Forum Replies Created
ParticipantThere’s different members of the development team working on different features at the same time so we should be able to get more than one thing delivered. The characters are super important to us and so we’re looking to get them done sooner rather than later.
Rob – Wonderstruck Designer
ParticipantLooking forward to it IAmSpartacus. Thanks for your interest and coming on here to chat!
Rob – Wonderstruck Designer
ParticipantThanks a bundle Dan! We appreciate you helping everyone out 🙂
Rob – Wonderstruck Designer
ParticipantHiya Steffen. Glad to see you here and thanks for the support. Your English looks pretty great to me so I wouldn’t worry about it!
Looking forward to seeing you in game and in the forums. Feel free to leave feedback, bugs and suggestions.
Rob – Wonderstruck Designer
Undead creatures are interesting. Some of the Protectors could have similar undead mechanics and only come out at night.
Rob – Wonderstruck Designer
ParticipantDidn’t we tell you about the multi-dimensional, quantum, magic, time travelling birds? 😉
It’s not a bug, it’s a feature. 😉
We want to have subterranean creatures in the worlds that are different to their surface dwelling brethren.
Besides, are you telling me you haven’t seen the burrowing worms on the Dune world yet?
Rob – Wonderstruck Designer
ParticipantLike it. Programmable Player Protectors! 😉
Always enjoyed the mythology of Golems. While we can’t promise the ‘P.P.P.’ feature. Having Golems as a creature is obtainable. To be honest some of the current creature concept art already has some similarities in style and mythology to Golems.
Rob – Wonderstruck Designer
ParticipantI’d like to hear more about what you all like regarding survival aspects of a game (hunger, thirst, stamina etc). How deep do you want to go? Do you like to micromanage that stuff and worry about where the next drink of water is coming from or not?
Rob – Wonderstruck Designer
ParticipantHi Dasachi. At the minute they are basic rectangles but are built on the same 1m block system as all of the other blocks. We can make them any size and rectangular shape at the minute. In theory we might be able to have different shapes. But they’d likely be ‘block circles’ rather than true circles.
Who doesn’t want to make their own Stargate? 😉
Rob – Wonderstruck Designer
ParticipantLike it! With our world system we can even have entire planets that could be as dangerous and creepy as this, all the time!
If you like that sort of thing, move there and setup a home. Or just go for the occasional visit to satisfy your ‘Horror Movie’ fixation. 😉
Rob – Wonderstruck Designer
ParticipantSeems like everyone wants races and different attributes badly!
It has been NOTED! 🙂
(But don’t stop making more suggestions about them. They’re great)
Rob – Wonderstruck Designer
ParticipantHi Grimoire. We want to give some variety to those players who like to fight. It’s likely that we’ll start off with a smaller subset of weapons and armour and then slowly grow that number with more varied attributes.
We want you to be able to craft weapons and items that can have different properties. Not all swords are created equal. So, we’re working on a crafting system with some ‘experimental’ properties….
Rob – Wonderstruck Designer
ParticipantCool! Blocking. We’re prototyping combat mechanics at the minute so will probably mess with blocking.
Rob – Wonderstruck Designer
ParticipantThis is one of those BIG design questions and different players have varying views.
At one end of the spectrum, if you lose everything then you feel bad, frustrated and feel like all of the hard work you put in to gathering those resources was wasted.
At the other end, if you never lose anything then some of the tension and threat from the environment and creatures is gone. If there’s never a penalty for death then it becomes meaningless and all of your achievements feel less fulfilling.
So, we need to find the right balance between the two. We have some ideas of what we would like to do. We might not get it right for everyone first time, but if you keep giving us feedback we’ll get to the best answer.
Rob – Wonderstruck Designer
ParticipantThanks Dan. All good feedback. Some of the things you’ve mentioned are things just not working the way they’re supposed to yet.
The not being able to place blocks on top of lootables is super annoying and we’ll try and sort that out asap.
We will probably add some more physical attributes to block types soon. Our engineer Luca loves messing with physics. The ‘bounciness’ and ‘friction’ should be going in soon as seen in our Developer video update.
Agree, totally with the trees. I don’t like the current behaviour and we want trees to behave a bit more realistically for harvesting (and be less annoying). Who likes having hundreds of treetops floating around in space?
Growth and respawning of trees and other flora is likely to come at a later date.
The sloped block mechanics are all very much placeholder developer tools at the minute. It’s definitely not the way we intend you to be able to use them in the future.
What do you mean by a tool to swap a block with another type? Can you give me some examples?
Rob – Wonderstruck Designer