Forum Replies Created
The Enlightened One
MemberI’m building near the castle aswell, if you keep continueing in the direction where they are currently working on you’ll see some buildings (towards the sky bridge wich is not mine)
it’s on your right hand side when the sky bridge is on your left (‘doh)It’s a nice world to build in ^^
The Enlightened One
MemberIt would be cool to play as the mobs that we were once all slaying in various mmo’s.
But i would like to see 1 race, Ent race/ tree race/ plant race. that would be absolutely amazing. i loved the sylvari in GW2 bet they were a bit too flower like.
The Enlightened One
Memberhmmm yeah it seems that way.
maybe we can change that, ofcourse there’s alot of magic, but maytbe we can balance things out.Let’s say we can put strength points and int points on armor pieces.
the more str points you have the more damage you’l ldo with the weapon mastery trees and less with the force mastery trees (while still retaining the effects)More int points means more Force mastery damage and less damage with the weapon mastery trees.
hmmmm damn you now i have to rethink everything
Thanks for the feed back!
The Enlightened One
MemberWhy don’t we just drop the levels.
Like in minecraft no levels that influence how strong you are.
This game should be fun and easy to hop on to and just enjoy yourself.
I absolutely DO NOT wnat it to be a grind fest.That’s why i have been thinking about a way to gain exp – sp for everything you do.
You’re a builder well get exp for building wich can be exchanged for skill points.
you love to mine, battle monsters, or just trade things with people, same thing reaward the player. it’s much more satisfying to be rewarded for the things you love to do.THank you for the feedback!
The Enlightened One
MemberIt may seem very complicated, but once you understand the beauty of it things become fun and easy. you can experiment with alot of builds, lets say a swift ranger class with arrows that slow.
you just get into bow mastery, add the movementspeed buff from the wind mastery and the ice imbue of the ice mastery.
there are limitless possibilities. but i do understand your point too. this seems like alot …
Thanks for you feedback!
This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by
The Enlightened One. Reason: baeuty is not a word it's an atrocity :D
The Enlightened One
MemberHmmmm you have an interesting and valid point.
We could make it so that you don’t need to level up.
But just be rewarded by doing things that you love to do.The Enlightened One
Memberthis could work i haven’t seen anything like that yet, butthey could know the level by titles, i they have had their own title, also there’s going to be a wikia (like for every game) and people are goign to put all titles in there so you can just look them up. titles are still a good idea but not (like i interpret it) to bind them to a skill set. but soley on “achievements in general”
The leveling of skills by performing the skil succes full for x amount times before gaining a level makes sense aswell. you only get better after you have practised so i really like that idea.
I’ll make a section in part 3 with player suggestions but i really need to finish all the rest first.
Thanks!The Enlightened One
MemberThanks still working on skill trees, leave alll of your ideas the more the better!
The Enlightened One
MemberGOing to get started on the skills now, haven’t had alot of time but now I do,
nd for the skills system, i think the trditional wone can fit our needs…
But i have an experimental one aswell. You know the ping interface of league of legends. it’s kinda like that when you press a key a round inter face pops up and you can just drag you mouse to the skill, and let go so you would use that skill…
May be a bit tricky at first but from the moment you get the hang of it it’s quite fast… may put 8 skills there who knows.The Enlightened One
MemberAlright, fair enough!
keep an eye out for the skills then, i’ll try to get part 2 up tomorrow.
you can just ignore the level cap things then 😉greetz!
The Enlightened One
MemberLOL! thanks i’ll change that 😀
The Enlightened One
MemberStill Alive?
Man you guys are really something, eating these walls of text for breakfast.
Anyway, part 2 needs alot of work so i’ll finish this chapter first.Let’s get on with it!
Utility skills general
Utility skills are skills learned by just doing all the stuff you do.
You mine to get the mining utility skills, you make things for crafting utility skill and so on and so forth.These utility skills are passives, passives that rewards players with small bonusses depending on the tier you are in ofcourse.
Talking about tiers, there are 5 different tiers.
Each time you reach a certain tier you will be rewarded for it and be able to start your way up to the next tier.
There is a catch though:
All skills can reach tier 1 to 2
Only 5 skills can reach tier 3
Only 3 skills can reach tier 4
And 3 skills can reach tier 5This means that you’ll have to choose what you passive utility skills you want more. cool thing about this is that people will need each other because everyone is specialized in a different way.
Now Bob has a question for me: “But what if I want to change?”
Well bob, I’ll explain.
