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ParticipantAh well then i’ll just wait till I put together my ideas how it could work
(mine is a little complicated… but awesome in MHO)
In general you start out with simpile crafting and the more your progress the more skill spesific research/crafting stations you gain access too.
Then at the highest tiers you start getting ones that combining skills.
The final could be research would be something along the lines of a replicator, taking mater/energy/magic and making copies of items you have. (the more rare the more it takes to the point some epic items would require near feeding inter worlds to it lol) But that is just kinda a eh…kinda just thrown in there lol… the rest is a little more thought out than how to end it.
ParticipantI forgot that actually.
hehe …. that makes three factors.
Your skill
The tier of the station
The quality of the toolsWhile if your just using automation you lose the bonus your skills would bring. So on one hand your pumping items out and don’t have to be there to do it, but on the other hand your taking a hit to the quality.
ParticipantI was thinking of something some what different for using gates to connect worlds. There will be portals connecting worlds just showing up randomly through worlds but there rare, unstable portals are far more common, there will only be maybe 2~3 stable ones naturally forming in any world.
Adapting your idea, titans can drop world keystones. These can be placed in a gateway to link back to the world the titan was killed in, or they can be broken for fragments so you can forge the one use keystones.
Being that you can control who can use a gate, then it will make the keystones valuable, particularly for hard to reach or dangerous worlds.
Could even have it so guilds/clans can set up tool gates that charge people to use them.
ParticipantGOOD ideas though are not a dime a dozen.
ParticipantThank you. As I said I belong in some think tank somewhere.
I may not be all that skilled but I am a grate thinker. To bad they stopped apriseating that after the fall of Greece and the end of the remiss uncle era. Lol
You can’t make a job thinking, unless you have walls of degrees or one hell of a recrimination, of wich I have nether. U.u
Though I am skilled at game testing I just live in the wrong place for that. I’ve found ways to brake console games so bad they almost brickedu system. (Morrowind and xbox) just because I don’t think like other people do and do really odd things lol.
Like that game I had a sword that I made that when ever I hit something it rained down lightning bolts on everything in the area four times.(stacked the same affect four times) It was a LONG sword so it hit a lot at once if things clumped up. Each hit created it’s own AoE blast. I was flying backwards fighting of hords of monsters I had tried running from, but one broke my boots of blinding speed and all the monsters I had ran past all dog piled me. So I swung my sword hitting a good 9 mobs prompting 37 AoEs to hit a good 20 targets each, and I tried to openy Invitory to fix my boots.
614 damage calculations and loading a good 200 items later and the screen was black and pushing the power button wouldn’t even turn the x box off and it could be reset or the disk ejected. I had to unplug it and leave it unplugged for a few hours.
ParticipantMost ideas are a little to complicated to fit inside a tweet x.x
I do not like tweeter, the number of letters they give you is hard to communicate much of anything really.
EA and kistarter games are a new thing and NEED restrictions and laws big time. And being that there ARN’T any right now…. a high price like that is a ridiculous risk to make on a wish and a prayer.
ParticipantNote I have edited the OP quite a bit.
ParticipantI want to see torches and lamps that only stay light for a while…. and need to be re-light
or have oil added…..
give them a good reason for a city to switch to magic/electric lights lol
ParticipantI would love to see this.
Moon pools for the win.
ParticipantI like the idea of a limited inventory expanded by backpacks/pouches/whatever. Just having weight limits work fine too, while stuff like that reduces the load of items in it.
ParticipantI would like to see NPCs that have a growing and developing civilization, increasing technology over time, along with wealth and the like accelerated by PC interaction.
They will build and grow cities on there own…. but if invited into a lot claimed by PC’s they will only take up residence where an area is set aside for them.
This could be done two ways:
1 – Becons that mark off an area as a home/shop/field and the like. When the NPC population has homless people wondering around, or adults living with there parents (lol). They will move into the buildings in these spots you build for them and not change them any. This way you build what ever you want.
2 – Some kinda set pice that marks out an area for a building size, so you know how much room it will use, and you can plan your city around it. It will remain an empty lot till an NPC is free to take up residence, they will then start building there with what ever resources are available to them.
These two methods would allow NPCs to integrate with PC villages and still allow PCs to set up the city how ever they like with out hampering the NPCs.
ParticipantI figured out something for this!
You can craft a keystone to open a portal to spawn a wave survival world. That if you last till the end you get loot, and if you die you get the boot.
ParticipantAdded from agent_dmx’s idea:
World(s) of the Day/Week/Month – The crafting materials for the keystone are not easy to get (harder and harder if there are one of each!), but like the Colosseum you only need one as it won’t be used up.This world is created by the staff every day/week/month and lasts just for that amount of time before it dissapears forever. There would be a warning this is going to happen (even if it’s just the world starting to fall apart), so you can grab any gear you set down. After that the same portal will still be open but it will be open to the new world of the day/week/month.
They are more rewarding than other worlds, but they are PvP, and everyone has access to the same one the same way you do.
and other idea from me…
Event Worlds – Everyone gets the key stones for this or the parts to make them drop commonly. They will open up to themed event worlds like a Christmas world.
EDIT – More world types
Survival: drop – the ever popular falling through environments maps.
Survival: stranded – these you and/or your friends come out into a temple on some world of dev/modded designs in a shrine of some sort. They can only enter with nothing on them, and while the shrine will have an exit portal if you use it you can’t return. The world will have two timers, one to show how long you have to stay there for a reward, and the second to show how long you have to collect your rewards and anything you made that you want to keep and leave before the world collapses.
Participant -