
Home Forums Suggestions Building Mini-beacons

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    • #7855

      If it is viable with the engine, I would like to see the ability to place “mini-beacons” sensitive to y-coordinates (not top to bottom of the world) to protect small localized areas, such as roads, paths or platforms. Would this cause too much clutter or other issues?

    • #7862

      not sure about it like that, but ben stated that beacons would be splitable, so you could have 8 small beacons, 4 medium, 2 large or 1 huge beacon, but yeah this would be neat.

    • #7863

      We’re still working out the exact rules for beacon placement. We’ll probably “try” something in the game with all the players then get some feedback and tweak it.

      But we understand the general issue that sometimes you want to protect your home / base (so want a “big” beacon) but then other times you just want to protect a road (so want a “small” beacon).

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