Forum Replies Created
ParticipantIt’d be cool if we can build an elevator! ^^
ParticipantDon’t know if they would have a creative mode in Oort. Like in mindcraft. It could have some things similar to Mac like its kinda fun to put blocks together in a crafting station and whatnot.
ButBut highly doubt they’d allow players to fly around placing anything and everything unless they give server owners special permission.
ParticipantI believe that the perks go to the person who pays and gives them the email.
Otherwise a lot of players would benefit from the perks even if they didnt help bring the game to life.
ParticipantYa that’s what I mean. But we don’t know exactly what the Oort developers are gonna do. Either way I’m sure it’ll be great when we give them feedback if its needing any tweaking.
ParticipantYou are missing the point. Anybody can be anything when they put their mind to it. I’m not trying to be toxic. But role playing elements some people go do something like fishing cause they enjoy it more than the other stuff but can do it if they need to be.
Minecraft allowed people to craft everything. Final Fantasy XI and XIV did that too and they are really popular. Even with all the options, people chose what they enjoyed from the game.
There are people that enjoy the achievement from doing things on their own and people do it in real life too.
ParticipantWell you can look at real life, everybody can do everything if they put their mind to it, it takes time. Plus one of the developers said that there are recipes that you have to find that drop off of certain creatures and the like so technically everybody can start off with being able to build everything you just need to find the recipes and stuff to be able to do it.
ParticipantMight have to use a different way to communicate if you wanna talk to others like Skype/teamspeak/ventrillo. That way not everybody can get in your chat channel.
ParticipantNo npcs mean a richer driven player community. Players can give each others tasks and their own quests. /hey can you help keep monsters off me while I’m building the wall for the town?
Things like that. There are people who play mmos who Peter’s doing things solo. But doing things solo shouldn’t be a hindrance just takes longer to craft and build things since your alone since you gotta gather all the materials yourself and whatnot.
ParticipantSome people don’t like working with others. But if you want to be able to me everything you should be able to. It just requires that person to work harder and explore on his own. Its a RPG it would help those decide what they like to focus on while crafting or gathering. Dont need over inflaited prices just because you can’t do it yourself and limited to what you can craft yourself
ParticipantI don’t think there’s should be npcs in game but I do think that if somebody griefs without being in a pvp zone and its OK then they get marked by players to see that that person is a griefer but if its by accident you can pay what you broke to the owner with in game currency to what you break depending on what was bueted . (You get your item back they pay a fee to you to get rid of the griefer mark.
ParticipantBut you should be ableto tame animals and breed them and take plants and seeds and start a farm so you can grow them yourself.
ParticipantYou could make it that felines are a lil slower in water since they are cats lol
ParticipantI think mobs are a part of every citizen be them builder/crafter or explorer/fighter. Mobs need to be everywhere but ya lol
ParticipantYa I believe everything isn’t going to be all completely block but we are trying to help give them ideas what we would like to see 🙂
ParticipantIn FFXIV everybody can do everything it just takes time but gathering mats is not what people like doing.