- This topic has 58 replies, 19 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by
July 31, 2014 at 4:10 am #1737
– You sink really fast when you enter water
– http://imgur.com/dbjy96y Placing a torch in the water 1 block below will remove the water block.
– http://imgur.com/6aceA5y Placing a torch underwater makes a water block surround it.
– http://imgur.com/OYUscq9 Water is not edged properly with natural block (Example. Sand is curvy, there is empty air inbetween
– The sink to breathe ratio is too high
– Your camera will be above the water level and you’ll still be drowning.
– Going from water to land is annoying. The jump isn’t high enough or you won’t jump sometimes even with momentum.World/Terrain
– When you destroy grass/dirt block, floral grass does not disappear and will hover.
– Torches will float when you destroy terrain underneath them.
– Around 256 blocks high, blocks you’ve placed disappear.
– Height of the character/block placement seem off. Can’t get the proper view out of a 1×2 window.
– Dune fissure led me underground and was blinded by fog. (259.27 , 34,75, 615.58)
– http://imgur.com/3l7mhOK If a block is ‘natural’ when breaking, you can not see the break lines if the natural edges overlap the 1x1x1 square.Controls
– Sometimes Mouse wheel will jerk the selection back and forth.
– Shift click doesn’t work all the time.
– Not able to shift-walk to an edge and place a block on the side/underneath.
– Character slides/drifts every now and then.
– X Doesn’t do anything
– With infinite block on you can essentially fill your inventory upEDIT: It seems links don’t work on the forums yet.
July 31, 2014 at 4:07 pm #1765
MemberHow are you able to play the game with the Trailblazer package?
August 1, 2014 at 2:02 am #1824
KeymasterThanks Daniel Ace,
We entered all these issues into our issue tracker.
August 1, 2014 at 9:52 am #1861
MemberHere is another issue I found, Something wrong with the draw distance im assuming
http://media.giphy.com/media/ToMjGpy8DqDfUzehKAo/giphy.gifdont tell me how to hmtl link cause i will still have no idea
This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by
This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by
August 1, 2014 at 5:02 pm #1890
KeymasterFixes in latest version:-
* Shift click doesn’t work all the time
* Not able to shift-walk to an edge and place a block on the side/underneath
* Blinded by fog at (259.27, 34,75, 615.58)
* Torches will float when you destroy terrain underneath them
* Difficult to move from land to water
* Portal meshing (other side not meshed) -
August 1, 2014 at 5:03 pm #1891
KeymasterThanks for the report Toukon. Log it as an issue.
August 2, 2014 at 3:12 am #1929
Constantly running through a portal will crash 1 of 2 worlds.Controls
– X does not do anythingFunction
– While moving if you hit P the screen pauses, as it should. Should you still be holding W while you’re paused. You’ll continue to move forward in the world.Water
– Torches stop water flow
– Digging underwater creates giant air patches, small currents form but do not fill up cave even with mass body of water above.
– When ALPHINE_WOOD_LEAVES are placed in water, the water block becomes present and overwrites portions of the leaf block
– When anything is placed underwater is places a water block around it making for different looks underwater.
– Placing a torch in the water removes the water block allowing the player to breathe
– Water is not edged properly with natural block (Example. Sand is curvy, there is empty air inbetween
– Your camera will be above the water level and you’ll still drown.
– Air block located underwater at: [301.59, 62.75, -385.72]Blocks
– You can’t place blocks down with a lootable block in placeWorld/Terrain
– Obsidian biome has weird lighting issue. Drops of 1 have pitch black pits.Multiplayer
– Strobbing names http://www.twitch.tv/ruikio/c/4800603Forums
– Bolding doesn’t work. -
August 2, 2014 at 3:48 am #1933
At 255 high the block you place become invisible as if it’s not placed. -
August 4, 2014 at 4:23 am #2232
– When running along the boardwalk made out of PLANKS_ACACIA, the character will bug and lift up as if flying.
– When WEBGL crashes, you can select reload at the top when a notification pops up. The game will load. Except you cannot use your mouse to look around.
– Closing the browser tab fixes previous bug. Still an issue for those who don’t know.Blocks
– When a server is lagging enough and you remove a block, walking into the block allows you to see outside into the world
– You can not port over to another world with exotic blocks (Luca leaves and walking through a portal to Fooks) without it changing/disappearing. It seems when you cross the portal the blocks turn into something else, or almost as if you have two different hot bars.
