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MemberI also think races should be mainly about aesthetics because i don’t want to end up with some ugly defective looking creature just because i prefer a certain skill set.
A compromising solution would be the eve online system. Your starting race determines your starting skill set but you can still max out all other skills in the long run.
Or perhaps the Fallout system. Your race determines your “Primary” and “Secondary” skills and those improve faster for the secondary and much faster for the primary skill set. But you can still max out all other skills, it just takes some time.
So a final level character would have all skills maxed out regardless of race, so you can chose based on aesthetics. You just might end up struggling a bit in the beginning if you have the wrong skill set.
MemberOK, 5-10 beacons, but how many blocks would one beacon approximately claim?
MemberMakes me wonder tho…..why didn’t you go for the kickstarter campaign AND the model that you have going on now?! It’s what Star Citizen did. They raised 2 mil on kickstarter but they still continued the instant/alpha/beta model that you have now. It seems that you could have done the same. Take Planets 3 for example. They raised 300 000$ on kickstarter with a lot less to show than you did in your opening movie. It seems you could have been a lot more secure and/or better funded if you raised 300k on kick, and than continued the funding process the way it is now even with the feature voting. The kickstarter thing would have simply been massive marketing.
The way it is now….I’m monitoring the funding on an hourly basis and biting my nails!! And I don’t even care about my 50$; i just want this game to be made….badly! 😀