Forum Replies Created
ParticipantFrom what I hear there will be peaceful worlds where you can build for the sake of building, and worlds that the game was designed for. You can visit all if you like but I for 1 will play where it’s challenging. This is a pre launch and we are simply testing the mechanics so that’s why u don’t see many ppl. They sleep until new things arrive. As for building? why bother. Besides some servers I think weather and decay will destroy it all anyway. You can ask devs to look previous saved data and try to restore your build but they are hard at work making the rest of the game. You may also ask them to save your work if they do have to sweep.
I also made a nice castle home and asked for a beacon when I was griefed several times. I don’t have the nicest of builds but it was mine never the less and I put hard work there… so the beacon was small and I stopped building but it’s a great place to collect every block in the game 🙂
December 31, 2014 at 8:49 am in reply to: Release: 95 – Fix for blocks popping back in when added/removed #7238ShadowFox
ParticipantIt might not be your internet but that of the server… Part of squashing bugs is making code smaller so it can transfer faster… The internet is all connected and even if your line is really fast the data is bound to pass through some slow areas.
But if it’s only the one block doing it for you, it might be something they can look into. I would imagine that if it was an net issue other blocks would be doing it too. Still I am really impressed that they aren’t so laggy. I played a lot of quick cash games with so much lag because they did not have enough bandwidth.
The #1 reason I purchased this game is because the devs listen to their players and interact with us. They really care if we are having fun and not just about making money. Sure it’s a job and they deserve a paycheck but they doing it right.
ParticipantNot yet, They posted somewhere that they will merge the account info somehow. until than we just gotta wait it out.
ParticipantDid you get it on Steam? I did and that’s why mine doesn’t show.
December 29, 2014 at 11:51 am in reply to: Release: 95 – Fix for blocks popping back in when added/removed #7170ShadowFox
ParticipantI noticed this occurring when Internet gets slow… It might be the players connection to the server and that’s why the block pops back in, because the game has yet to get the data the block was removed and it refreshed… uploads speeds are slower than download speeds.
I could be wrong tho.ShadowFox
ParticipantIt’s good to have others contributing ideas. I like the idea that the game allows you to support law or become a criminal. Who knows maybe you can have one city you contribute to and protect but another neighboring city you raid and plunder due to diplomatic differences… I think a criminal organization would be neat but it should not be so easy and have heavy consequences otherwise every 1 would be a criminal…
ParticipantI’ll look it up, assassin is something I’m interested in as well
ParticipantTrue… I was just thinking because my friend and I want to see who kills more during raids or guild wars.
ParticipantI like music boxes so that way you can set a song to a room with the box opened inside.
Parkour is a must.
ParticipantI believe Oort is not going to be a set environment, Weather and other types of disasters destroy the surface blocks and player made changes. Based on some situations the world will try to regenerate itself. I think trees will simply regrow being the whole tree or what was removed. I do think the tree would be more realistic if it fell over or as you chopped it could be pulled towards the ground with gravity.
ParticipantBeacons are necessary to build and should not be charged. I personalty do not want to have to spend money per beacon just to play when you loose everything you build otherwise due to decaying structures and weather..
ParticipantIf they limit the amount of beacons and make hard to get more, the game will handle anything built outside beacons as the world reclaims it. The only thing griefers can get to should be inside a beacon. If you do not have a beacon than griefers won’t be your main issue. As for city/community beacons I think you should be allowed to build by a city leader. The only thing griefers can do at that point is build ugly things and place them in a beacon. And from the looks of things we may be able to remove their beacon with one of our own if placed next to it.
ParticipantI am not saying that we should defend griefers, I suggest this to not promote bulling. If you were a solo player trying to build on one small piece of land and you just want to be left alone, how would you like it if some1 attacked you daily? I know some people can be very annoying but I am also sure the annoying people will have lots of enemies that would be glad to remove them from the area.
