / strengths And materials.

      robe: spun from wool, linnen, Titan fur,…
      more movement speed, less magic damage, more dodging chance, more physical damage

      Cloth: leather hide, reptile scales, titan leather, …
      more movement speed, less physical and magical damage (balanced) small dodging chance

      armour: bronze, iron, steel, titanbone
      No bonus movement speed,small magic damage reduction, high physical damage reduction, almost no dodging chance, stability( harder to knock down or back)

      (note: the bonnusses and weaknesses can be balanced so they slightly change, not making one type OP)

      updating visuals (weapons and armor)
      Everyone wants to own a very cool set of items, and everyone wants to personalize it themselves;
      so here are a few ideas with explanation on how we could personalize the look of the weapon / upgrade the weapon.

      Gaining materials
      Grass, stone, bark, fur, dyes…

      These materials are more for costumizing armors.
      You can add detail to you armor by using the armor piece and grass(or other types of decoration), to add a bit of decoration somewhere on the armor.
      Afterwards you can always dye the decoration / armor in a colour you want, and so on and so forth.

      Here some ideas on how to change the look of items by enchanting. ofcourse with maybe a setting to turn the visual effect on or off.

      spiked: returns x amount of damage back to the attacker ( shown with spikes on armor pieces (setting to turn it on or off ?))
      Sturdyness: increases durability (bolted plates, bigger seams, other textures,…)
      Sharpness: increases damage (refined edges, white sheen)
      Lightweight: attack a bit faster
      Reinforced : higher defensive stats ( plated, thick overlapping leather, double stitched sturdy fabrics…)

      Environmental( weapons and armor(i have no ideas for armor as of yet =( ))
      this is another way to change the look of your items.
      Deformations, wear and tear and glowing aura effects are part of hitting specially crafted stones out of some kinds of materials.
      if you hit a rock the blade will get serrated, and so on.
      a few ideas;

      wetstone: brings it back to default state (by hitting)
      Stone: serrated edges, or roughed up look (by hitting a stone)
      flint: darkens the blade (by hitting)
      precious ores or metals: gives a coloured shine/aura on the weapon
      diamond-> electric aura,
      saphire -> blue,
      Ruby-> red ,
      emerald -> green ,
      titanstone -> star

      Congratulations you have made it through!

      These are some of my ideas that popped into mind. please leave your comment/criticism in a constructive way so that we can make this game awesome;

      If you want to add up to this concept please do so. the more people involved the more ideas we get and the more brilliant the game is going to be.

      Kind regards


    • #2913

      well I personally agree with about most of what you’ve summarized here and I think it would make for a good variety as for customizing the appearance I have a couple of ideas to add on. this one will get a bit long as well but I think these idea would make it even better.

      1. I think you shouldn’t just be able to use dyes to change the colors I think it would be color if you could use a special item or tool with the dyes like a paint brush to may your own logos symbols and insignia’s or even a coat of arms style crest.

      2. as for the enchantments and environmental buffs with appearance changes I think you should be able to stack the effects and have each level of those enchants further enhance the look with the buff having a limit of course like if I add spike to my armor then maybe if I do spike level 2 there is either more spikes or larger spikes and maybe combo some of the ones that can reasonably over lap like spikes and sharpness, or reinforced and sturdy.

      3. I love the idea of different weapon types have those for combat and hunting so what about making tools with classes so you can have craftsmen roles for the less combat oriented players like a miners pick, or quarrying hammer, a loom, add other rolls besides combat and then it makes the idea of people coming together and building real villages of players much more likely. fishing rods and all sorts of things so that you can take the worlds and make an actual world out of it you can have miners and blacksmiths, clothing makers and merchants, fishermen, even food vendors, potion makers, librarians for mages and skill books that let you pick up new job types and teach you how to make the basic equipment to get started.

    • #2933
    • #3058

      Wow, that’s one. Long. List. Personally, I’ve always been very confused when a lot of math becomes involved into the stats of my armor/weapons. I’d rather see to it that they’d avoid this sorta thing with Oort Online. Perhaps it can still be integrated, but in a more visual way then. You mentioned for example the adding leaves thing, that should give you more stealth then, the more blows in your armour, the more damage you get, and so on.

      I’m all for upgrades and enchantments though, but on a limited palette. Otherwise you’ll become overpowered against enemies and new players, and there’s just no fun in that. For both parties, in both immediate and long term results. Same goes for Singleplayer-XP, when you encounter a Titan on your own, you’re just better of running/using stealth, and join up with more players (it’s an MMO after all) to come back and kill it.

      I’m a great fan of the whole personalisation of armour, with dents & cracks included. But I’m not so sure about the various effects all those weapons will create. It seems a bit confusing to me. Unless you actually get to see the effect on your enemies. But won’t that be too gruesome on more sensitive/younger players? I don’t know.

      PS Titan fur. Niiiiiice 😀

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