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  • in reply to: Searching for German Guild #5139

    Wie ist/sind deine Position/Koordinaten?

    in reply to: [German] Oort Online Forum #4424

    Nice. Cu there

    in reply to: Stand Alone Client? #4386

    Afaik the browser plugin/ tie in is only a mid-term solution to have a possibility to get us into the game…

    in reply to: Oort Wiki #4335

    That’s what i was talking about 😉 @Thorbjorn

    in reply to: Oort Wiki #4301

    Anyone alive?

    in reply to: things that make building a lot easier #4104

    -the ability to rotate slopes if you already placed them: i hate it when blocks that can rotate are rotated wrong, so instead of breaking and placing them the ability to rotate the would be handy.

    If we get to play with even more block shapes (inverted slopes or similar) the rotation & placement system maybe needs to be altered to some extend. Imho Space Engineers does a good job about this. They have premade shapes, but maybe in OO we could (1) select the inventory slot/block, then (2)cycle through its available shapes by a hotkey and then (3)change the orientation via arrows keys.

    2+3 would be optional. If not used a standard block or a blockshape with the pos zero orientation will be placed

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by Hummel.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by Hummel.
    in reply to: Scarred unatractive worlds. (worries) #2782

    What about world events that ‘inject’ new materials/change landscape?

    I am absolutely NO fan of some magic suddenly building new blocks, ressources or similar under- or over ground. Trees and all sorts of greenery are not the problem, but dirt does not simply spawn, covering my ore vein i digged out the last days. On the other side, ressources are not endless, especially in multiplayer.

    Besides the idea to let the players fight for the ressources (which i am not a fan of either), why not let some world-events happen.

    Giants smashing a mountain, cracking the hull of the hills and doing believable changes to the landscape. With this happening, new ressources and specials can be “injected” to this area withoud having to explain a non-contextual ‘sudden-spawn-magic’

    My favorite (i’ve suggested that back in the early days of minecraft) would be some kind of “meteor storm” or “thunderstorm”. Those could hit areas that are not owned by players (beacons). Those meteors/lightnings could easily inject new materials to the world: deep in a small crater and the layers beyond (a meteor “melts” everything, so this is easy to have a reason) + material/blocks (maybe rare blocks!!) scattered around on the surface (more or less close to the crater area).

    Two easy, believable ideas..but i can see, this won’t be easy to add it to the game 😉

    in reply to: buy to play or subscription? #2772

    He’s streaming in the very minute 😉

    in reply to: Community Question #2769

    Meh…of course you know about it, but maybe not everyone else that wants to read through here 😉 So either there is no game (i know of) that live-links real servers like OO does, i wanted to show there might be some difficulties in LIVElinking modded and vanilla servers with a realtime portal ‘view’ and how other games handle these. Just my 2 cents.

    I understand, that you were asking the devs on how they want to design this aspect, wether they allow modding in general or not.

    But the answer to this – for my understanding – will result in a follow up discussion on how modded content is connected with the ‘vanilla world’ as there will arise ‘issues by design’ 😉

    Just curious about the answer (as you are)

    Let s go on afterwards.

    in reply to: VR support? #2766

    Any game has to implement extra code and polish. So sadly no, not working per default at the moment.

    in reply to: buy to play or subscription? #2765

    Here you are. he may not be a dev, but after havin followed some of his streams, you won’t get closer at the moment. 😉

    in reply to: Forums #2444

    +1 @Disco . phpBB has lots of templates and hacks (mods)

    But, I’d also like to suggest vBulletin. It’s not free, but low cost (related to the dev costs of a game). It has a lot more security features built in, better stability and it is also as flexible/moddable/easy to use as phpBB (if not expandable even more) – but that’s just my personal taste.

    in reply to: Community Question #2438


    Several mods of minecraft are run server-side only. So just the server needs to know what the mod is about. In this case, even with server-side modded servers connected to the Oort Online world, this may be less of a problem (maybe rendering the real-time looking through the portal could be a problem if the modserver uses different graphics mods…and a lot of other things we as users don’t see)

    Yet you may want to signal to the player that he is about to join a modded server and what’s different there..maybe a billboard pinned to the portal that also could be used otherwise? (eg. rules or special advices? )

    On the other hand, as you may know, some of the more interesting minecraft mods are server & client-side as they are rooted much deeper in the games code. So if you want to join a server with a certain mod you first need to install it…or the server will just drop you (in terms of OO, you can’t pass through the portal or CTD)

    As a result, if you want to have no or minimal friction for the “standard player”, you may want to have the server ‘read’ if the client has the mod installed..and then installed it (like ye old counterstike did back in the days). But that would imply that there is enough bandwith on the server-cluster to send all those files to lots and lots of players (traffic costs = game hosting costs). Could be a bit of a problem for player-rented servers, depending on how big those files are and how big your traffic costs are.

    I am very excited to see how this will come to live for Oort Online. I think, that’s not me alone 😉

    in reply to: VR support? #2431

    OR Support would be cool – somewhere down the road. (Waiting for my dk2 ^^)

    in reply to: buy to play or subscription? #2430

    @Grimoire. If i remember it correctly, Rukyo mentioned it in his todays livestream: there will be no Real-Money currency, but an in-game currency (for features like tolls, but you can’t buy IGC with real money.

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