Ok, so maybe the titan thing was a bit much but do you really believe one person should be able to attack another’s home so easily?
I am not suggesting you or any1 do not have an imagination. I am simply defending my right to contribute thought to the game. I have talked to several ppl in the game that do not come on here simply because others think they should make all the shots. No1 here knows how the game will turn out or is even the one working on the code to make it possible. Not everything will be in the game and already people assume that ideas they said earlier in other posts will be the way it goes. My ideas are simply that and if you disagree maybe you can peacefully try another suggestion to move solo players for expanding cities or any other reason.
I said camp as in a place of where 1 player is building… be it a beacon or what not, Camp can mean anything and if you can’t come up with what a camp is I do not feel I should have to explain it. The game dose not have anything yet that I feel I should have called it and I believe beacon would not be correct since not every1 builds within them atm.
I have seen both of you in the forum with some good ideas and do not understand why you feel attacking another’s idea solves anything. If you or deves feel this post is a waste of space simply remove it. No1 should insult another for trying to help shape the game.
ParticipantMan vs nature… Protectors do not want you there… The more you build the more they spawn in the area.
ParticipantThis was stated on the website. “Combine Beacons with your friends to found a settlement and share land.” I can imagine placing a beacon next to another should cause some kind of reaction. This might be how a city is created and how you become a resident of such city, allowing you to build within all areas of said city.
A player is given a beacon from the start. They may grow this beacon by placing another beacon token within it. Players can craft beacon tokens however they are require rare resources. (A traveling NPC can sell these as well for real cash.) Players can hold as many beacon tokens as they like however they may only use 9 at any given time. Players can choose to place a beacon token onto an active beacon to grow it, or place a new beacon somewhere else. This allows players to combine their own beacons to make shapes in their territories.
No beacon
Outside beacons players are against the mercy of the wild. They must survive against protectors, wild animals, and weather. Anything the player builds will also be affected to decay, fire, protector raids, and nature. The best way to protect property is to use a beacon however protectors will still attack large or groups of beacons trying to reclaim the territory. The more you build the more violent they become. Most the game requires you to explore outside beacons and hunt protectors. This is a survival game after all.
Solo players
I do not believe a solo player can or should build an entire city. They may build a beacon of their own and live within that beacon just fine however the game is more fun if you play with others and should encourage you to do so. Outside beacons are dangerous and you will be attacked by man eating plants, protectors, and nature (you could get hit by lightning). Building outside beacons is not practical because over time they will get destroyed by the environment. If you find a small area with rare resources you still need to transport them somewhere.
Players with more than one account
I like the idea of couples being able to merge beacons or being allowed to build within each others beacons if not merged however I do see ppl using alts to build more with their main. This is why I believe that once enough beacons have merged that it become public so that 1 player can’t gain a monopoly. There may be an expensive toll to pass through and with so many beacons it could be impractical. Although this may be a reason for players to war.
Less is more
Beacons all over would be annoying and boring. There would not any kind of theme and everything would look almost the same. Also this is a survival game and the main part of the game takes place outside beacons. Where we look for resources, hunt and harvest food, and reduce the number of protectors (some worlds they may be very violent and attack cities).
Protectors and wildlife
At first, the most you’ll encounter is wild creatures that you can hunt. Some will defend themselves and some have packs. Protectors are rare and usually spawn if you build too much in one area. They are the sleeping guardians of that world and you are the invader. Man vs nature… Protectors do not want you there… The more you build the more they spawn in the area.
Combined beacons
Players can combine beacons if the borders touch or overlap. If one player places or grows a beacon onto another players beacon, the players are given the option to combine, remove, or war. If both players agree to combine, the beacons become a settlement and the player with the most territory must name the settlement. If one player fails to respond for a week or is inactive for a month the other can decide to combine or war with the 1st players beacon.