Each tier will keep leveling untill it reaches tier 5. so say instead of building you want mining as one of your tier 5 passives. you just demote building to rank 2 and promote mining to tier 5, this comes with a fee.The fee
The fee is necessary for some reasons:
-We don’t want people to just freely change, that makes the tier system unnecessary
-it would undermine the economy of the game (paying players for services because they can do it better / faster)
-It would be awesome if we could see some build focussed guild working for a trade focussed guild, to put down a mega structure and get payed for it. without tiers we won’t have these, with them we might have em.Now what kind of fees are we talking about?
Well I have a few ideas, and feel free to add your own.
+Currency or items(precious)
We could let them pay x amount to switch things up or give x amount of diamond to let them reset tiers.+Loss of exp:
let’s say each tier is 10000 xp, then by degrading from tier 5 to tier 2 would cost you 30000 exp to let you switch tiers(50000(t5)-20000(t2). this can be done in different ways.Example 1: building is tier 2, crafting is tier 5, To make building tier one(if building has 50000exp ready) you will lose 30000 exp out of 50000 from crafting, making it a tier 2, while building can be upgraded to tier 5
Example 2: Building is tier 2, crafting is tier 5, cooking is tier 4 and weapon smith tier 3. To make building tier 5 you have to lose 30000 exp, so you coulddrop weapon smith to tier 2 giving 10000 xp, drop cooking to tier 3 giving another 10000 xp and dropping crafting to tier 4 giving 10000 xp aswell. so what happens is 3 skills will drop one tier to make the trade.
HOWEVER there is a catch!
This might be good to keep the skill that’s being replaced in tier 5 i nanother high tier like 4 but all other skills that down grade will lose ALL xp from their current progress towards tier 5 to the tier they downgrade to.
Let me put it this way.You have all skills at 50000 xp
Skill A, B, C are tier 5
skill D, E, F are tier4
skill G, H, I, J, K are tier 3
skills L-Z are tier 2 or lower (nothing changes for this tier.)Now you want skill L to be tier 5
You need to give 30000xp to be able to make L tier 5
you lower skill A to tier 4 (50000-40000= 10000) 1 tier 10000
You lower skill D to tier 3 (50000-30000= 20000) another tier 10000
You lower skill G to tier 2(50000-20000=30000) another tier 10000this means that dropping in different tiers, while each tier is theoretically 10000 xp, will cost you alot more -> 60000 xp
Here’s how it looks now
Skill L*, B, C are tier 5
skill A*2, E, F are tier4
skill D*3, H, I, J, K are tier 3
skills G*4,M-Z are tier 2 or lower (nothing changes for this tier.)*: Skill L went to tier 1 and has gained 30000 xp
*2: SKill A dropped a tier and lost 10000XP
*3: Skill D dropped 2 tier and lost 20000Xp
*4: Skill G dropped 3 tier and lost 30000XpThis means that before they will be able to switch again, they will need to spend some time gaining the exp back they have lost. this implies that people cannot insta switch all the time.
+Talent point
Talent points are points when you level up a skill to a certain tier and then resetting. receiving 1 tallent point for every x amount of exp. 1 talent point equals 1 tier.let say it would take 15000 exp to gain 1 talent point, so resetting a tier 3 skill will give you 2 talent points. With those 2 you can climb 2 full tiers (basicly gaining 10000 exp per talent point)+A mixture
maybe a mix of all the ideas.Utility Skills!
That last part was hard to digest, so I’ll keep this one as simple as I can.
So let’s get started on utility skills.Mining!
Tier 1: The sound of excavation -> You mine 5% fasterTier 2: Waste less find more -> 10% chance of increased drops (depends on value)(10% on least value 1 % on most value)
Tier 3:Precision mines perfect -> Keeps the block the way you mined it.( coal ore block stays coal ore block instead of coal and cobble stone)
Tier 4: The sound of miners -> you mine 10 % faster
Tier 5: Waste nothing find everthing -> 20% chance of increased drops (depends on value- (20% on least value and 4% on most value)
Tier 1: chop chop! -> 5% faster woodcuttingTier 2: I wood like that -> 5% chance on precious wood (hard wood, ancient wood, depends on rarity (5% not so rare, 0.5% rare)
Tier 3:Insert sapling here -> when tree is cut down, automaticly plant a sapling.
Tier 4: Chop chop chop! -> 10% faster woodcutting
Tier 5: I wood like it alot. -> 15% chance on precious wood (hard wood, ancient wood, depends on rarity (15% chance not so rare, 1,5% rare
Enchanter_________________________________ Still Work In progress
This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by
The Enlightened One. Reason: updated explanations and some ideas
This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by
The Enlightened One. Reason: Added some utility skills and names of future utility skills
This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by
The Enlightened One. Reason: Clarified some things, fixed uber mistakes due to malfunctioning brain
The Enlightened One
MemberYou made it!
