Forum Replies Created
MemberThey have shown slides on a twitch stream – making them into waterslides would be awesome!
MemberHaving a choice is always the best thing.
MemberAuction House
I love the idea of player-based shops/vendors but they come with the downside that the player needs to be around or somewhere you can get to. AHs exist because players want to log off and you don’t know who has what, where. If players can stock a storefront and have an NPC manage the transactions then you get half the problem solved but you still need to communicate over long distances.
I think the best result is something that takes a little from each end of the spectrum – small separate auction houses. This is how EVE works and it adds the whole new gameplay of arbitrage and ultimately the more different things there are to do, the more interesting your game is.
As for people undercutting people, that comes down to how items are created and destroyed. If your crafting system requires you to make a lot of items just to skill-up then you are going to have more garbage items taking up space on the AH and/or you are going to make raw materials worth more than the crafted items they are used in.
I think we all have much thoughts about this, I have dumped some of mine here and here. Ultimately the crafting will make or break this game for me as I am still looking for something that even remotely resembles SWG. Note that since writing that post about Firefall it has launched and the crafting system is the same Ambrosia trade skills garbage seen in every other MMO 🙁
My thoughts are that if everyone can craft everything, or the outcome of crafting is variable, then crafting is pointless. If you have to sacrifice something to craft (like combat ability) and it has its own gameplay (that does not include more combat) then there is a reason to do it and you have my attention.
Global chat
This probably comes down to personal preference. I personally dislike chat bubbles and disable them in every game. If a game doesn’t have a global chat system then I’ll just use IRC, Steam chat or something else instead so you are only making the game less immersive/interesting if I have to alt+tab away from it to do anything.
Certainly it makes more or less sense in various genres to have global chat – in a sci fi game it’s easily explainable but in a fantasy setting you are going to have to assume that the text in chat is stuff your character has heard other people around them saying. You are going to have to suspend disbelief somewhere along the line.
I’m not a fan of skeuomorphism and would prefer not to see it if it’s not necessary. When you are trading items you don’t always have them right there in your hands and I’d rather the devs spend time working on a crafting system that has a reason to be present than getting the graphics right when I’m holding a 2m long poleaxe in my hand vs the 2 cubic meters of iron ore that I’m trading it for.
As with chat, you are going to have to use the representative rather than the literal to show what is happening in the game. Everyone has a different line between the player and the character and I’d rather the devs get the player side of things right before they work on the character.
Previous section aside, I love usable furniture and would love to see chairs and tables!
The most immersive game I’ve ever played was Minecraft. Immersion for me is about losing myself in a game world and feeling what my character is feeling. In a game with “realistic” graphics or a third person perspective you are always reminded that you are not present and that you are watching your character play. In Minecraft the graphics are so “unreal” that you look past them at what they represent instead.
That’s not a 1M cube of stone, it’s something that represents 1M3 of stone and you “know” what stone is, what it does and what you can do with/to it. Because of this you stop “seeing” the world and you start existing in it. It’s the ultimate meta. Accordingly when you are deep in a dark cavern mining and you hear a noise behind you, your skin crawls. You turn around and nothing is there. Later a creeper explodes behind you and you yelp and jump out of your seat (my GF still laughs at me when this happens).
No other game has that response because you don’t play those games in your head, you play them on the screen. Becasuse you play Minecraft in your mind, in your imagination, it’s very powerful and immersive. Well for me at least. EVE is also immersive because I feel sick in my stomach when I get ganked and quite euphoric when I gank. It’s a game of feelings – well it was until PLEX came along and removed all the risk 🙁
So, I think immersion is what you make it and the most important thing is that a game has systems that are fun and complex rather than “realistic” or accessible. 😀
MemberFWIW I hope the beacon is a virtual item rather than physical. Having to change my whole house/building around to accomodate a physical item in the center is not much fun – Starforge does this.
I’d rather see a system like Landmark where you place a virtual flag and your claim exists around it. This also has the advantage of being able to set the claim height too – you can have claims above/below each other.
Memberit actually looks like a nice forum. Having an additional forum just feels redundant.
It’s not just about the looks, this forum’s software has less features and looks terrible (small font, white background). I have used a few forums around the place and found Xenforo to be very good to look at and use.
The best outcome is that Wonderstruck update this site to use decent forum software, but in the meantime I’m glad to see others popping up.
This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by
MemberYeah, that’s the other thing – the more complex the system is the harder it is for casual players to get involved. I prefer systems where the crafting is complex but optional. If players are not interested in the crafting system then make sure the game can be played without it.
Making the crafting easier and more accessible just makes it boring – look at WoW as an example; that’s not crafting, it’s a vending machine: you put copper bars in and a copper sword pops out.
I want a system where my knowledge, skill and interest can set me apart from other players. PvPers get this option with their leaderboards and PvEers get to brag about their world firsts and epic gear. Where’s the crafter version of this?
