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  • in reply to: Races #7854

    Please make double scythe wielding a thing *_* I’d die for that. (Even just scythes as weapons would be awesome!)

    in reply to: Races #7853

    First, I thought: Please, no attributes for different races.
    But with reading this thread I changed my mind a bit. (And I recently started playing GW2 so that might be a reason too^^) Still there shouldn’t be anything only one races can do. Maybe a race moves faster but the other races could use speedspells to get the same effect (of course the faster moving race could use this spell to and be even faster but thats not the point). Or one race could breath underwater but the other races could make some sort of helmet or mouthpiece to do the same.
    But there should be only one or two skills like that for every race and it should be something you wouldn’t bother considering too much while choosing your race. So you can almost purely go for asthetics.

    As for ideas I have only one: Please make a smart race, one thats known for the things they invent and build *_* (Like I said started playing GW and fell in love with the Asura^^ Gomen^^)

    in reply to: Races #7852

    Oh I’d love a skillsystem similar to RS, as grindy as it was it made fun^^ But I’m not so sure if it fits into Oort. Maybe take certain elements like you said.

    in reply to: Quest System – Procedurally Generated? #7851

    Honestly, I’d may do one or two of this quests and that’s it. I’d much rather have other players give out quests than some stupid NPC.
    If I don’t have to do the quests AND they don’t scream for attention, why not have them. But as soon as there is an icon on the minimap or an NPC which screams for help all the time, it’s more a bother for me than anything which helps the game.

    in reply to: World size #7850

    Why not have many different shapes?^^ Maybe not know because difficult and stuff, but I’d love to have eventually many different shapes like ellipsoids, cubes, rings or even something like a möbius strip.

    in reply to: Chat System? #7849

    I’ve played no game so far with global chat which could grab my attention for more than a few hours (except Minecraft) and this might be coincidence. But it could also be indirectly linked.
    I played Runescape for years. It was the first MMO I really enjoyed and sunk hours even days into it. And it didn’t have a global chat (I don’t know if it has now). So what happened when you came to Runescape the first time? You didn’t have a clue what to do and there was no global chat to help you. But there where others around you who also didn’t have the faintest what to do. And since you could only talk with them because chat had a certain radius (I believe it was render distance, which wasn’t a lot) you’d team up with them. Being clueless together isn’t as embarassing as randomly walking around alone.

    The same goes for the grinding (let’s be honest RS was pure grinding even if it was fun). You would be hours at the same spot to level your skills. And since you could still only talk to the people you could see, you’d make new friends, pass time while stupidly grinding and exchange tipps and tricks for the game. Even if you were shy. You could only see the chat of this few people and eventually you’d have something to say to the topic and they’d let you in on the conversation.
    I’ve never seen such a helpful community since then.

    The point I’m trying to make is, if you have no global chat then you have to rely on the people in your surroundings. And I’m sure I’m not the only one who can make friends better if I see them standing in front of me (and if I’m not constantly distracted by something someone says miles away from me).

    How about having a trading place token? (I’m not sure if it was already mentioned, sorry if it was) A town could make this token to place in the beacon(s) around their market place. (Maybe it’d give other perks too.)
    Well this depends on how far you could actually hear someone. If someone says something and is outside of this range but still inside the market, which is marked by this token, you’d be able to hear it nonetheless if you’re in this zone too.
    Note: this doesn’t mean you’d be able to communicate with other marketplaces.

    I hope I said everything which came to my mind while reading this thread^^ and excuse the excessive use of brackets^^

    in reply to: Toroidal world maps #6928

    Well last time I saw Luca working on spherical mapping and I think he can do it. But who knows what will come^^

    btw what stands the W for?

    in reply to: Toroidal world maps #6925

    They are working on spherical worlds which wrap around so you’ll end up where you started if you walk in the same direction. But why not have a donut shaped world where you can see the world on the other side of the hole? That would look awesome!^^

    in reply to: Oort the Galaxy of Worlds #6924

    They’re thinking about exactly these questions at the moment I’d say.
    But one I can answer. Since every server is a world, you will carry everything your character has on him to the new world. It wouldn’t make any sense if you couldn’t. But as this is so clear to me, I’m not sure I answerd the question you asked^^ If not please rephrase it.

    in reply to: Character Races is the next feature. #6737

    We’ll never see who was dumb and who wasn’t. But one side is it and I think it were the ones voting on races. That they were the majority doesn’t negate anything. It doesn’t even have anything to do with it.

    But well it’s my choice who I think is smart and who isn’t, if there will never be a proof. There’s nothing ignorant about that.

    in reply to: Character Races is the next feature. #6410

    The devs could (and I’m sure they would) only choose if there was a tie.

    in reply to: Character Races is the next feature. #6406

    Yea crafting should come soon I hope and some combat things are already implemented (the slingshot and “railgun” thingys).

    You’re right that Races helps the immersion but it doesn’t add anything to really play with and some just don’t want to play beautiful Minecraft. They want to hunt and do other stuff. With creatures we could give this part of the community something and not just make the already playing part more immersed.

    in reply to: Character Races is the next feature. #6405

    we (the funders) vote on a feature which will be the next one to be funded if the previous one reaches the goal. In this case did crafting get funded and apparently did the majority of funders think Races should be funded next.

    in reply to: Combat skills / utility skills #6401

    Thank you^^ (I’m just way too lazy to even search for it xD so thanks anyway little fairy xD)
    Yea it’d be pretty tiresome to do it all over again.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Kuma.
    in reply to: Character Races is the next feature. #6400

    It could be that the smart voters were so split between beacon and creatures that Races made the race (what a pun…)

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