– I found this graphic bug with portals. Giant block in my face while I can still harvest on the other side http://imgur.com/rM82VGs Can make highlight if needed.
– When looking straight down and placing a sloped block. I’m facing east looking down at the ground and the slope places as if facing southWorld
– Odd shadows at Test server -346.43 , 127.75 , 223.05Items
– Light from torch persists after being destroyed at -346.43 , 127.75 , 223.05EDIT: I need to make a highlight for you guys with your special property jumping out of water not working. Will do so later.
This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by
This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by
August 4, 2014 at 8:36 am #2251
– Special property bug. It’s explained in the highlight: When http://www.twitch.tv/ruikio/c/4816161
– Spawning in mid air when swapping servers.
– UnknownSOURCE07 froze and hit F5, relogged back into the game and saw a clone of himself. I hit TAB and I saw two of him. Happened x2Blocks
– Lamp block water stuck bug http://www.twitch.tv/ruikio/c/4816177
+ Walk backwards while spamming lanterns underwater and eventually it engulfs you. Works best with two rows. -
August 4, 2014 at 11:27 am #2265
August 5, 2014 at 12:36 am #2326
MemberDrowning bug
-Air meter appears and begins to deplete at random (while the player is on dry land) and continues to deal damage until the player dies.
-Adversely, while underwater, the air meter sometimes does not appear, allowing indefinite time spent underwater.-
This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by
This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by
August 5, 2014 at 6:59 am #2355
MemberI also noticed that there was a spot where I was drowning yet you could not see water. Lighting did look odd however around the area, so perhaps the water itself was bugged.
I also noticed these alot: http://puu.sh/aFlmL/dd73ca16b8.jpg
August 5, 2014 at 12:24 pm #2381
Participantwhen you break stoneblocks and place them again they are an entirely different type of block. im making a cave arena, and its kind of annoying that i can replace things i accidentally break without it looking stupid.
August 7, 2014 at 4:33 pm #2761
KeymasterFixes in latest
* Vanishing chunks that reached high up in the world
* Blocks at 255 not rendering
* Fix for block lighting flashing during deltas
* Fixed players not being able to play the game if the last world they were on has been shutdown
* Fix for block lights causing WebWorker crash at the bottom of the world
* Fix for player not able to move at startup
* Fixed a cause of chunks not meshing -
August 8, 2014 at 3:30 am #2831
– After you get out of the water while drowning, you still lose a bit of hp after you break the surface.
– When snow is on a block and you place another block ontop of it. The snow isntantly transfer to the new block.
– Holding shift while walking can cross you over blocks where their corners are touching, or you float across a flat surface.
– Health is saved per worlds
– When underwater and breaking a block, you cannot see the break marks.
– Blocks from hitting X and looking at a portal do not go to the other worldBlocks
– Ran out of Luca’s grass block, and was unable to grab more. (Server could of went down or something.)
– Looks like snow in Luca can go through Alpine_WOOD blocks. (Will double check for you tomorrow.)World
– Location 6.42 , 104.90 , 192.27. Water is invisible, only 1 block high and i’m drowning.
– 1×2 section in the water, no reason. 6.55 , 7.90 , 233.77
– Luca server terrain bug: 805.96 , 64.90, 176.00
– After 6000 WorldTime you can see yourself in the water’s reflection, when the sun is up you cannot see yourself.
– Shadow bug at 688.68 , 69.90 , 670.73 Luca
– Water empties into a cavern at 66.14 , 65.90 , 45.74. LucaItems
– Torches inside my triforce at 196.31 , 91.90 , -282.74 are invisible. Must be something to do with the sloped blocks. Fooks.-
This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by
This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by
August 8, 2014 at 7:24 am #2851
MemberJust realized I bugged locations without giving you the server. Assume Luca or Test.
August 8, 2014 at 9:07 am #2862
MemberI’d like to say thanks to Rukio.
He’s literally hunting bugs like he would already do this his whole life (not meant offensive or somehting)
Your buglist is really impressive and I guess you will help a lot improving this game 🙂
I wonder how you can find all those bugs – Even if I try to break something nothing happens 😀Anyway, keep this up buddy 🙂
August 8, 2014 at 6:39 pm #2932
MemberSeems my last post didn’t go through.
