
Thank you for becoming Boundless!

You are now an… ADVENTURER!

Instant Access
Thanks for purchasing an Instant Access tier. Once your purchase has been confirmed we’ll send you an email with your Steam key.

If you don’t see it please check your email JUNK or SPAM FOLDER, especially Hotmail/Live/Outlook users. If you still cannot see any email from us, please contact

The rewards you are due will be given as soon as possible, but many will only become available when the relevant features have been implemented. In some cases this will be at the full launch of the game – they will be worth the wait though!

If you want to keep up with progress, please look at the devlog on our forum, and please get involved in discussions on there, and other parts of the forum.

Thank you for backing us, we really value your support. We look forward to meeting you in the universe of Boundless!

– Wonderstruck