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    • #8324

      Hi there! My name is Carlos, I was wondering (Directed to the developers). I purchased Oort Online Instant access (wayfarer) around September 28 of 2014 and since I have loved the game. This gave will become such and amazing game with a great community that I want to be apart of. I was wondering if there is anyway I could keep in better touch with an admin or developer because I would love to help and contribute with more than just a donation of money. I would love to talk to a developer to see if there is anything I can help with. Thanks, and have a fantastic day!

    • #8325

      Check out their twitter account @oortonline
      Other than that, I don’t know that they do personal skype calls so much since they are busy developing, unless you wanted to buy the Oortian package… Then they’d be happy to take the time to skype call you 😉

      • #8326

        Hey :D! Sorry about that, I didn’t mean skype in the way that I would skype call them , but I felt more as keeping in touch with them so incase they wanted me to test something they can send me a quick message and I’ll be on my way. Something like that but I understand if you and they are busy. I’m sure developing a game must be one of the most time consuming jobs, I just wanted to see if there was anything I could help with that could save them time, weather that be testing things or helping people on the fourms. 😀 Sorry for the misunderstanding!

      • #8335

        Lol! No need for apologies! I’m not a developer either, just a supporter like you! The developers title on the forums is “keymaster” or “moderator”.

        So long as you’re a paid supporter, you can occasionally test new features as they need. They typically request volunteers on twitter to email them when something is ready for testing. The devs frequently read bug reports on this forum and in the steam forums, too. If you’re looking to help out, I suggest frequenting those three places.

    • #8330

      Ditto, I think a lot of us would like to help out in some way at this stage. They tweeted that they’re looking for an ass kick game-designer, but what a designer is- is really a facilitator for creativity and problem solving. Thing is, by my judgement at least they’ve already got the tools and the mindset to make the magic happen.

      First thing a designer would do is sit down all the stakeholders together- and the surveys are a way of doing just that. With improvements to the community infrastructure we can engage in the process of testing, brainstorming and providing feedback perhaps to a more useful and engaging extent. The community is the lifeblood and also perhaps the greatest resource any game can have, so building a functional bond is hella useful.

      What you want carlos is probably twitter- send them tweets! There’s also a backer level for unlocking a dev-chat ingame (dunno if it works yet) but it would be nice if we had a cleaner solution.

      Forums are okay but a bit impersonal, and it’s basically a full time job keeping track of everything that’s going on (once the forum gains many more active users). Community managers usually take care of that kind of thing, building a sort of bridge between peeps and devs. A golden design solution would be incorporating a system that automatically helps the community manage itself. Tricky!

      Dialogue is super important, you really need a feedback loop to make any progress, and I’m sure that’s exactly what the devs have with one another. Just need to tap into that super computer of community creativity!

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