I pretty much have been bug hunting for the past 3-4 years. I’d give you an example but it seems theindiestone has deleted all of the threads in bug report forum. So if I wanted to show that to Wonderstruck, I’d be screwed.
I do it so when you guys somehow do it, it’s already fixed. I’m a patient guy and kind of love dealing with these things.
Thanks for the encouragement! I plan on it.
Games i’ve bugged for:
Project Zomboid
Secrets of Grindea
Guns of Icarus Online
August 8, 2014 at 5:39 pm #2922
MemberNoticed this rendering bug when digging out my hobbit hole. I think the sloped blocks of the hill are the issue.
hell1: 338, 64, -182
It gets pretty trippy sometimes…
This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by
This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by
August 9, 2014 at 1:01 am #3016
MemberYou can plant grass on pretty much any blocks.
August 9, 2014 at 6:31 am #3074
MemberI found some grass just floating in midair on hell. Closest coords I could get are: 690, 156, -655.
August 10, 2014 at 3:58 am #3237
– World terrain loading slow
– Stand at 143.49 , 144.90 , 103.52 and move back and forth on Fooks. There are floating blocks that appear and disappear
– Snow randomly spawning/clipping in Luca at 672.27, 73.75 , 523.84 probably from drift. Snow is landing inside the house.
– Reflections bugged at 587.65 , 64.90 , 528.30 at Luca. Jumping in the water, half of the reflections disappear======Blocks
– When you use all of Luca’s GRASS, when you try to harvest it to get more it won’t allow you to pick up any.
– Luca’s stone block is also bugged, not allowing you to harvest anymore. -
August 10, 2014 at 6:00 am #3253
– Torches on a sloped block have the wrong hitbox. The torch is below while
the hitbox is above. As if it was on a flat block.
– Sand is oversaturated when it snows hard in Luca -
August 10, 2014 at 10:53 pm #3340
MemberI’m having problems with all blocks that you can make into a slope
I’m having problems with sloped blocks, I’m not sure if i’m doing it wrong or it’s a bug
August 10, 2014 at 11:27 pm #3347
Member -
August 12, 2014 at 2:16 am #3511
August 12, 2014 at 8:00 am #3527
KeymasterThank you very much for reporting bugs. We are logging these bugs into our bug database. 😉
August 12, 2014 at 3:26 pm #3550
ModeratorAs a reminder to everyone when posting Oort Online bugs on the forum, make sure to include the name of the server plus the coordinates where possible so that the engineers can locate the bugs and fix them, thanks!
August 14, 2014 at 6:20 pm #3643
– If an environment is shrouded by fog/mist, looking at the reflection shows the environment minus the effect.
– Looking through the Test portal to Fooks despawns landscape immediately infront of the portal. (Refreshing fixed it.)
– Servers seem to be having some rubberbanding issues going on 8/13/2014======Blocks
– Coal block does not match the model (obviously a placeholder.)
– Leaf block next to glass creates odd clipping graphics that distort======World
– As the sun sets you can see through the world. Camera position: 513.27, 17.90 , -1495.01 on Luca.
– As you shift the camera side to side looking at the puddle, the rendered reflection swaps/pops in. Player position 898.03 , 65.90, -925.25 on Luca.
– James: The game thinks you’re underground and behind water at the same time. 1798.69 , 17.90, -2046.77
– Setting suns seems to be a reoccuring thing. Seeing it while underground. Camera Pos. 1850.80, 22.75, -2005.82
– Record Pandora’s box (Will post again when highlight is made)
– 8/14/2014, world still loading slow. Sitting at Luca spawn waiting for things to show up. -
August 15, 2014 at 4:05 pm #3687
MemberThe focus doesn’t adjust if you look through glass. The glass block is (kind of logically) always in the focus^^
August 16, 2014 at 5:36 am #3732
– Reflections bug out and turn a weird shade of color in Fooks at Camera Pos 412.74 , 66.75 , -325.67 . Sun is setting (Reference Icospawns giant building in progress. The texture glitch happens on the boardwalk infront of it.
– Momemtum could use some tweaking, sliding down into a ramp up loses so much momentum you don’t go anywhere.
– Momentum example located for you guys at Luca Player pos -1414.27 , 27.90 , 2048.44 Oh, and welcome to Pandora’s Box.
– Hopefully this is dealt with or the loopty loop dream is die before it even begins.======Blocks
–Glass blocks does not have a breaking animation overlaySeems if you weren’t a fresh spawn with all the new blocks, nothing had the breaking overlay.
