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Participantit is great to be here, and thanks guys – and welcome dapasdapro, I am really looking forward to this community growing. Have to say I’ve been hooked on oort online over the past few days, the more time I spend in it , the more I love it. Its amazing even though many of the end game mechanics are still not implemented. I get the feeling we have discovered something huge here, and as time progresses more and more people will be joining us… 😀
ParticipantSure, thanks, there is a lot to be done, and tbh, I’m not in any hurry, – it was more a curious question than an “i want” 😀
I think this game could potentially be massive. it has a great engine, and even at this pre-alpha early stage that is very apparent. Even in the short time i have spent here, its easy to see what this game can become. Some of the scenery alone is breathtaking with the lighting.
So I’m here really to enjoy it, test it, report bugs, and watch it come together. Ive been involved in a number of betas over the past few years, and have got to like seeing games at the early stages, and getting involved as the bugs get ironed out. Going to give this the thumbs up on steam too, and encourage more people to get in.
This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by
ParticipantHi Folks, thought I would drop in and say hello..My game tag is Darkstar-IE
I am based in Ireland (thus the IE on my nick) I’ve just joined Oort Online, and don’t have a home world yet, just enjoying it for the moment and taking in the sights.
My interests are gaming of all kinds ( I just love gaming, PC’s and consoles), and you can normally find me on Steam, XBox Live, or playstaion network.
I am a big MMO Fan, and have been playing MMO’s since EQ way back. Played the original SWG, before it was nerfed, then EVE , 7 years in WOW before moving to the beta of GW2 (and still playing it) , and the betas of both Star Trek Online, and TESO. I Also play minecraft (so I was naturally interested in OO) Hobbies are computing and electronics, and generally building gaming rigs.
Currently spending time in Elite Dangerous where i have been hooked since beta, The Elder Scrolls online, Guild Wars2, and Destiny .. and now Oort Online.
I am an old timer on the upper end of my 40’s and my real job is a computer Engineer.
This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by
This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by
ParticipantAgreed – i think if OO were to take a true MMORPG approach, there could be /World /Zone /Say and /Whisper , also /Group /guild channels. These are fairly standard on all other MMO’s – (imho)
This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by
ParticipantHI, I’ve just joined. SO far i can see huge potential for the game. looking forward to getting the player mesh added, and all the other good stuff coming down the line. I am playing, and building, but again I don’t plan to get attached to any of the creations i make, as they will likely be wiped anyway. Its a pity griefers are out there, but without trying to state the obvious, they are going to be. I would fully expect anything I build to be potentially griefed, sure no one wants that to happen, but with the nature of the game as it is in its current form, its almost inevitable. its good there are a lot of good people out there, ready and willing to help.
This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by