Hello, it seems you have survived the onslaught of part 1
Now i have thought about this for a very very long time andi’ll try to explain it as detailed as i can, without making it complicated.Before we jump in in all the madness i’m going to inform you of the tiers.
Each skill has a few different tiers based on the mastery level.
you can level up all skills up to a fixed point.
tier 1 skills up to 5
tier 2 skills up to 4
tier 3 skills up to 3
tier 4 skills up to 2
tier 5 skills up to 1the higher the tier the more badass it looks and the more powerfull it is.
With that being said let’s view the bible of all skills (sounded more funny in my head T.T )
Bow Mastery skills
strong Arrow series
+strong arrow(T1): channels for 2 seconds to to shoot a power full arrowleveling up this skill will Increase the damage
+powerfull arrow (t2): channels for 2 seconds to shoot a power full arrow,
increased crit chance +10%Leveling up this skill will increase the damage, and increase the crit % by 1
+Hurlers arrow (T3): channels for 2 seconds to shoot a long range powerfull
Increased crit chance +20% + 5% increased rangeLeveling up this skill will increase damage, crit % by 3, and range by 1%
+Devastating arrow (T4): Channels for 2 seconds to shoot a long range very
powerfull arrow.
Increased crit chance +40% + 10% rangeLeveling up this skill will increase damage, increase crit % by 5 and range by 3%
+Titan Arrow (T5): Channels for 2.5 seconds to shoot an arrow with the force of
a Titan.
Increased crit chance +65% + 20% range +5% chance to ignore
all resistances
__________________________________________________________________________________Fast arrow series
+Double shot(T1): Fires 2 arrows in rapid successionleveling up this skill will Increase the damage
+Triple shot (t2): Shoots 3 arrows in rapid succession,
5% knockbackLeveling up this skill will increase the damage, and increase the knockback % by 1
+quadra shot (T3): Shoots 4 arrows in rapid succession,
Increased knockback chance 15% + reduces armor by 1% per hitLeveling up this skill will increase damage, knockback % by 3, armor reduction by 1%
+Penta shot (T4): Shoots 5 arrows in rapid succession
Increased knockback chance +30% + reduces armor by 5% per hitLeveling up this skill will increase damage, increase Knockback % by 5 and armor reduction by 3%
+Septa shot (T5): Shoots 7 arrows in rapid succession.
Increased knockback chance +55% + reducing armor by 8% per hit range + if all arrows hit last arrow bonus damage +50%
__________________________________________________________________________________piercing Arrow series
+piercing shot(T1): Fires an arrow that pierces through the targetleveling up this skill will Increase the damage
+Piercing cloud(t2): Fires an arrow that pierces through the target
ignores 5% armor, ignores half the amount on second hit.Leveling up this skill will increase the damage, and ignores % armor by 1
+Piercing sky (T3): fires an arrow that pierces through the target and turning into shrapnel.
Ignores 15% armor, ignores half the amount on second hit, if first target is hit 2 shrapnel pieces will be created that can pierce up to 2 more targets.Leveling up this skill will increase damage, ignores % armor by 2%, increases second hit ignore % by 1
+Piercing Heaven (T4):Fires an arrow that pierces through the target and turning
into shrapnel
Ignores 30% armor, ignores half the amount on second hit, if first target is hit 3 shrapnel pieces will be created that can pierce up to 2 more targets.Leveling up this skill will increase damage, ignores % armor by 4%, increases second hit ignore % by 2
+Piercing world (T5):Fires an arrow that pierces through the target and turning
into shrapnel
Ignores 45% armor, ignores half the amount on second hit, if first target is hit 5 shrapnel pieces will be created that can pierce up to 2 more targets.Leveling up this skill will increase damage, ignores % armor by 5%, increases second hit ignore % by 2.5
__________________________________________________________________________________exploding Arrow series
+Exploding shot(T1): Fires an arrow that explodes on contactleveling up this skill will Increase the damage
+cluster shot(t2): fires an arrow that explodes on contact dealing aoe damage
aoe around the bomb increased by 5%Leveling up this skill will increase the damage, and Aoe range % by 1
+blackpowder shot (T3): fires an arrow that explodes on contact dealing aoe damage
aoe around the bomb increased by 10%, 10% chance to blind nearby foes (3sec)Leveling up this skill will increase the damage, and Aoe range % by 3, and % blind chance by 2
+demolishing shot (T4):fires an arrow that explodes on contact dealing aoe damage
aoe around the bomb increased by 25%, 20% chance to blind nearby foes (3sec), can shoot it on terrain to detonate afterwards(5s) 5% chance to destroy blocks 3×3 radiusLeveling up this skill will increase the damage, and Aoe range % by 5, and % blind chance by 3, + block destruction chance % by 5
+Piercing world (T5):fires an arrow that explodes on contact dealing aoe damage