– There’s a bug where when going down sloped ice, it sometimes lifts you up like it’s a normal square block
– Placing blocks with the new system sometimes has a hiccup where the block will disappear
–Infinite glass at camera position -1379.00 , 63.75 , 2048.31 .Will make highlight, not sure how it happened.
– Placing any block on infinite glass block removes it, and places it where it chooses
– Continuously placing blocks on the infinite block spawned a block ontop of it, fixing the bug
– New block placing system is REALLY wonky, blocks are disappearing and being placed elsewhere
– Shift walking ontop of a block against a block while holding shift and moving in another direction will prompt you to fall when at the edge of the block you’re standing on.
– Seems infinite blocks (blocks that won’t be destroyed and keep reappearing) are caused by the new placement system. After some time they just break.-
This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by
This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by
August 16, 2014 at 7:16 am #3736
– Getting stuck inside blocks and suffocating is still a thing.
– Oh and I mined the block I was stuck in, got flung across the map and died against I don’t know.Here’s the highlight of infinite blocks http://www.twitch.tv/ruikio/c/4916224
This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by
This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by
August 17, 2014 at 10:18 am #3779
MemberI’m not sure if this is lag or a bug but whenever you break a block it sometimes think you’re still holding down left click. Continuing to dig down in a random direction for a little while (about 5 or so blocks) until you can click anything again.
(just happened in [hell1] (36.27,63.90, -9.47) )
November 23, 2014 at 5:21 am #5668
MemberI’m back! 🙂 Some things I found while playing today.
– When two people mine the same block, it doesn’t speed up
the process.
If this isn’t a bug, it should be set to where people can help each other mind a single block!======World
– 384.84, 17.90, 965.48 on world Keuehok. Water underneath
water glitchs through the above water creating a weird graphic======Items
– Placing a torch down and quickly switching to another number
on your hotbar will not place the torch.
– Placing an item/block down and quickly switching to another
item/block will place down the swapped thing instead.All I got today. Take care!
November 23, 2014 at 1:49 pm #5695
Dudge Dude
MemberHi found a Lighting bug today
===== Lightning
When you are underground and put a torch on the ground, and then continue mining the new space stays dark, so you have to pick up the torch and place it back on the same spot to update the lighting in the newly mined space-
November 24, 2014 at 3:02 pm #5774
MemberI reported this in a thread I created not long ago as well. As the majority of my base is in a cave system, I have this issue constantly!. Lately I have been placing multiple lights, digging as far as I can then just smashing 1 of the lights seems to refresh how the light affects the area.
-when working underground (any server from what I can tell) when you place any amount of lights/torches, then mine new blocks, the new space created will not be affected by the lights placed. Remains black.
Again my only work around has been to smash or take away my light source to get the light to adjust for the new spaces I create (all underground, where no sunlight ever goes)
November 24, 2014 at 9:47 am #5759
– When a torch is placed on a cheese wedge slope underwater
it places an air block above it.
– When a glass block is placed in an air block underwater,
the non muffled sound plays instead of the underwater version.
(I assume this goes the same for all block placement.)======World
– 12×12 hole in the world of Kohe at -300.52, 66.60, 1139.99
– When you grapple then right click to remove the hook and swap to another item it regrapples you and places the item. This kills the Rukio.-
This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by
This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by
November 29, 2014 at 1:07 pm #5973
– 1) Holding space bar (jump) while above water (in water) makes
you become stuck at top of water.
2) 100% as long as you hold space bar for more than 5ish seconds
3) Go in water.
Hold space for 5-6ish seconds.
Let go.
4) While in water hold the space bar for a short time while
being above water. Letting go of the space bar after some time
will drop the player just below the surface and violently bounce
you. It seems if you move a block over you’re free. I believe
holding space while above the water creates an invisible block
that clips with the player======World
– Water graphics look like empty spaces/holes when looking
down at them from an angle. World – Kohe. Camera Pos
[-300.54, 66.60, 811.64]. Shows all along the wall at the
corner in posted position. Graphic quality set on Ultimate
– Giant hole in Kohe’s ocean floor. You can’t go through. -757.56, 45.60, 836.36======Items
– 1) Grappling hook does not give momentum if you grapple the
same block you grappled before
2) Happens every time no matter how many times you grab
the block
3) Go to top of body of water.
