
Home Forums Suggestions Creatures Birds

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    • #1910

      The birds are very pretty but it’s a bit of a suprize when they fly out of the walls when you’re underground.

      Perhaps giant mole creatures would be a good addition to the game. They hoard ill-gotten treasure in their twisty underground lairs.

    • #1951

      Sounds like a nice idea. When you say giant do you mean like giant in terms of how a real mole is or giant as in like Godzilla sized. lol

    • #2007

      Didn’t we tell you about the multi-dimensional, quantum, magic, time travelling birds? 😉

      It’s not a bug, it’s a feature. 😉

      We want to have subterranean creatures in the worlds that are different to their surface dwelling brethren.

      Besides, are you telling me you haven’t seen the burrowing worms on the Dune world yet?


      Rob – Wonderstruck Designer

    • #2148

      What? I have seen no such things!

    • #2229

      Troll Rob is trolling 😀

    • #2501
      Wet Jimmy

      Just a note about the birds – I love the look of them and it adds some atmosphere and ambience to the world,

      Minecraft feels very empty, by contrast, and so I’d encourage the addition of more birds, bats, butterflies, fish, insects, etc – things that don’t necessarily have to be interacted with but are just there to make the world feel alive.

    • #2508

      Ya like bats come out at night that sort of thing along with flying bugs, daytime butterflies and birds fly around.

    • #3129

      I’m a great advocate of all living things. Be it birds and ingame insects in swamps. Or giant moles like the ones you can find in the movie “City of Ember”. For the record, for those who haven’t seen it, they’re not the size of Godzilla ^^

      Like it’s been said here before, I seriously disliked the vast emptiness of Minecraft. It disturbed me a lot for a long time. Even the repetitive nature of their spawn points annoyed me. Always in group, always at the same locations.. Animals do tend to flock, I realise this. But always in the same pre-determined locations and always in group? I highly doubt it.

    • #3174

      I’d love to see more animals in the game but I would like to have a possibility to interact with almost all of them. Stand on a worm? Splash (maybe not that dramatic) hold your torch into a mosquito swarm? burn them. Little things like that make the game even more alive.

      • #4969

        That sounds similar to the original Half-Life’s squishable cockroaches

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