aoe around the bomb increased by 40%, 35% chance to blind nearby foes (3sec), can shoot it on terrain to detonate afterwards(5s) 15% chance to destroy blocks 5×5 radius, when bomb explodes there will be small explosions in the radius.__________________________________________________________________________________
focus series
+focus(T1): increases projectile speed, (wich improves accuracy)
5% projectile speed for 2,5 minleveling up this skill will Increase projectile speed % by 1 increases buff 10 seconds per level
+improved focus(t2): furtherly increases projectile speed(buff), (wich improves accuracy)
15% projectile speed for 3.75 minleveling up this skill will Increase projectile speed % by 2 increases buff by 10 seconds per level
+perfected focus (T3): furtherly increases projectile speed(buff), (wich improves accuracy)
30% projectile speed for 3.75 minleveling up this skill will Increase projectile speed % by 4 increases buff by 10 seconds per level
+enlightened focus(T4):furtherly increases projectile speed(buff), (wich improves accuracy)
50% projectile speed for 4.30 minleveling up this skill will Increase projectile speed % by 5 increases buff by 10 seconds per level
+astral focus(T5):furtherly increases projectile speed(buff), (wich improves accuracy)
65% projectile speed for 5 min_________________________________________________________________
familiar series
+White hawk(T1): summons a white hawk to aid you.
hawkeye marks enemies on the minimap withinin a 30 block radius 1 minleveling up this skill will Increase radius of hawkeye by 5 blocks, and prolongue the duration by 10 sec
+black hawk(t2): summons a black hawk to aid you.
hawkeye marks enemies on the minimap withinin a 60 block radius 2 minleveling up this skill will Increase radius of hawkeye by 10 blocks, and prolongue the duration by 10 sec
+thunder hawk (T3): summons a thunder hawk to aid you.
the thunder hawk will protect you from any projectiles for 5 secleveling up this skill will Increase the duration of the thunder hawk by 2 seconds
+fire hawk (T4):summons a fire hawk to aid you.
the fire hawk will protect you from any projectiles for 10 secleveling up this skill will Increase the duration of the thunder hawk by 2 second
+lucifer(small dragonlike creature)(T5):summons Lucifer to aid you.
lucifer will protect you from any projectiles by reflecting them to their original casters for 15 sec, If lucifer kill someone with a reflection he’ll grow bigger and stay 15 bonus seconds(max 3 times)
sword mastery skills
knights strike series
+Knights strike (T1):
+Knights slash (T2):
+general strike (T3):
+General slash (T4):
+General Fury (T5):trouble strike series
+Double strike (T1):
+Triple strike (T2):
+quadra strike (T3):
+penta strike (T4):
+Dragon strike (T5):Ram strike series
+Ram strike (T1):
+bull strike (T2):
+Rhino strike (T3):
+Rusher strike (T4):
+titan strike (T5):Serpent strike series
+venom strike (T1):
+stone venom strike (T2):
+blood venom strike (T3):
+ancient venom strike (T4):
+creator venom strike (T5):Wind strike
+Wind strike (T1):
+Gust strike (T2):
+whirlwind strike (T3):
+Storm strike (T4):
+Hurricane strike (T5):star rush series
+star Rush (T1):
+Moon rush (T1):
+Sun rush (T1):
+Galaxy rush (T1):
+Universe rush (T1):greatsword mastery skills
strong Arrow series
strong Arrow series
strong Arrow series
strong Arrow series
strong Arrow series
strong Arrow series
strong Arrow series
strong Arrow serieswarhammer mastery skills
strong Arrow series
strong Arrow series
strong Arrow series
strong Arrow series
strong Arrow series
strong Arrow series
strong Arrow series
strong Arrow seriesglaive mastery skills
strong Arrow series
strong Arrow series
strong Arrow series
strong Arrow series
strong Arrow series
strong Arrow series
strong Arrow series
strong Arrow seriesdagger mastery skills
strong Arrow series
strong Arrow series
strong Arrow series
strong Arrow series
strong Arrow series
strong Arrow series
strong Arrow series
strong Arrow seriescrossbow mastery skills
strong Arrow series
strong Arrow series
strong Arrow series
strong Arrow series
strong Arrow series
strong Arrow series
strong Arrow series
strong Arrow seriesstaff mastery skills
smite series
field series
enhaced spell series
deflect seriesfire mastery skills
Fire imbue series
fire shield series
fire trap series
fire wisp series
blaze series
fire ball series
fire dome series
strong Arrow seriesice mastery skills
Ice Imbue series
snow shield series
Ice wall series
snow trap series
Ice shot series
ice dome serieswind mastery skills
Static imbue series
shock shout series
wind walk series
wind dash series
piercing force series
lightening strike seriesearth mastery skills
sand imbue series
sand shield series
sand shot series series
sand trap series
sand barrier
sand castle
sand ruptureforce mastery skills
self heal series
cleansing series series
group heal series
resurection series
enhancing series
therapy series-
This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by
The Enlightened One. Reason: SKills coming soon!
