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MemberIf you are able to trade though a big chat that reaches people all over the worlds it makes capitals or worlds chosen for big trade obsolete, which would be sad. I would like to see people coming into a big town (filling many kilometers) to trade with others through the chat there. Global chats would sabotage such game concepts.
If tokens are not to be used for chat mechanics it would be sad, cuz using them would be inovative and giving a special feeling in the game. But if the developers decide to make a “standard” chat which works outside the ingame mechanics we would have to accept it.
MemberSneaking should not be using stamina (like in all the good TES games (not ESO ;D )), but it should be slower then normal movement. It also could be not “perfect” so if you come to close to someone he may see your ghostly silhouette (may be the range is based on your skill in sneaking).
The usage of stamina should also be bound to skills, so if you have a high skill in blocking it uses less stamina befor it’s all gone.
But Basicly I would LOVE to have an “energy” next to the typical health and mana π
Member(I add my answer to this from another thread here too, cuz I think the discussion is more active here …)
I also dislike a global chat. It will be more anoying that anything else. Chat Channels per Server may be ok, even if I donβt use them, but I think there can be another solution for those people who want the feeling of a βglobalβ, server wide chat: A Token for each world, which has to be built for adding the server chat input of a world to your chosen Chat display even if you are not on that world atm. With this solution the people who want to have a global chat can get one (If you want to have it, work for it π ) and those who dislike a global chat are not anoyed by chat input from servers they are not on atm.
May be you need the World token of the world you are on to to get the chat of it. I would like that, cuz it would have more the feeling of a crafting game π
MemberI also dislike a global chat. It will be more anoying that anything else. Chat Channels per Server may be ok, even if I don’t use them, but I think there can be another solution for those people who want the feeling of a “global”, server wide chat: A Token for each world, which has to be built for adding the server chat input of a world to your chosen Chat display even if you are not on that world atm. With this solution the people who want to have a global chat can get one (If you want to have it, work for it π ) and those who dislike a global chat are not anoyed by chat input from servers they are not on atm.
What if you always need a token to get a world chat, even if you are on it atm? I would like that, cuz it would have more the feeling of a crafting game: You want something? – BUILD IT! ;D
This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by
MemberI also dislike a global chat without limited range. The idea of a token based radio system sounds great π
MemberI just tested the 64b-client (with my Win8 64 Laptop with 8gb RAM) for an hour and a half. I ran like hell through the worlds to check out if it gets to it’s limits, but I had NO CRASHES (!!! ;D). The only sad news: I had visual bugs with whole chunks of Landscape/Worlds. I was able to see the blocks with my “working frame” while targeting them, but were invisible.
The map was “empty” at first, but changing the zoom fixed it.
January 10, 2015 at 7:33 am in reply to: Insane suggestion time: "Grab" function, or "the buddy system" #7450Birne
MemberTo hold someone would be a cool option. I know it from other games like platformers where on player can lend anonther one a hand to pull him up a ledge or lean arround a corner. I would like such abillity, but only if you cannot use it for pvp.
But to make it more “crafting game like” you should have to build an item to be able to hold or carry people, something like a “Helping Hand Glove” or a handcart with a seat ^^
MemberI just made a group at facebook. It’s also calles “The Oort Explorers”, so you can find it easily π
MemberHmm, when I think about the vendors for hire (which I know from Ultima Online, which was about 16 years+ ago ^^) I can not remember how they exactly worked, but they were great, cuz in Ultima Online (short UO) every guy in the world exept from post and bank workers and some guards and vendors were players … even the lumberjacks, colectors for herbs for mages and way patrols (and highwaymen π ). Somehow retroversive it feels a bit like a real MMO and WoW, Guild Wars and Wildstar then just a better Diablo ;D
But I also remember the Vendors and NPCs of Terraria. Do you know them? If not: Here for short: If you build a house or new living room in Terraria, a NPC can live there. If you save a vendor from the goblins and have a free room, he lives there and offers you and your friend his services. Sometimes NPCs come out of nowere and ask to live at your place. If you have some NPCs in houses and homes you can set rooms for them in which they then move. There were many different NPCs like different venors, artificer, archemist, technican, a healer, … Somehow I wish there will be a simillar system in Oort … Not only by renting, but also by helping/saving someone you can get new people for your houses … may be they even leave you some coins at the end of a day if they are not disturbed ;D
MemberWhat if the rent can be payed with an ingame currency… And only have to be payed more then once it it’s a world with resources?
MemberWell, I think that even that can be fatal, cuz from all D2-players only a small group played online. In Minecraft even lesser (at least at the beginning). Oort is not the “Big new Star at the game sky” like D2 in early days. There will not be a million players playing it. And many will only play offline of they can, cut they were used to it in their Minecraft days. And that will lead to lesser filled servers, which leads to a problem for the game.
But what’s with owned worlds online? That could be a solution for those players. But I would prefer this worlds without resources, cuz gaining resources (next to farming, which would be no prob) should always happen online on the main worlds. It’s an MMO.. Not another Minecraft π
This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by
MemberI will be there at wednesday, but I don’t know if at afternoon or evening. I also have a date as a mentor on Wildstar π … Hope to meet you there π
MemberOr at least let there be monsters who can drop gold, but only when there is a sense in droping gold for them. Like rational beings (Goblins or other NPC/enemy tribe folks, pirates, highwaymen or inhabitants of an evil city).
MemberI dislike the idea of true offline servers. To have own servers would be a good idea (everybody should be able to have it’s own kingdom, hurrayy ;D ), but not truely offline. If people are offline, they would be out of the eyes off all the other players Which will lead to the cries like “wuaaaah, this game is dead!”, wich are heared in all MMOs if the main city is not crowded like hell. At least they should be reachable by inviting/asking for invites (Like in the housing system of Wildstar, where your seted neighbors can visit you, but not chance something (only if you allow them to).
MemberThe idea of money of dead ppl shared by the monsters is cool π … May be there should be a standard rate of losing gold on death which is always put into the pool for creatures (not a pool for each creature). That will be easier to program and will do it’s job too. But with the dropped items … FANTASTIC ;D
This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by
This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by