Every city building will be a 5×5 – 10×10 block with a door. Players can place this block on any flat surface within their town and build a house around it. The door is like a portal taking you within the building to a room much larger than the outside block. Houses and city buildings will have different size rooms both inside and outside. The interior rooms will expand as the town grows.
Settlements are established when 2 – 5 players combine beacons. Residents can grow the settlement by placing beacons outside the settlement however, the beacons count against the total number allowed by the game. The leader can rename the settlement at any time and grant permissions to residents, The leader can also accept new members who try to combine beacons or declare war over territory. The leader must set up a town hall where they will be given 6×6 block with a door they can build around, Other buildings allowed within a settlement are a storage and garrison. Leadership is granted by default however any resident is allowed to run anarchy and attempt to take over leadership.
Small town
If a settlement gets 6 – 20 members they become a small town. At this point anyone can join without permission from the leader. All buildings interiors are expanded and more buildings can be placed. Turrets and other defenses can be placed within a short distance outside the beacon and protectors will attempt to attack the town. Members need to hunt protectors daily around the town to keep the numbers down. If protectors are left alone they may overtake your town. Agriculture is also introduced around beacons where crops and farms can be set up. These are subject to player and protector raids if not near any defenses. Gardens can also be set up within the beacons by members.
Any town that was overtaken by protectors become a ruin. All members will be removed and the beacons will belong to the ruin. Players must either move on or retake the town.
Cities are established when your town gets 21 – 50 members. Interiors are once again expanded. Residents begin to develop factions and guilds that compete for power. Guild halls can be built and residents can join one of the many guilds. The leader of the city is determined by the leader of the guild with the most prestige. Guilds gain prestige based on overall player battle ratings, weekly protectors killed, members donation to city storage, weekly guild vs guild competitions ect. City beacons expand to protect surrounding farm areas.
Any city with over 50 members become a kingdom. Kingdoms gain many useful tools for finding server temples and war with other kingdoms. Guilds gain allies with other guilds both in and outside kingdoms. Interior buildings become very large inside and can become grown larger with gold.
City war
If another city nearby comes within 10 blocks they will merge into one big city however they need to war to decide which one consumes the other… the leader can decide to surrender at any time. After a week the city with the most area wins.
Town hall
Players may come here and apply for a house to place within the settlement. The house will be a small 5×5 block with a door. They may build around the block to make their house look anyway they like. Once the settlement grows, players can expand the interior of their houses and the town hall interior will also expand. More buildings can now be build and shops set up. After the town becomes a city a road way will be set up connecting to the capital.
Houses are very important. If a player dose not own a house when they are killed, they have to respawn at the capital and loose a % of experience and gold. Your house interior can be expanded and you can allow others to help you build within them. You can rest within your house and regain health, learn new skills, and even place portals to other places in the server including another players house in another city (if the other player allows it of course).
The garrison is a building where defenses are studied and turrets can be built. The number of turrets depend on the level of the garrison. Players can build a prototype turret within the garrison but only the leader or a player with defense permissions can decide what ones to use and where to place them. turrets can be mounted to towers and walls for better defenses.
There are many storage groups players have access to. They have their personal storage within their house, the guild storage, and the city storage.
They may donate to any of these places but only the owner of the storage or someone with permissions may remove the materials within.Transportation
You can hire a transportation from any storage you have access to. Transportation can be attacked by guardians and other players and loose a percentage of resources. You may transport to your city storage, personal home storage, or guild storage. You can also try to carry them but you will loose them all if you die.
Guild beacon
The leader of a guild may place a large beacon anywhere in the game and set up a portal to their city, This is a good way to farm resources or war with others.
Other builds
Banks, farms, stables, ranch, gardens, arena, dock, skydock, world portals, vacation house, treasury, wedding hall ect.
Capital cities can act as a city no mater how many members, They cannot grow into a kingdom and are free from heavy protector raids. This is a good place for starter players and is much larger than most player built cities. Capitals have other perks as well such as road design to other same server cities.