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  • in reply to: Writable Books #3033

    I loved this idea back in Minecraft and was so stoked the first time I made my very first book. Though I was only playing in single player maps in Minecraft, I had an entire library full with ‘m. Diaries, archival books of every town, manuals on how to make items, manuals on how to brew potions & what ingredients they need, general notebooks, books with prices of every town I went to, books with local lore and legends in it… You name it, I had it in my library. And that’s just out the top of my head.

    Another idea I already wrote down in this other section on the forum builds further on the use of books, you can read it here:

    TLDR, I love books and would very much like to see this happen.

    in reply to: Crafting, Pick One #3031

    Perhaps it’s been said already, I don’t know. I’ve read most of what’s written here and I don’t think I saw it already, but I kinda like the idea of having the ability to build on skills. You start with an open pallet where you can do anything you desire. But it’ll be the basic of that skill. As you use it more, you’ll improve upon it until you’ve reached a certain point where it’s at a point that you’ve almost perfected it (or as it good as it gets anyway)

    A practical example has already been given I think; Cooking.
    At first you’re just able to cook what you find. You build a simple campfire like how I described it over here:

    Then, once you can heat your food, you can get to the next level. And so forth. This goes on, all the way to the point where you can say, for example, make desserts or whatnot.

    TLDR; everyone can make anything, as long as you have the experience that you can build up through some sort of achievement-system.

    EDIT: Of course you won’t get far when you’ll master one skill from the start, but if that’s what you wanna do, you’ll need other players to trade with. Same goes the other way around, when you very gradually gain XP in every task simultaneously, you won’t be able to make those desserts I mentioned earlier.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Master_Chill.
    in reply to: Viewers have spoken #3025

    All good ideas. Camp fires are something I personally would love to see happen. Very good idea to keep the mobs away at night when you’re travelling, for example. Gather sticks during the day on your travels, make a fire at sunset and supply more sticks over the course of the night (for several hours in advance perhaps, this way you’ll be able to sleep in full protection of the fire).

    Very big fan of item decoration as well, adding an iron to two swords and being able to hang ‘m on your walls. Hadn’t thought of that one yet, I have to say.

    in reply to: Floating foliage #3023

    Ditto. Nothing better to kill a (realistic) game with, then to have something as floating foliage. What Minecraft didn’t have, was the ability to cut down trees like in the real world.

    But how will we make tools then, you ask?

    Simple. Gather sticks lying around underneath the trees. Sticks break of by wind or from accidents with mobs or whatnot, right? Well, gather ‘m that way instead of punching on a tree. Man, that’s gotta hurt your fists, am I right?

    Once you have your first sticks, you can make an axe, cut a tree down, and chop it into little pieces and make more sticks that way. Simple as pie. Sort of.

    To come back to the original topic; if you cut down a tree, the foliage comes down with it, and nothing remains floating. Problem solved.

    in reply to: Magic and its role in "Mechanical and Automated" Blocks #3018

    Personally, I kinda like the small robots being used for added protection. Set them up at my walls, tell ‘m to hold and they’ll form a perimeter around my house/castle/town whatever. But to power ‘m with magic is something I’m not really for. I’d rather see them powered by something more solid. A special sort of material to be found deep underground perhaps that expires over time.

    They can carry extra items whilst I’m mining, other ones can guard me and follow me around and that sort of stuff.. Yes, I’m all game for that. But don’t solve it with a cheap way by infusing them with magic. Make it so that they can be build from the ground up or something with a special sort of rock as base material/energy source.

    And if you really want/must have magic to infuse it into them, it should be at least done with a skilltree where infusing the small golems is the last part of that particular science. This way, it’s more satisfying to the player when you have a small golem running around. It’ll also prevent the world from over-occupying it with multiple golems.

    A last added note on this topic; if they’re build to be non-permanent, please let it be a system that allows the player to check up on it everytime he/she desires. I don’t like my droid/golem to power down whilst I’m in the middle of a fight or something.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Master_Chill.
    in reply to: Farming. #3013

    Crossbreeding crops? I wonder what this’ll look then? A carrot with orange leaves or something? Not that I’m against the idea, but it’s got to serve a purpose, in my opinion.

    A tree that doesn’t require you to break the leaves, to have apples, is something I’m all for though. It creates the opportunity to have an entire orchard of apple trees. Something that’s still on my to-do list.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Master_Chill.
    in reply to: Building Tool Suggestions! #3010

    – How about some form of skill building? This way it’ll be a form of skill that you’ll be able to gain when you’ve been building enough.

    – Another idea I have to solve this, is to be able to create an architect’s table that’s cluttered with plans. It demands various plans (you’ll need a lot of paper for this) of various structures (that you’ve already build) to build it, which need several specific items (that are only to be found in specific area’s) to be found in the world.

