Game Update: Release Notes – 74


Tag:74 – August 29, 2014

* Allow placing blocks in locations where block-drops are present.
* Fix for client becoming semi-permanently out-of-sync with server after tabbing out of page for too long.

Tag:73 – August 21, 2014

New Features:
* Client side prediction of inventory.
* Fixes quick use bar flickering when scrolling with mouse wheel.
* Can only place as many blocks as you have in your inventory.
* Added Terrain Detail option to allow faster FPS on lower end machines.

* Hit-box for pickups is correctly expanded again.
* Issue regarding slides sometimes making you jump whilst going down them should now be resolved.
* Client side prediction should be smoother.
* Download highest LOD first for slower download speeds.
* Fixed some “unable to connect to game server” bugs.
* Reduced memory requirements for lower LODs.