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ParticipantPersonally, I’m very interested to see if and when this sort of item will be released into this universe. Hungry for treasure and loot, I’ve always been very much into trying to solo-obtain the illusive kind of treasury item or obtaining of unlikely trophies, but I always found it to be a very dissatisfying experience which led me to feel a bit lost, even jealous of other gamers who did seem to obtain these items ingame. And that’s not what I’m looking for in a game.
You might, however, come across a titan who’s guarding a very precious meteor rock for example. And once you and your group and/or guild have defeated him, you as a group can claim his reward for your city. They can even display it and use it’s special powers for protection against the other roaming Titans. This is something I could get behind with. It would be some form of reward for the effort you did as a group.
This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by
ParticipantI personally like this idea very much and think the guys from Minecraft didn’t utilise this feature well enough. For the people who didn’t play the game (those people exist?), you had a map that showed you where you would’ve gone. If you passed the borders of the map you had to make a new one. Sometimes they overlapped and brought a lot of confusion to the gameplay in my experience. It also didn’t show the cave systems you went in, like addressed here earlier.
It created the following idea in my mind. What if you could create your map one page of a book at a time? For example;
– You create a map of the area you’re in & it updates itself should it change upon your next visit.
– Once you go to the border of the map and enter the next area, you can create a new map and add it next to it. Like glue or stitch it on there. You see a great example of what the main character does in the new ‘How to train your dragon’ movie.
– Once you enter a cave or a mountain or whatnot, you’ll have to create a new map again, and add it underneath your existing map, so that it’ll overlay. This process can be repeated multiple times, the deeper you go. This way, you’ll create a small (note)book of sorts.
– To keep ‘m all together, you can bind ‘m and create a small book which you can leaf through and open the pages like some sort of pop-up book.
– Should it be desired, players can make notes in them, copy them, sell and/or trade them and make a good buck out of it should it contain certain well desired area’s with awesome loot in it.
To go a step further, people could make their job out of it, and become known as mappers, explorers or whatnot. You can even make achievements out of it, like Guild Wars 1 & 2 did. It all adds up to the playstyle people adapt and the gameplay endurance of people.
This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by
ParticipantI’m very much a great supporter of this as well.
Back in my Minecraft days (I’ll be bringing this up a lot I’m afraid, during posting, I’m sorry already), I always wanted to see a lot more things underwater, and have been building a huge city Rapture-esque like. I can imagine being able to breath and hunt underwater will be a lovely experience. Even trading exclusive underwater-goods only with some of the local Npc’s! So much possibilities here.
One such example would be an underwater city that’s in slow decay. I know it’s practically Rapture, but I’d love to see it happen with this universe.
ParticipantThis would be a great idea lorewise! You could give it an explanation something in the lines of this:
Here lies a forgotten battlefield.
A battle was fought here, long ago. Battered technology from both sides lays dormant on the blasted landscape.
You can still hear the gunshots ringing through the trees, the well armed men who would charge out of the forest, firing into the crowd.
After what seemed a long skirmish they were driven away, but not without losses.Man, I can’t wait to visit that place already!
ParticipantThe title instantly made me think of traps to hunt game in the woods. You know, for food and such. I’d like to see this added in time, as an added class or such.
And if any human player might get caught in it .. well, oops? ^^
ParticipantI’m not sure as to how much people have thought about this, but people could study the ancient ways of The Oort and become a powerfull wizard who can unleash the power of nature over certain area’s? Or create some potion to fasten the growth process of plants and trees so they’ll grow more quickly over certain area’s?
Another thing I had in mind for this was the natural crumbling down of artificial buildings. This way, we’ll have to craft specific tools to maintain our (many) buildings, perhaps create specific jobs for them in cities. People would feel less inclined to build so much and would think things more through instead of building stuff willy-nilly here and there (like I saw happening so much in Minecraft). You could even go so far as to apply the real world gravity laws, this to further improve upon the experience. Meaning, add support beams, erode and maintain the roofs of buildings and so forth ..
ParticipantI know it’s been mentioned that there’ll be structures like temples and whatnot, but in my imagination that sounds all like it’s above ground. Otherwise it would’ve been more specifically mentioned I think. So now I’m left wondering: What would it look like if The Oort seeked refuge from the Titans under a mountain, for example?
Imagine a complex almost as wide as Durin’s Halls, where it’s a huge labyrinth of abandoned underground villages, now inhabited by all sorts of mobs, cobwebs everywhere, empty hallways and discarded goods.. Personally, I can’t wait to explore, raid and eventually own a piece of land in such an abandoned and forgotten city.
ParticipantOh my, looks like I wasn’t the only one with this idea, I just made a post over at the section ‘Bag (Inventory) & Trading’ that builds up on this idea! Great minds think alike huh? :p
August 8, 2014 at 9:38 pm in reply to: Renting a server – only way to have a private world with friends? #2962Master_Chill
ParticipantYou know, it doesn’t “have” to be all gloom and doom.. I’ve been playing Guild Wars 2 for a while now, and besides the obvious scambots, I’ve never really been annoyed by the player community so much to the point where I wanted to ragequit.
On the contrary, when the guilds will be introduced, people will mostly talk to their friends/family really. As long as people mind their language a bit, look after one another and griefers will be banned, things shouldn’t be so bad, I think.
This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by
This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by
This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by
ParticipantAlright, made this profile specifically for this section. So here goes as my first post:
– I love the idea of trading in future Oort worlds with all kinds of players. But there’ll be a time when players will be sleeping or going out or whatever, as I’ve had with other MMO’s before. And that’s when I’ll turn to NPC’s for my trading. It’s why I disliked Minecraft so much in the end. In Fable, they had wandering traders, and I love that idea. Some traded tattoo’s (can we get those too, pretty please?), others traded food and so on. If by any chance pets will become a thing, they can even be used to carry extra storage room, who knows?
What I’m trying to say is that I’d love to see wandering Npc’s in Oort Online, next to normal trading in outposts and whatnot. It’d be great to craft our own bags, have pets following us and being able to store bags on ‘m, but I’d still love to trade like hell with some npc’s going from one city to another, please. Otherwise it’ll just feel like Minecraft again, where we build and build and build, but nobody will live in any of my cities (yes, I tend to make cities, you’re all warned).
– Added detail, these traders wouldn’t show up as long as there isn’t a decent city to go to. For example, various players (in a guild or not) establish City A, nothing happens yet, for as long as certain features aren’t established yet. Once another group of people create the second City B (even in another world or server – since we have portals, it doesn’t matter), the trading can commence between these two towns. People will start to see small trades at first, followed by large caravans sometimes going from one point to another.
– And this brings me to Point Nr2. It can even bring in quests for players! Because we all want to have epic adventures and keep the trading alive between two cities, right? For example, protect merchants on the path from A to B from small enemies; help guide the caravan from one city to another whilst protecting it from a Titan (might need 10 people minimum – caravan won’t leave before the minimum’s reached). And so on.
TLDR; Would *love* to see trading between two cities. Lone merchants at first, whole caravans with pets that carry goods on their back and so forth later on.
This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by
This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by