    In overall, it might take a while for the player to obtain this table, but once you have it, you can add extra items to your buildings, like:

    Support beams; no wolf will be able to blow this baby down.

    Adding esthetical options; make your house extra pretty with flowers, banners, wanted posters, a doggy door for your tamed pet & whatnot.

    Better construction bases; withstands any earthquake you throw at it.

    Increasing the overall design; make your house match with your tower.

    Better protection against natural erosion; years of rain & snow can be a killer for your roof, you know.

    Improve your already existing buildings.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Master_Chill.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Master_Chill.
    in reply to: Building shortcuts a la Space Engineers #3004

    Hmmm, interesting feature. I’ll admit it. But then again, there’s something about building a house/tower/city block by block, like in real life. Though, that’s not to say that you couldn’t have such a shortcut over a large amount of time.

    Let’s say that your very first building, you have zero experience ingame. After you’ve been building several structures, you’ll have gained a sustainable amount of experience by claiming various buildings (by literally placing a flag on each building perhaps?). This way, you can gain access to some form of new skills, like the ability to build with shortcuts. Personally, I’m very much up for this sort of idea.

    in reply to: Secret Hiding Spots #3000

    I’ve always been a big fan of stuff like this, Minecraft handled it pretty well in my opinion. I’m all in if/when this will be created.

    Also, remember that they’ll implement something at some point like this:
    Crafting II
    Mechanical Systems & ‘Fun’ Blocks
    Power your creations and automate your claim.

    So my guess is that whatever these ‘fun’ blocks will be, they’ll be used to guard something as well, since we can power our creations. Sounds promising nevertheless.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Master_Chill.
    in reply to: Real money auction's #2995

    Ditto. 100% against using real currency to obtain vanity items ingame. If anything at all, you’re better of to fight for it ingame than to have it obtained by means of such an easy way. People tend to be much more grateful when they have an item that’s been fought for and obtained through great effort.

    in reply to: Privacy systems, make towns matter #2993

    Personally I don’t really care how, as long as people will need to maintain those beacons. It sounds like a great money sink. Again, personally, I’m all for building shops, having doors to lock down a building, npc’s maintaining our shops (whilst we are out exploring for new items to sell) and paying rent to have a building in town.

    They could even all be in an automated system in the game, this way we can be ensured no player will cheat on another player. We would just have to build a minimum of houses and have it declared a village/small town/city/metropolis by the game, according to which features our town would have.

    in reply to: Offline, Solo play / Private Servers #2990

    I’m very much for this sort of arrangement. I’m very subtle when I say I’m not to be found for some large wang in the middle of a beautiful landscape. Perhaps they can have one planet especially for this sort of goofing of? Since we got portals, it doesn’t matter much, we can easily jump from one planet to another. Just as long as the look & feel of a particular planet is maintained, and doesn’t create a clutter of say, futuristic buildings next to a Hobbit hole, I’m happy. It doesn’t even have to be a private server for that, really.

    in reply to: Griefers #2989

    Something I haven’t seen anywhere but in real life is the following. Imagine a griefer if you will, in the real world. There are even names for them already. We call them thieves, robbers, hooligans and violators of public property. And they are dealt with accordingly. So why don’t we apply those laws to this universe as well? Create wanted post signs, like in those western-movies. Hunt them down like Bounty Hunters do and issue bounties on their heads. Or will that just backfire and make people want to achieve the desire for who’s worth the most?

    in reply to: Underground #2984

    Great supporter of this. Anyone seen the movie “City Of Ember”? Look it up if you haven’t, it’s a great idea to create in a sandbox game such as this one. I always think fondly back to my days where I kept reading about Dwarf Fortress. I’d love to go as deep as I can and (accidently or not) awake a giant sleeping Titan guarding some form of forgotten treasure. I largely covered it (with the Halls of Durin in mind) at this part of the forum:

    It seemed more appropriate to put it over there (and I found that section first :p).

    in reply to: Travel #2981

    Personally, I think travelling with a mount would be great. I’ve been waiting for this for a long time. Someone mentioned that it could form a problem however, once they’re killed, so that’s why I came up with the solution for protecting them through a way of quests for players. I wrote the big picture on this part of the forum already:

    As for the air-travel in general: I don’t see why we wouldn’t have spaceships in the end? You can maybe have a specific world of just techy, futuristic stuff and another world with just mounts? This way, everyone wins. I can easily imagine a giant zeppelin holding up a small piece of land by means of a lotta of grappling hooks. Sure, I haven’t build that yet. So why not?

    As long as it would actually work though, and not like as what happened in Minecraft, where you see these things floating in the air, for no reason at all. Never to move, never to serve a purpose other than the esthetic ones.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Master_Chill.
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