
Home Forums Suggestions Console

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    • #4651

      Console versions of this would be fantastic. I hope this is on your agenda for the near future, though I could see a fight with Microsoft and their newly purchased Mojang as this does a good job of taking Minecraft and supercharging the whole concept ten fold. Love this already.

    • #4652

      Yeah I too hope to some day have a console version of the game, It would be amazing to finally achieve the dream of one game that unites all the platforms. But it is probably a ways off. here is why.

      The console networks charge very large sums of money to push updates of a game. So Oort would need to be largely built before taking it to those markets. Also, remember MC spent 3 years in development on PC before it made it to Xbox. That being said this game is being built from the ground up in such a way that it can be accessed by almost any gaming platform. So it’s implicitly on the roadmap, however getting to console will be contingent on money, which of course means the game will have to be a success on PC first to allow them to leapfrog into those markets.

    • #5995

      Aren’t they trying to do the hole muilt platform with dungeon defenders 2?

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