Aim down.
Keep grappling the same block.
(If you keep grappling other blocks you get the momentum boost)======Streaming
– 1) Not multi monitor friendly. When alt tabbing from the game
your first click does not register. Sometimes it becomes more
severe. All left clicks won’t work unless you right click when
it’s more severe.
2) Happened 10/10 times for the minor first click not registering
3) Click Oort. Alt Tab to other window. Click.
4) Lack of clickingRandom untested bug: Glass blocks carry surface light underground.
November 30, 2014 at 10:03 pm #6017
– When a player logs out and the ground beneath the player
is dug up enough to kill the player. The player spawns where
he logged off at then plummets to his death.
– Alt F4ing/Killing the game client can be used to kill momentum when falling.(nvm weird delay on the exit game. you still die a horrible death.)======Blocks
– Player placed leaf blocks have a chance to spawn apples. Better
fixed now before the survival update comes and players have
infinite apples.
– Lighting effects (lantern block) on the leaves underwater
drop your frames significantly. It’s also really hard to look
-Leaf blocks underwater have a awful shadow issue when light
is around (Lantern blocks). It’s hard to look at and hard on
– You spawn with two lantern blocks.======Items
– When using the grappling hook’s momentum with headbob on to traverse the
world, too much speed glitches the player model into view
of the player. Also makes it look like he’s sinking into
the block below him. (Seems to be caused by headbob)
To renact it:
1. Make a straight pathway (I have a glass one)
2. Have headbob on and grappling hook selected.
3. Double tap to sprint, jump and alternate left and right clicks
to gain momentum down the path.-
December 1, 2014 at 11:26 am #6046
ModeratorThanks for taking the time to describe the bugs that you have encountered.
Do you have screenshots for the following bugs that you have described, plus the world that you found them in?
-Lighting effects (lantern block) on the leaves underwater
drop your frames significantly. It’s also really hard to look
-Leaf blocks underwater have a awful shadow issue when light
is around (Lantern blocks). It’s hard to look at and hard on
frames. -
December 1, 2014 at 7:27 pm #6062
MemberWorld: Kohe. I do have pictures. I’ll have to post them when i get home in 5 hours.
December 1, 2014 at 6:41 am #6041
– Server Kohe is experiencing block placement lag. Sometimes
the block (underwater) will disappear and turn into fake air
bubbles. Your air meter will fill inside it. You can’t float.
You will still drown however. The air meter is a lie. -
December 3, 2014 at 3:42 am #6111
Memberhttp://www.twitch.tv/ruikio/c/5607644 is the highlight for the fake air blocks. I didn’t think at the time to show you that sitting inside it will put your air meter back up. However it’s still counting down. Then you drown.
December 3, 2014 at 4:30 pm #6134
– While breaking a block with anything but not a tool that will speed up the breaking speed, and switch while still breaking the block to a tool that will boost up the breaking speed it will (in most cases) instant break.
I think this has to do with the time you are breaking a block is counted, when you switch to a faster tool to break the block this time isnt resetted.
i.e. I break stone with an axe for 2 seconds, while holding the left mouse button i switch to a pickaxe, the block will break instantly. (Best simulation is: take a grappling hook, hold your mouse some time on a block, switch to something else in your hands, block will break instantly, in theory you should start over again.)========Moving
– While holding crouch (shift) and walk until the edge of a block (so you will be stopped from falling). Stop moving around, jump and you will fall off. It isn’t a bug but it will cause falling without meaning. If you crouch until the edge of a block, you expect that when you didnt moved after the crouch you can jump without falling of the edge.– after crouching until the edge of a block, you can crouch onto the same side of a block nearby while there is placed a block on it while there is a block placed upon the block you crouch. (you walk on the edge of a block, while there is a block placed upon the block where you walk. you cant walk further then 1/2 of the block it’s edge, and you cant walk (while holding shift) back to the edge of the block you came from. THIS IS ONLY WITH SLOPES! (used block/squary forms).
