Few questions before me and my friends purchase packs

Home Forums Support Few questions before me and my friends purchase packs

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    • #1889

      Sent that message on facebook as well but I dont know how often you reply to messages there so i’ll type it here.

      Hi there Wonderstruck team,
      Me and my friends want to buy the $95 package but we have a few questions we would love if you could answer before we purchase.
      1. Renting a server – what would prevent hackers from destroying it?
      2. What are the precautions you are going to take against hackers?
      3. Is there 1 global database or each server on its own?
      4. Each server is unlimited by it size?
      If not, what happens when resources are running out?

      Thank you very much!
      Keep up the good work on Oort, we will support you all the way to late 2015.

      I prefer solid answers from one of Wonderstruck team, thank you.

    • #1926

      Hello there. It appears that my colleague answered your question after you sent us an email. I hope that answer was sufficient. Thank you.

      • #1954

        Yeah appreciate very much
        Great team!

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