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You mean Europe only? because it isn’t available in North America
(at the time I posted the thread I didn’t know that)
they don’t really mention that on their web site (at least not that I noticed)drthmikMemberyou know that you can sign up for a chance to win it?
and the $15 price is for access WHEN IT COMES OUT later
the cost of instant access to the alpha is $30drthmikMemberYou do know you can read things on twitter without having an account right?
You just won’t get notifications when new things are posted but anyone can just go to the Oort twitter page and anyone can read what they post.drthmikMemberImpressive
no and no
landscapes and finding other people’s builds
yes no
also when they are ready and it says that things like combat crafting and beacons have been payed for (character races are not yet unlocked) but that only the prototype is live so fardrthmikMemberI like it, it’s a GREAT idea
though to make it simpler the hot keys could ALWAYS manipulate the grapple in addition to the normal ones (which only work when the grapple is selected) they would just be alternate keys
this would also be usefull when in combatthinking as I type;
rather than limit it to just the grapple how about having 2 selectable options,‘main hand’ and ‘off hand’
with the primary control being what we currently use and the secondary hot keys controlling the off hand. then you just select the grapple with the off hand while your main hand does other things like place blocks or use a weapon
this would then allow you to use the off hand for more than just the grapple
you could use a second weapon
or select a second commonly used block
or use a shield
main hand weapon off hand torch at night!
or even set it up so that some weapons/tools require both hands to be used (selecting such a weapon or tool could automatically shift both hands to it)
selection for main hand could be 1-9 while off hand would be hold-SHIFT 1-9drthmikMemberwell Minecraft is 66,000,000 blocks across
though that doesn’t mean anything about Oort
It cannot be endless, though it may be very VERY VERY big…
I can’t help it!
How big IS the World?drthmikMemberfrom looking at the screenshots I think he replaced the water blocks with glass then picked them back up when the water was gone
drthmikMemberbeacons, (soon you’ll be able to place and control them yourself) are there to restrict access to building
why even have one if you want everyone to be able to build?
and why bother to do your tracking thing if you have one and only you (and maybe your trusted friend) can do anything?drthmikMemberthey know, they’re working on it
drthmikMemberFinished the long wall and the Warehouse
going to work on the Gate and some bridges next
drthmikMemberwhen is the Mac version coming out?
Nevermind, I reinstalled it and now it works
- This reply was modified 10 years ago by drthmik.
drthmikMemberinteresting idea
you know, historically, if a warrior had to choose between shield and sword they would pick shield every time. because you can attack with a shield but you can’t defend very well with a sword.drthmikMemberagreed
My MINImap is about the size of a Quarter on my 27″ ScreendrthmikMembersimple answer
have multiple chats that you can cycle through and choose fromone is global; everyone currently on Oort can see it
one is current world only; only people currently on the same world that you are on right now can see it
one is Local; only people within a predetermined range (like 500 blocks) can see it
one is private; used to send you messages by name (this is the option you would use in your scenario)
this could also be an option; local and private are default and available from the start but world and global are items/devices that you either craft and use from your inventory or place in the world and interact with- This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by drthmik.