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MemberIam i seeing things right, has Hell1 gone with my bat cave with it??????
MemberBut that’s what’s great about this game is its MMO with Sandbox. Im lucky and I love them both but with this it will need sandbox and MMO to join. Some people will buy the game for the sandbox and some for the mmo or others like me for both but both must be packed full of play. With Minecraft (the biggest sandbox I can think so will use it) I dont feel that it would of done half as well without the mod packs. Building and adding on the basic Minecraft (vanilla) and made the game builds larger with power/ power tools / solar panels and so on. This game wont be modded as far as I understand so for the long term it must have alot of options for building to keep the sandbox side alive or it will stop with building a fortress/ home or smashing through a mountain to make a road. If pistons and so forth would cause issues with lag then maybe a limited amount per-person should be allowed to be built. I would like red stone type or magic to be the power source for alot of things. Possibly the different method used in charging varies the amount of power the crystals/ batteries could hold or take to charge? I liked the idea to power up crystals to maybe power hammers to smash a larger area of blocks or to charge up a staff to do more damage etc. I would like the chance to use solar panels and or windmills to link the charging of these stones/batteries. I think its quality if you could go into a guild owned castle with secret doors to different sections/ portals/ secret bootie. It gives the building side of the game an edge it needs to move onward and upward from minecraft.
MemberI like the idea apart from your hardcore mode imagine you have been playing for months to find a recipe then you are killed and boom it’s gone. Love the idea of your own journal (old Oort leather bound book with magic crystals). I think that it should be an item that you dont need to carry in the inventory that its linked to your character like (archeology in wow) possibly opens up when a certain key is pressed on the keyboard. I like the idea of ripping out the pages so when you flick through the journal the pages will be different colours from age possibly burnt and torn? Possibly a magical mark in the top right of the page different for weapons, tools, magical items etc.
MemberIs cooking going to be implemented like in wow? I’ve heard that this is possibly a Minecraft/wow hybrid with amazing artists painting a different light. I like the idea of food giving you buffs and also the magical side giving you buffs so like on wow you could double up on both making people want to make a farm for the buffs or at least use the player stall/ guild members to get them if they don’t fancy taking the time to farm or only interested on the buffs. Then the alchemy/magic side for the magic buffs, special gems or magic stones ground down into powder to make potions for the magical buffs?
MemberI am the same, redstone in Minecraft makes secret rooms my thing. I saw windmills in one of the artists drawings and thought could be a nice way to power things up. From reading the funding goals I’m guessing redstone/ mechanical systems is going to be added with the crafting II as says mechanical blocks and powering your systems. I just feel that vanilla Minecraft would not be such a big hit as it is without the mod packs eg tekkit so if mod packs arnt going to be considered these sorts of things need to be implemented from the beginning to keep the sandbox side of the game going.
MemberMy crib overlooking the village
MemberFinsihed building my base up in the mountain looking down on the village above the bridge
Memberthinking about coming along to join you guys
MemberWas talking about agent dmx post on Pvp being world wide without an opt in choice. As it’s sandbox I’m guessing they will give you can chance to not go Pvp so if your mining on your on you won’t get jumped by 20 guys. Unless your talking about the high level portal worlds for super rare gear then I agree that everyone should be on Pvp so you need to be in a team to get the super rare materials
MemberI can’t see this being implemented as a sandbox game which means lots of running around mining you would constantly need to be grouped up, this isn’t used in many games if any I can think of, it’s normally an opt in or opt out option which has worked well for many years.
MemberThe problem with this is straight away your at a disadvantage if your not in a guild or a large/ strong guild. Pvp should be a choice like in Minecraft a simple tick box in settings. But for these rarer worlds/ weekly worlds just make it Pvp only as only higher lvl/geared players will be here for the resources.
MemberFishing should be defiantly used. I agree 100% that water needs some life and fishing for food is a must!
MemberOn structures I think using the different races that hopefully will be implemented it would be nice to have random villages (similar to Minecraft) which are race based dotted around with each race possibly have a specialisation eg the cool ram guys would be farmers so in the few dotted villages you could buy farming materials/tools and possible race side quest just small help this person or someone’s gone missing in a cave system/ dung please help so on. Just a nice idea to add to the game maybe. I love the ideas of temples by the way one thin that I’m loving so maybe a village or two could be based around these temples who still worship the long forgot on Titan/ god.
MemberFrom my understanding of watching videos and reading information there would be a crafting route and a sort of combat route? So if u were in a guild you would have some guys who we’re say master builders who would build and craft higher level stuff while you would have combat guys who who do larger amounts of damage etc? Both could craft/ mine and fight just one would be better than the other at certain bits? Almost like wow where you have different profs like alch, tailor etc possibly using each other to build a stronger guild/ group rather than all being able to do the same stuff?