This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by
The Enlightened One. Reason: added the first skill of the bow mastery
This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by
The Enlightened One.
This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by
The Enlightened One. Reason: added second skill of bow mastery
This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by
The Enlightened One. Reason: Added third skill
This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by
The Enlightened One. Reason: correction of mistakes and spacing
This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by
The Enlightened One. Reason: added 2 more skills
This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by
The Enlightened One.
This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by
The Enlightened One. Reason: named alot of skills to make further progress easier
This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by
The Enlightened One. Reason: named some of the skills
The Enlightened One
MemberWelcome to part 1!
Yay never thought someone would be crazy enought to read all of this.
you da real MVP!Now back to business, since i’m writing this from behind my desk at work.
(note: following masteries are ideas, feel free to give feedback or add to it with your own. we have got alot of brainzies around for something!)Mastery time!
The mastery tree: you should view this as you class system. you can pick what any number,but don’t forget the cap.
There are 2 Main branches:
Weapon mastery
Force masteryEach of the masteries within that branch hava a unique set of skills and passives.
Without further delay, let’s move on to the Weapon masteries!Weapon mastery
In this section we’ll name the different weapon masteries and the mastery passives
Not the skills, if you want those you can skip and go to part 2.+Sword (with shield/ dual wield)
-focusses on sword and shield skills, buff to tankyness and resistances
Passive:(shield) increases % chance to block depending on mastery level
Passive:(dual wield) Increases evasion depending on mastery level+Bow
-Long range bow skills, buffs to precision, summons familiar(eagle,wolf)
Passive: increases range Depending on mastery level+greatsword /warhammer/ glaive
– focus 2hand aoe skills, buffs power, debuffs
passive: increased health depending on mastery level+dagger
-focusses on quick combos, stealth, debuffs
Passive: increases % crit chance depending on level+ crossbow
-medium range bow skills, sieging, debuffs
Passive: % armor pen depending on mastery level+Staff
-focusses on aoe and boosting the force mastery. buffs
Passive: reduced cooldowns on skills depending on mastery level.Feel free to add to this list, some of these are OP** and some UP*.
Force mastery
Force mastery is all about the magical side. So much that you can just use bare hands to buff or even deal damage.+Fire
-focusses on fire spells, magic def. buffs, and the fire imbue***
passive: +x damage depending on mastery level+Ice
– focusses on ice spells, physical def buffs, and the ice imbue***
passive: increased physical defence depending on mastery level+wind
-focusses on electric spells, movement buffs, and the lightning imbue***
passive: increased % evasion depending on mastery level.+Earth
– focusses on earth spells, damage reducing buffs, and the rock imbue***
Passive: % stability depending mastery level+Force
– focusses on healing spells, regenerations and resistance buffs, revives
passive: % increased healing depending on mastery levelthese are the general ideas of the mastery tree and with the passive and general focus on what mastery brings wich skill set.
The next part will take a while because it will be a monster of a post. (read harrypotter books times 20)(seriously)
Thanks for reading
If you want you can always leave ideas and constructive critisism below!
also if you see some mistakes please do grammar nazi me, english is not my native tongue ^^
____________________________________________*UP: Under Powered
**OP: Over Powered
***Imbue: force around the hand or weapon/tool that influences you basic attacks and skills-
This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by
The Enlightened One. Reason: editing
This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by
The Enlightened One. Reason: Adding content
This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by
The Enlightened One. Reason: edit #2
The Enlightened One
MemberThere seems to be a problem with our host…
For now we’re ts’less again =(
It should be back up by tomorrow! -
This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by