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Participantbig. they can make insanely huge worlds, but no they are not endless. the ”middle” / ”standard” world size will be 16 x 16 km (where 1 block is 1 meter) and also they have or is going to add an option that makes the world connect, so you can run in 1 direction and you will eventually come back to your starting area. like the real world.
ParticipantEvery server up now is official servers, which means you cant create your own, later on they are planning to add rental servers where you can have full control of the server settings, but it will be cut of from the main game.
Participantalso something i remember seeing was when eso was still in developement was a competition to make the best emote idea and a dude made the amazing idea of honor/dishonor, it worked in a sense that when you killed another player you could /honor and you would place a flower or something at the corpse and if you use /dishonor you would kick the corpse or spit on it or something like that.
i think the idea is amazing for pvp’ers cause some people deserve respect when slaughtered and other doesnt, also depends on the player themselves if they want to rp a noble mercenary or a merciless assassin.Zouls
ParticipantYeah that would help alot.
Participantother things are more important first, + they need to stabilize the game engine perfectly since portals is going to be really hard on the servers, so i imagine there will be some time and that they need other things ingame first, such as crafting, combat, creatures and so on.
Participantehh its made like a compas, its purely based on logic, so i really enjoy the minimap, but maps are going to be craftable items later on, so there will prob be different types, this for now is a compass ish map but they might also make a map map as you want 😀
ParticipantNp. give a shoutout if you have any other or more specific questions, or add me on steam by searching ”Zouls” and im the dude with the purple icon, will be more than happy to help 🙂
Participantthere is an arrow on the map? and it always points north, so if you know how to navigate around a compass you can always know which way you are going, thats what you want, yeah?
Participantyou can see the goal funding, so the developement is amazing, they have been really busy lately working on different stuff which wasnt on the goal funding (which you can see)
They just added a minimap system in the game, they are working on crafting/token/bag prototype (for more info watch announcements on steam) every block in the game is simply place holders now so they are also completely overhauling the textures and they honestly look amazing, they are also currently working on adding a placeable beacon system which allows people to beacon an area and nobody other than the people you choose can build or delete stuff in it, they are also working on a placeable chest system.
This game is simply amazing but keep in mind its only PRE ALPHA which it has been for 5 months, but in those 5 months amazing things have happened, it was originally on browser and was only supposed to get on steam in mid 2015 but people kept asking for it so they worked day and night on getting it on, they went on greenlight and got greenlit on an amazing time of only 5 days.
you can wait and see if you determine it is worth it, they kinda unlock things as they come along on sales and you can see the backer status on the main page, look at it as it is now, that was updated the 20th december, and the 20th january they are going to add the money gained too and will unlock 1 or 2 new features to develop, last month alone they got a little over 50k
if you are interested you should definately buy the game, i backed the game back in august with 95 dollars and i have as yet not regretted it even once, the devs are active, they look around in forums, join them and answer them, if enough people want a certain feature they try their best to get it into the game, honestly i have never seen a more amazing team, one of them even added me to personally thank me for helping on steam community hub, i was simply baffled.
So buy the game if you dont mind exploring and building, atm its very barebones which means that those are the only 2 options in the game, there are already 307 billion square meter of land on the current worlds though and there are even more to come, so there is enough to look after 😀
If you decide to buy the game you will be welcomed with open arms, looking forward to seeing ya ingame 😀
Participanti would personally be more up for the other idea with cities being the things you can talk to and from, because if its only the spawn point of the world then that is going to be extremely crowded and whenever you spawn you will just be spammed by people standing there.
also if its only server bound, people actually need to go to different servers to figure out if somebody is selling what you want, that also enforces the idea of being able to take the materials from one server and sell on another for a better price since it might be more rare there.
Participantalso this i would be up for as it is on the same server, but when do you define as beaconed, when is it a city, does that mean i can just place a beacon and spam server chat from there? how big or how many beacons would a ”city” count as if it wasnt?
i’m just highly against being able to ANYWHERE on the map speak to ANYONE in the game or server, so if it was only in things called cities it would be fine, even though i still feel that shops wouldnt be needed at all since people can just spam what they want until somebody makes it for cheap(unless the thing i suggested with showcasing weapons and armors on stands and mannequinns i would make it simply cause its awesome)
Participantwell anything can be op, what they have in defense they lack in dmg.
ParticipantIts physical bulleting boards, they have stated they will be in there and i dont think they should ”magically” be server or world wide, its for things like a shopkeeper where people can write the item they want when they are out or to put in the town square if the leaders of the town decides something special.
Participantwell it might just be me that is cynical then. but every game i have played with anything resembling global or trade chat is always spamemd either with gold sellers or morons, but also think back, have you ever met face to face or went to a specific place in hope of selling an item in those games? i remember in wow if you had something you wanted to sell or buy you would just spam trade chat, never needing to move anywhere, which isnt fitting at all for this game :/
Participantthe game is about building, exploring, making guilds, cities, towns and shops.
its not a choice whether or not you can turn it off, it affects the no matter what. if you let everybody just spam a global chat for everything you get the soloist mentality poisoning all mmo’s now adays. why would shops ever matter if you can just spam chat? why would inns ever matter if you can just spam chat? why would exploring ever matter if you could just spam chat?no ingame things would EVER matter if you add global chat, it may make sense to you since its convenient if you have no intention of being near other players or making a shop, but it will massively hurt those of us who actually want face to face interaction.
if you add global chat for convenience then you go directly against the point of the entire game.
i also described above the only global chat system that would make sense, 1 time use items that takes time and money to make which means it wouldnt be abused as a always online global chat will