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  • in reply to: Crafting and books make games fun? hooray! #3813

    Okay I just had one more thing to add on why i think this system or something similar should be used in the game!!!

    Something super game breaking for me in minecraft was not knowing how to craft something and just going to the wiki and getting the recipe from there… with this system player interaction with other crafters and even just new blocks and weapons they see out in the open will be really interesting

    instead of
    WOW! I am going to check the wiki to see how to make that [EPIC ITEM]
    it will be
    WOW! hey man where did you find that recipe! can I buy that weapon off of you or trade mats for you to make it?

    This will add allot to player on player interaction and I think will enhance the mmo experience in oort!

    in reply to: Crafting and books make games fun? hooray! #3812

    I really appreciate all the comments suggestions new stuff!

    @Kuma That is a great idea and i totally understand what you are going for right now!!!

    @mr.stuff I rekon flipping through torn pages of magical books all scrap booked together would look sick! i am happy you understood my vision…
    The stamps idea would be awesome.. maybe different stamps (old wax stamps like they used on letters) for the different groups of magic! defensive, offensive etc…

    @Havok That is also another sick suggestion, I think it would be super interesting to have to be specialized in certain things to craft certain legendary blocks and weapons… it would really add to play progression and the thought of sort specialist classes and players… I think its a good way to have an open style of system where you aren’t bound into learning one thing but you can be a jack of all trades but a master of none… or be super specialist and sell your rare goods or services!
    and I LOVE the idea of having to have a group of people to create something EPIC! it would make crafting guilds so fun to be in and it will make you feel like you are a really integral part and to be honest will make me really care about my gear!!!

    in reply to: How will building work after launch? #3786

    Nothing has been fully confirmed yet joseph but what you want can totally happen in the game…

    You could have a mining and resource world and then a building world.. so you get all your resources from the first world and go through a portal and build in the aesthetic world, not having to touch the environment at all!
    I know they also want to have like blueprints and stuff from what I have read from their website!

    in reply to: Crafting and books make games fun? hooray! #3785

    Ooo kuma what do you mean by “I think it should be possible as a player to make books which look exactly the same as generated ones.”?

    in reply to: Magic and its role in "Mechanical and Automated" Blocks #3022

    I do understand 100% on what you are talking about masterchill… what you suggest makes allot of sense!

    My suggestions for the actual block mechanics where just something to give you the idea of how you could put magic into the game… and things that i thought would be interesting

    I am really only proposing that instead of having something that resembles electrical energy (redstone) they should consider making it have a more “magical” energy… all the actual mechanical blocks could be 100% logical mechanical devices (which I actually prefer) where the only thing that magic has that comes into it is powering them… just think of the magic (or magic stones) as batteries…

    in reply to: Magic and its role in "Mechanical and Automated" Blocks #2988

    So I wrote that at midnight when I was very tired so I quickly wanted to add a few things to clear some stuff up!

    I think mechanical blocks can still be a very mechanical and not magical way of doing this.. gears that turn, pistons that move etc…

    With the pistons and gears and such they should be manual use (go up and activate the button on the piston or turn the gear) but when you come into the fully automatic side of things there needs to be a better explanation for it being powered that isnt a block that you just place on the ground that powers EVERYTHING that you connect to it.. there needs to be some sort of lore behind it and a reasonable explanation on how it works.

    That’s why I chose magic to be that “unlimited” power source because I think it sits nicely into Oort online and its backstory of a mystical lost race of explorers

    in reply to: Magic and its role in "Mechanical and Automated" Blocks #2886


    Make Mechanical and Automated blocks based around ancient Oort magic technology

    in reply to: Bugs. Will update as I find them #1861

    Here is another issue I found, Something wrong with the draw distance im assuming

    dont tell me how to hmtl link cause i will still have no idea

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Toukon.
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