Crouching on slopes until a corner while there is a block placed onto that corner, you will fall off the slope. (slopes in non-squar blocks, corner must be at blocks highest point). EDIT: also with normal blocks (not slope blocks). -
December 3, 2014 at 8:38 pm #6146
Member -
December 5, 2014 at 12:44 am #6216
– If you switch from server while using the grappling hook, the line of the hook will appear in a word length/direction in the world you join (grappling hook isnt ‘disconnected from the block/resetted in use’ when changing server). see screenshot 1======blocks
– placing a block on above water gives weird textures. see screenshot 2
– Grass (not blocks but the grass upon the grass (oh shut up! you will understand:P) in water removes the water block. Does not get overflowed with water like it should do (same issue with the torches as before, wich is fixed now). see screenshots 3 + 4 -
December 9, 2014 at 2:04 pm #6483
KeymasterThanks Duckieh.
February 2, 2015 at 2:05 pm #7940
– When in full screen and you alt tab, the game swaps to windowed.
When you go back into the options to turn the Full Screen back on
it’ll say ‘off’ Clicking on Full Screen will not trigger it back
into Full Screen. Alt enter fixes this issue.
– http://www.twitch.tv/ruikio/c/6023257 (<—- this shows the bug) Placing blocks in rapid succession seems to
trigger a bug where the blocks disappear. Shortly after it ported
me to a another area (Slightly below where I currently was).
– Some slow down on build 0.90 with leaf/lantern blocks around.
Frame drops and game stutter. World Kohe, inside my leaf barriers======World
– Weird water seperation bug. < http://imgur.com/7OPFl8b >======Streaming
– When you hit enter to maximize the screen the game freezes on
OBS temporarily.
– When the game is closed, OBS’ game capture does not pick it
back up. This forces the streamer to readd it back in game capture.======Personal
– Sinking rate is a bit too slow. Almost a complete stop 4 blocks
down from sea surface.
– Rising speed in water seems to be slowed. Hard to build in water
without fearing for death.======Site
– The link function does not seem to work when submitting a post.-
February 2, 2015 at 3:30 pm #7944
ModeratorThanks for reporting these bugs, they have been logged.
Could you explain more about the issue you’re having with OBS (Is this Open Broadcaster Software you’re referring to?) and what happens after you close the game? When you said, “When the game is closed, OBS’ game capture does not pick it
back up. This forces the streamer to readd it back in game capture.” did you mean you’ve quit the game initially and then the streamer has to re-add the game back in game capture after you chose to reload the game?Also, when you said, “The link function does not seem to work when submitting a post.” did you mean the forums here?
February 2, 2015 at 5:34 pm #7946
MemberCould you explain more about the issue you’re having with OBS (Is this Open Broadcaster Software you’re referring to?) and what happens after you close the game? When you said, “When the game is closed, OBS’ game capture does not pick it
back up. This forces the streamer to readd it back in game capture.”Disregard this bug. It seems the 64 bit client has fixed this issue. OBS now properly picks up on the game without me further having to do extra work to get it too show.
Also, when you said, “The link function does not seem to work when submitting a post.” did you mean the forums here?
Yes. The forums link function does not work. All the text is just invisible, but shows up when you go back to edit it.
February 3, 2015 at 2:03 pm #7958
ModeratorThanks for clarifying the above issues.
Also, thanks for providing the information about the high memory usage yesterday. Could you provide more information about what you were doing before you had the memory issue? Were you teleporting between worlds or did you start off in Kohe when you loaded the game and remained there ever since? Also, what graphics card and driver do you currently have?
February 3, 2015 at 4:10 pm #7960
– Memory builds up pretty quick. Over the course of 2-3 hours
5 gbs built up (sitting at 9 gbs), essentially lagging the game affecting pretty much everything.Also, thanks for providing the information about the high memory usage yesterday. Could you provide more information about what you were doing before you had the memory issue? Were you teleporting between worlds or did you start off in Kohe when you loaded the game and remained there ever since? Also, what graphics card and driver do you currently have?
I didn’t leave Kohe. I essentially was there the entire time. Kohe when I started. Kohe when I left. All I was doing was placing two block types under water. Lantern and leaf blocks. Settings all maxed out. Toggling everything off/low was not much of a difference.
My specs.
CPU Type: Intel® Core™ i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40GHz
CPU Speed: 3.43 GHz
System Memory: 17.12 GB
Video Card Model: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760
Video Card Memory: 4.23 GB
Video Card Driver: nvd3dum.dll
Primary Display Resolution: 1920×1080 -
February 28, 2015 at 11:32 am #8363
MemberTorch bug, images below
I place the torch attach to the wood pillar 1 block above the ground level.
Then this is what happen when I place a corner-shaped block under the torch.
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