Forum Replies Created
MemberI can agree, I have also received my mail.
I guess the issue is solved then.
Thank you all for your help and time!
MemberYeah, thanks for that. I looked it up and sent an email to the staff to have my title changed.
Good job on pointing that out, let’s see how long it takes.
MemberI am pretty sure to “suggest” something like Zouls said, I would need an account.
But fair enough, gonna have a look at the news there.
This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by
MemberI cant blame you for not reading the whole thing, but it may be a clever idea to do so before calling other people “self entitled”.
First of all: I’m new to this system. Which means: I do not have experience in this voting, so how do you expect me to know anything about the procedure and the fact that I have to wait 3 weeks to vote?
Secondly: The line “are currently voting” on the main page obviously suggests that voting is open and currently active. I do know that development can take time. But you cant say things that are technically wrong, this only leads to confusion. If I read “currently voting”, I expect to be able to vote, not to wait another 3 weeks to do so.
Just read the whole thing first next time, will ya?
Greetings, Alpha268
MemberThat would actually need me to sign up for twitter. No, thanks.
But its funny how Oort has a forum and to suggest things for the next milestone you need to go over to twitter.
Makes sense to me.
So I guess I’ll get an Email soon.
Mod, you can close the thread 😀
I get it now!
When I bought Oort Online, the last milestone wasn’t achievet yet, but of course it has already been voted on. Since it wasn’t completed yet, I somehow thought voting hasn’t happened.
But the second one still stands:
You can not write:
“Community vote pending
The Oort Online backers ARE CURRENTLY VOTING on the next feature funding goal.”
when there is no vote yet. Of course I think they completly ignored me when I read that message. O.o
Thanks for clarifying everything tho.
MemberAccording to my calculations:
Jan 18 07:01:24 2015
Or: Two milestones ago.
MemberMy guess would be that it will be possible to run the game, but not at Ultra-options. The game-engine provides a lot of customization for the graphical options. Most importantly you can adjust the render distance. Your processor looks fine, but the RAM on your system might be the bottleneck (I just assume its DDR-3). Since there are so many objects to calculate, 3.25 GBs might be too less to have a nice render distance. I have 8 GB, and everything works fine, but 4 might be too less to use a huge renderdistance.
So in conclusion: I think you will be able to play that game for sure, but there might be some adjusting in the options needed.
MemberThat’s nice.
But it appears that I cant participate. I have both the forum-account and the normal game account linked to the same email, but never received anything from OortOnline.
What makes me think is: If my Email was somehow forgotten, then its not unlikely that I’m the only one.
MemberYes, I agree on what you say, but there is one point that actually convinced me to think about stat-tracking:
If you give others access to building and removing blocks, they might betray you. (It is something I experienced a while ago). With the servers being in the hand of those who host them, there is no administration for the players themselves.
The aim of Beacons is to give you your own “Kingdom” or say “area”. Which also means that you are responsible for everything that happens there, as you can not expect to call the server admin everytime something went wrong.
Giving the players adminstration information about the area they own isn’t contrary to the idea of restricting access to that area. As soon as beacons get additional content (which have been suggested), for example flying (I dont support that idea, but it shows my point), people might want to create a “Everybody-can-contribute-to-my-super-castle-while-flying” beacon, giving flight and access to every player.
Stat tracking can identify griefers, who desecrate your public construction site, but it also can keep track of the biggest contributors and will give you stats about your building (for example that a castle used around 26k blocks stone).
I do agree that this feature will not be useful for two people playing together on the edge of the world. But administration is necessary when a bigger group of people wants to work together. And you don’t want to call the server admin every two days, you want to solve problems on your own. At least that’s my approach.
MemberAlpha268, at your service!
I’m Alpha268, you can meet me on european servers, probably EU Central or EU West. Age and location are a secret, but if I get to know you, I might tell you. I’m a student at a university, and am studying computer science at the moment. In contrary to popular belief of introverted computer nerds, I am an ENTJ or ESTJ. I like to plan and control things.
Usually I don’t get to stay long with a game. There are only a few games that really got me tangled up, but I hope I can find long term joy in Oort Online. If a game really facinates me, I’ll invest time for helping other players and start to be active in the forums. I hope that by participating in these forums I can have a minor impact on the development and maybe have one or two of my ideas implemented.
About myself: I consider myself a brony ( /) ), and am happy to meet new fellow pony-fans. I like all kinds of music, but my focus at the moment is electronical music. I usually play action-adventures, shooters and strategy games, but enjoy a change from time to time.
I like to inform myself about politics and culture, and enjoy to talk to people with different opinions, as long as they remain calm and resonable.
But enough about me, now it’s your turn to introduce you!
This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by
This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by