This is why I fell in love with Firefall. When I joined over 2 years ago it had a crafting system that most players couldn’t handle but they didn’t have to use it if they didn’t want to. My GF and I spent a whole week disecting it and figured out the algorithms and it was just amazing. Now that game’s out of beta and the crafting has been changed and lacks all that nuance – it’s just another pie machine and my heart is broken.
So I’m here instead – lucky you! :p
MemberOr even just handle it the way Minecraft does and despawn the floating leaves after a few seconds.
MemberWhy wouldn’t you like semi random events while crafting?
I craft because I am a creative person – I like to build things. I’m a coder in real life for the same reason. I code by taking hundreds of little commands and assembling them in a way that makes an awesome program. This works because each command does one thing and can be relied upon to do that one thing.
How could coding work if the “add” command randomly subtracted instead sometimes? It couldn’t and not only that it would mean that I had to build the program again and again to get it right. This strips away the pleasure of creation and turns it into a chore AND it triggers a number of unfavourable psychological responses that further detract from the point of the activity – which is a game that is meant to be fun.
Also, I love to be a jack-of-all-trades.
I like your idea about how many skills – I think everyone should be able to do the basics so they can see what’s there but you should have to focus on specifics to get access to more interesting options. I like specialisation as it encourages interaction with other crafters – SWG did an awesome job of this and I hope at least some of the devs played that and have similar ideas 😉
MemberI would love to have some kind of power source option and blocks that could use it. Switches, lights and pistons as a starting point are enough to open hundreds of possibilities from doors to traps to just simple lighting. For me Redstone is the reason I played Minecraft for so long 😀
MemberPlayer created horizontal portals may need a bit more thought to prevent you all from creating infinite drops
aww, that was going to be the first thing I tried 😀
Memberhehe, you should see when I get started 😀
MemberThere’s a few different ways.
- Item degradation.
ooh, that’s a dirty word 😀 Making items essentially consumable means you have stuff for a good time, not a long time. SWG and Minecraft do this. - Resources with interesting properties
If iron has strength and copper has speed then what kind of sword is better – the iron one that does 100 damage 1 time a second or the copper one that does 10 damage 10 times a second? They both have the same DPS but which one is “better” becomes situational and/or subjective. This smells a bit like how Firefall used to roll. - Vertical progression power creep
Your fantasic level 10 sword is useless against level 20 mobs, time to get a new one. I don’t like this one and hope this game stays as horizontal as possible. See WoW et al for examples. - Adaptive targets
On the red world the red sword is king, but when you go through the portal to the green world they laugh at your red sword and bite you right through your red armor. You need to get a green sword and tend to those bite wounds stat! EVE and Warframe use this technique
I’m sure there are other ideas I haven’t thought of too.
Additionally you would gate access to the “best” weapons through a number of mechanisms like time, skill points and risk/reward decisions. It’d be cool if you could choose to take a chance when making something for the opportunity to get a better version of that thing, but you would need to be risking losing the materials if it failed.
Randomised crafting essentially forces that situation onto the crafter and the entire point of crafting is getting to make meaningful decisions to create an item. If you are just feeding materials into a slot machine and praying something comes out how is that “fun” or “creative” and not just “gambling”?
MemberFWIW I would like there to be no randomisation in crafting at all. It triggers skinner box and gambling psychological effects and encourages repetitive behaviour. Crafting is about fun and creation not frustration at randomised outcomes and the need to craft 10 more items to get the one I wanted in the first place.
For me, anyway 😀
MemberSomething I think could be interesting for a book binder would be the ability to customise the appearance of the book in-game. For example the binder might be able to make the book look like old worn books
or modern tidy ones
for flavour!
Additionally what if a crafting profession allowed you to tweak the appearance of the book reading UI. Perhaps the old books look like this:
and modern books look more like this
which still looks like a book, but not as “old”.Perhaps as you level up book binidng or via some kind of discovery mechanism you get access to new spine designs and colours. Maybe the selection of paper type changes the appearance and good publishers look far and wide for different types of paper. Maybe the profession that chops down trees can make paper and maybe there’s some tweaking they can do in the process that the publisher crafter can use. Get me started, I dare you 😀
MemberCheck this out. It has turned a $150 mistake into just another Asian MMO 😀 If you just do step 1 it at least gets you into Oort and moving around.
You shouldn’t have to retrain your brain – inverted mouse is how we move our head in RL and how games should default. When you move the mouse, like when you scroll the mouse wheel, you are moving your camera or viewing of a page. Non-inverted mouse and Apple’s new inverted mouse scroll makes it feel like you are moving the world instead – how can that possibly make sense and cause immersion. (hint: it can’t).
Us “inverters” need to stand up and be heard – they can take my inverted mouse when they pry it from my cold, dead hands. FWIW we got mouse invert added to SOE’s Landmark game while it was in Alpha – if SOE can do it, anyone can 😀
don’t let me get started on this… 😉
This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by